Anjarin High School and Suyoki High School vs Sumi and Valmatas


"Yes, Master Hero Rey?" Sumi knelt down to Rey.

"Order your entire Troops and the Valmatas Troops to attack!"

"Alright, Mister Hero Rey." Sumi then stood up and ordered all her Troops along with the Valmatas Troops. "All of you, attack!!"

The Sumi Troops which was the Angel Troops, the Valmatas Army which was the Troops full of armor like Valmatas, they all screamed and came out of that time and space, and started attacking all everything around.

"Uaah!! Help!!"

"Help me!! Kyaaa!!!"

Everyone there, including the students from Anjarin High School and Suyoki High School, were heavily attacked by the Sumi Troops and Valmatas Troops.

Several Valmatas Troops, plunged into the duel arena where Lisa, Kira, Romeo, Chunin, and Moriko were still in it. They all then attacked with their own weapons. Among all of them, there are those who hold hammers and swords.

Lisa then took out some thorn roots from the ground and was about to tie up the troops. However, one of the troops internalized the roots of the thorns and gathered them into one place.

"What!?" Lisa who saw it, was shocked.

One of the Valmatas troops with a sword weapon, cut the roots of the thorns and headed straight for Lisa. One of the Valmatas troops with a sword weapon, cut the roots of the thorns and headed straight for Lisa.

But suddenly, Kira appears in front of him and stops him. He then turned around while raising the troops' weapons and slashing the stomachs of the troops.

Then followed by Lisa with her Thorn Root Whip. Lisa tied the swordsmen's necks with her Thornroot Whip, spun around, and threw them at the hammered troops.

The swordsmen and the hammered troops were flung against the walls of the dueling arena. Meanwhile, Kira heads towards them and directly stabs them both at the same time. The two troops later died.

Meanwhile, Chunin Arika, took out a giant Orchid Flower from the ground. "The Orchid Power: Deadly Acid Shot!" The chnin then shoot the acid from the Orchid at the Valmatas troops.

Several troops that led to Chunin, were hit by the acidic liquids and immediately disappeared, merging with the acidic liquids.

Chunin then takes out thorn roots to bind the remnants of Valmatas' army. Suddenly, the troops were cut down by someone. It was Romeo Ishida with his Two-Knife-Big Chain.

"Romeo... thank you for helping me!" said Chunin.

However, from behind Chunin, there was an army of swordsmen Valmatas, jumping high and about to slash at Chunin. But Moriko appeared with his scythe and stabbed the troops. Moriko then spun around, and threw the troop with his scythe.

"Oh... Moriko, thank you!" said Chunin to Moriko.

"Chunin, you should be more careful!" said Moriko

"Okay... I'm sorry..."

Meanwhile, up in the sky...

"Huh... this place is too narrow to be a battlefield. Well... then, let's make a field!" Rey raised her hand to chest level, and stuck out her index finger. Then, a ball of light formed above Rey's index finger, it continued to grow. "Death Light Ball: Destructive Photon Laser!" From that ball of light, a small laser shot shoots out, aiming at Tokyo City. Then...


The laser exploded a burst of light that spread everywhere. Moriko who saw it, shouted at Lisa and Kira. "Hey, you two! Get behind me!"

"A-Alright!" said Kira. Lisa and Kira then rushed towards the back of Moriko. And just before they were hit by the burst of light, Moriko immediately reached out and blocked the burst of light.

Moriko's hand, which was holding back the burst of light, was getting more and more red from the temperature of the burst of light she was holding back.

After the explosion, Moriko knelt down in pain while holding back the heat in her hands.

Chunin who saw it, immediately approached him and said, "Moriko, are you okay!?"

"Yeah... I'm okay.." Moriko stood up while holding her and held back the heat in her hand.

Then, Akira appeared with the members of the Akira Round Table, along with Principal Akyoji and Principal Oriyo.

"Yo! You two, it looks like you guys survived!" Akira greets Lisa and Kira.

"Oh... Akira! Yes, we both survived!" said Lisa.

"Well . . . fine, then."

"Dad, what's really going on here?!" asked Moriko to Principal Oriyo.

"I don't know, but for the time being, we should cooperate with Anjarin High School." Principal Oriyo then apologized to Principal Akyoji. "Akyoji, I apologize for the ridicule earlier."

"Well, whatever... this time I'll forgive you." Akyoji replied and accepted the apology. "By the way, about the explosion of light just now... it should have been someone with the Deadly Anti-Photon ability. And... as far as I remember, in history, the only person with that ability was..."

Suddenly, there were three explosions of dust in front of all of them and it generated a strong gust of wind. Everyone who saw him was shocked, except for Principal Akyoji and Principal Oriyo.

"Akyoji, don't you mean...'

"Yeah, as I thought, the explosion of light just now… was your doing, wasn't it? The Hero of Legend, Rey Jinju?"

"Oh, looks like I'm still known to the earth today."

"Legendary Hero... Rey Jinju?!" said Akira who was shocked.

