The Oasis Wyrm Egg


"Ah right, the ornaments!" Silvia gasped. "We completely forgot because of that Wyrm battle, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess we could leave that for tomorrow right? There's no urgency," said Justicio.

"Hm, yeah, eating comes first," nodded Aquarina. "We can go find them tomorrow morning once we wake up fresh like lettuces."

"Hmph! Y-You better do!" Khepri got a bit annoyed the youngsters would forget things so easily. "These youngsters… always taking life so carefreely!"

She talked like a grandma, and perhaps she was, as she had lived for, definitely, hundreds of years by now.

"Eh, well, you'll get used to it," Undine interacted with her. "I used to think like you before."

"Oh! Another fellow spirit that can speak!" said Khepri. "Don't tell me, you've got some sort of mysterious past like me?"