She'd rather die

As he got closer to her, he inhaled deeply. She smelt so good, it made him inhale again. He wondered if she made that scent with magic since he could not remember any scent in his past life that smelt enticingly good.

She continued to hold onto his hand even when they got to the circle he could not see. He expected the ritual to involve blood and animal sacrifices but he was wrong as she smiles and held onto his hand like a couple praying together.

When she was done, she released his hand and stepped away from him with a smile. "You could eat now, your highness," she said still maintaining her smile.

"Just like that? Why didn't they tell me it was this easy?" he exhaled as he walked away from her. He did not know what she was to him and he did not know how close he should be to her as he did not want to let the scent coming from her have any effect on him.