"Hero of Legend, Rey Jinju, what do you want here?" asked Principal Akyoji.

Rey who heard it, smiled. "I want... the world!"

"Then we will stop you!"

Akira, Principal Akyoji, and Principal Oriyo then draw out their magic weapons: Scythe (Akira), Great Spear (Principal Akyoji), Two-Sword Dagger (Principal Oriyo).

The members of the Akira Round Table, also draw out their magical weapons: Two-Sword Dagger (Jin), Spear (Mika), Katana-Sword (Tomoshi), Bow of Love (Mitsu), Great Sword (Junin).

Rey who saw it, was more interested and smiled broadly. "Sumi, Valmatas, kill them all!"

"As you wish, Master Hero Rey!" Sumi and Valmatas then attack them all.

It started with Valmatas who jumped at all of them and hit his hammer. It caused a huge dust explosion like a sandstorm was brewing. Luckily, Lisa, Kira, and the others managed to escape.

Valmatas then turned his hammer to let out a gust of wind that sent them all flying even more. However, they all managed to land safely.

Suddenly from above, there was light. It was the light that came from the ball of light that Sumi formed. Sumi then shoots a laser light from the ball of light at Lisa and Kira. However, Moriko rushed towards Lisa and Kira and blocked the laser light.

Meanwhile, Principal Akyoji threw his Great Spear at Sumi. The spear spun and emitted purple-red smoke. It also went fast.

Sumi who saw it, stretched out her hand at the Great Spear, thinking that it was just a shot and she just had to endure it.

However, suddenly, Principal Akyoji appeared near the Great Spear and held it. Sumi who sees it is shocked. Principal Akyoji wielded his Great Spear, then spun around, and was about to slash Sumi with his Great Spear.

However, Valmatas jumped from below and blocked Principal Akyoji's slash with his hammer. Valmatas then throws Principal Akyoji with his hammer, but Principal Akyoji lands safely.

Valmatas chased after him, and attacked him multiple times with his hammer. Principal Akyoji continued to dodge. However, at some point, Valmatas is bound by Lisa's thorns.

Valmatas tries to untie the knot, but Lisa continues to strengthen the knot of the thorns.

Kira, Akira, and the members of the Akira Round Table, start attacking Valmatas with their magic weapons from various directions. Valmatas is stabbed, slashed, and shot by Mitsu's arrows of love.

Principal Akyoji also attacked Valmatas. And the final blow from him, came. Principal Akyoji took a stance from afar, drew his Great Spear, and formed purple-red auras on his spear. "Ultimate Deadly Shot: Atom Shot Destroyer!" Principal Akyoji then threw his Great Spear. It spun around, emitting thick purple-red smoke, and aimed at Valmatas.

When the Great Spear stuck into Valmatas' armor, it caused an enormous explosion, with purple-red explosive smoke.

"It worked!!" said Mitsu happily.

After the smoke from the explosion dissipated, Valmatas looked silent and his eyes closed, looking like he was dead. However, his eyes suddenly opened again and began to move.

He kept moving and trying to untie the knot. Lisa tries to strengthen the bond, but she can't take it anymore. In the end, Valmatas was released from Lisa's thorns.

Valmatas then spun around with his hammer. It produced a gust of wind that threw everything near it. Principal Akyoji, and the others, were thrown far back. However, they all landed safely.

Valmatas then jumped up, pulled his hammer up, and slammed it to the ground. It made the surrounding lands crumble and be flung out.

They were all hit, thrown back, fell and rolled on the ground.

"Ugh... Lisa...?" Kira looked around. He saw all his friends passed out.

"Ugh..." Lisa stood up and got back up.

"Lisa!" Kira who saw her, immediately stood up and headed towards him. "Hey, Lisa...are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah... I'm fine..." answered Lisa.

But suddenly, there was an explosion of light. Then, there are four dust explosions in front of Lisa and Kira. It was Principal Oriyo, Romeo, Chunin, and Moriko.

"All of you...!" Lisa then runs up to Principal Oriyo and the three others, but she stops in surprise, seeing that they all passed out.

Lisa who saw it, knelt down with her eyes wide open. "No... we can't win... no... no!!" Kira screamed whining, but someone grabbed her shoulder. That's Kira.

"Kira...?" said Lisa.

"Don't worry, we can do it!"

"But... how?"

"I... know, we can't win. But, don't you want to have a new experience?" said Kira. Lisa who heard it, her empty eyes turned back to how they were before as if she had calmed down again.

"Back when we were in that park as kids, you said and promised, 'I'll be a really great person through all the obstacles and make new experiences', right? If you're scared, I'm with you."

Lisa who heard that, became excited, and said, "Alright!" He then grabbed Kira's hand and got back up ready to fight.

Meanwhile, Sumi and Valmatas, walking out from the dust around like very strong people were getting serious.

"Lisa, get ready!"


Lisa and Kira then pulled out their magic weapons from the empty space. The two of them, mounted their fighting stances very firmly, and were ready to fight.

Lisa and Kira, then rushed towards Sumi and Valmatas with their very fast run.