The clones

The man groaned. He parted his lips looking like he wanted to argue with his brow furrowed but he pressed his lips together and said nothing at the end.

The man did as Liam told him to. As Liam thought, the wall was really thin and they had to run out when it looked like the cave wanted to collapse.

The bright light of an afternoon sun was what welcomed Liam. He was riding a horse and he stopped.

"Your highness, is everything okay?" the voice of the knight asked him.

Liam turned to the man. He thought he was unconscious earlier what was he doing then? Who sleeps on a horse? This was just too crazy.

"What is the meaning of this?" Liam asked angrily as he looked at the strange place. They were in the woods and they were traveling.

How could they continue the journey with him on the horse when he was unconscious? They might just kill him since that was the only motive he could come up with.

The guard looked puzzled as he met Liam's gaze. "I do not understand what you mean, Your Highness."

"Why am I on a horse?" Liam asked. It was when he was done, that he discovered how ridiculous the question sounded but he did not take it back as he wanted to get to the end of it all.

"You told us to continue the journey through the night when you got attacked and we have been on the road for all this time."

Liam did not want to believe what the man said because it would mean someone else was in control of his body when he was locked up in that cave.

Alas, his enemies also existed in his body. Could this get any worse?

"I wonder who made me continue the journey," Liam murmured as he continued forward.

"Could it be the person behind the attack?" he heard a suggestion and despite how it sounded like a conflicting thought or simple thoughtful calculations someone could make on his mind, he knew it belonged to his new friend.

"If the poison was not to kill me then it was to make me lose control of the body. That makes sense but I don't think I would have ordered a bunch of girls to stab my body. What if I died in the process," Liam replied his new friendly thought.

"Do you mean the prince? The prince is dead, totally dead. Do you remember the mass grave? They were all like the prince. Do you think they were trying to create clones?"

"You are not making any sense this time," Liam simply commented and decided to forget about it all until it happens again.

Whoever they were, they would most likely come back when he realizes Liam has taken over the body again and they might get a chance to fight this out.

"There is a lot you did not sign up for, right?"

"That is exactly what I was about to say."

It has been a few days since he was locked up in the cave and it seemed like only a few hours at the most. They had continued the journey since the attack and they were only a town away from the capital.

That was too much for him to take in as he waited patiently to see a sign of Alessia. He felt she was the only person who could give him full information about what happened after he heard her throw the doctor down with a punch.

They stayed at an inn in the next town which was very busy and lively. They seemed to be a lot more modernized than the other towns he had stayed in. they were very nice and jovial to him.

The women would start a conversation with him while massaging him and he found one to help him find Alessia.

He was not sure if the woman would be able to do it and he was shocked when there was a knock on his door an hour later.

"You look different," Alessia told him when the woman left the two of them.

"Why did you follow her?" Liam was forced to ask when he realized she had followed the woman when he did not tell the woman much to persuade her.

"Are you seriously asking me that? You seem to want to sweep off all you did to me away under the rug. I hate you so much," she murmured as she met his gaze.

"What did I do?" Liam asked calmly. "I almost died; I was poisoned."

"You are such a jerk. You woke up almost immediately and left. You got me so worried when the doctor said your heart was no longer beating.

"You simply stood up from the bed and left me. when I asked you if you were alright, you flung my hand off. Do you want me to list them all out for you?

"I must be a fool to follow you to the capital. I was still worried. You did not look like you were yourself but I was wrong. This is the same way you looked at me then," she accused him and turned to leave the room.

"You should not leave like this, you have come here already," he stopped her with a gentle hold on her wrist. "Have you heard anything about cloning?" Liam asked her seriously as he released her hand since she was not struggling to leave.

"Cloning?" she asked with her brow furrowed and her eyes slightly narrowed.

"Yes, I mean duplicating one person," he tried to explain to the best of his ability.

"They did in the past but they burnt the person who did it," she replied to him seriously and leaned closer. "He used black magic and technology," she whispered carefully.

"Was he the only person who succeeded? Could there be someone else who knows it?"

"Yes, some say the mad magician was warned by the royal family when he began a study about it. That was more than a decade ago. I heard he was banned from entering any town or city so he lives in the forest," she told him speaking very carefully and thoughtfully.

"Do you think he is dead?"

"No, he cannot be dead."

"Could you help me find him?"

She looked at him shocked and looked away sharply. "I . . . I don't think it will be an easy task to find him and even if I did, you are not allowed to meet him."

"Are you willing to help me to find him? If you do, I will pay you handsomely," he tried to persuade her. That man could be the key to understanding what was happening to him.