Spending Time Together

Tito then parked his car near the beach. Fildza immediately got out of the car and rushed to the beach. Fildza likes the beach. It had been a long time since he had gone on vacation to the beach because of his busy schedule. Fildza was like a happy little child. Tito could only smile at the happiness that radiated from Fildza's face.

Tito walked after Fildza, turned and approached Tito, and hugged Tito tightly while saying thank you. Tito also accepted it with pleasure.

You should have told me so I could prepare everything. Fildza said after releasing her hug.

"It's not a surprise if I tell you the name first," replied Tito.

At least I can bring my swimsuit, said Fildza.

There's no need for a swimsuit. We are having fun now, said Tito, pulling Fildza's hand towards the beach to play in the water.

Kyaaa!!! shouted Fildza

Tito, I'm soaking wet! Fildza shouted at Tito.

Hahaha, it's ok we can change later, replied Tito with a laugh.

They enjoyed their time together at the beach. It was getting late so they decided to end the game on the beach and change clothes. Tito happened to have spare clothes in the car and lent them to Fildza. Fildza then changed clothes in a public toilet near the beach.

Fildza wore a slightly oversized sweater and Tito's knee-length shorts. Tito smiled at him.

Wow, so adorable, said Tito after seeing Fildza.

No other clothes? Fildza asked.

Nothing, replied Tito, shaking his head.

Fildza approached Tito and whispered in his ear,

I'm not wearing underwear, can you find it for me? Fildza whispered in Tito's ear.

Tito, who heard Fildza's whisper, suddenly turned red and began to stutter.

He-hey w-what do you mean? Tito asked nervously while pushing Fildza away from him.

You brought me here without any plan right now. My underwear is wet. If I keep wearing it, I'll catch a cold, not to mention my clothes will get wet again, so now we need to find underwear for me. after all I'm starting to feel cold, explained Fildza at length while nagging Tito.

All right, I'm sorry even though I want to invite you to see the sunset but, your underwear is more important, what can you do said Tito feeling guilty.

What did you say? Sunset? Is the time coming soon? Fildza asked curiously.

Of course, you see there? The sun had started to fall. Let's quickly get in the car, we will find a convenience store near here that sells underwear for you to wear. Take Tito.

I'll just look for it later. I will enjoy this sunset first. It's a shame if you just pass it up, said Fildza again.

Are you serious Za? What if you are sick? Tito asked, getting worried.

It doesn't matter, never mind you don't talk much, we better enjoy this beautiful view without talking too much, said Fildza again reassuringly.

Mm okay, replied Tito with a smile.

They enjoyed the beautiful sunset that day with happy feelings. watching the sunset, closing their short vacation trip that they had done that day. As the sun began to set and it was getting darker, Tito suddenly said something that made Fildza a little surprised and embarrassed at the same time.

Would you like to go stay with me? Ask Tito to Fildza

Hearing Tito's question made Fildza's heart, which was calm at that time, suddenly feel like it was racing like a rocket that shot into the air.

That morning Fildza woke up from her deep sleep. Fildza opened her eyes slowly and she saw Tito was sleeping in front of her hugging her. Fildza smiled shyly. because she thought about the amazing thing she did with Tito last night. This was the first time for her in her life. He also just found out that falling in love was not as bad as she imagined.

Then Tito opened his eyes and looked at Fildza with a smile. He kissed Fildza's forehead and said good morning so affectionately. They were both reluctant to wake up because they seemed to be enjoying their time together.

Fildza felt a little hungry, then she got out of bed and was about to call the hotel receptionist to order food for her and Tito as well. But when Fildza was about to stand up, Tito pulled Fildza's hand so that Fildza sat back on the bed and turned her back to Tito. Fildza wanted to speak, Tito immediately hugged her tightly from behind. Instantly Fildza's face turned red.

Fildza was spending the night with Tito. where for the first time Fildza felt like spending the night with a man she loved. Tito at that time was very spoiled to Fildza. even he was reluctant to let Fildza away from him.

"Hey, what are you doing? I want to order breakfast for both of us. Let's let go!" said Fildza while trying to let go of Tito's hand who was hugging her.

"Just give me 5 minutes like this," Tito said.

Fildza turned to Tito, then Fildza hugged Tito again. Tito smiled widely because he was so happy. After some time finally, Fildza was able to order food for her and Tito.

"I'll take a shower first, okay?" Tito said as he got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

"Mmm," said Fildza.

Knock knock knock ... There was a knock on the hotel room door.

Fildza rushed to the door and opened it. it turned out that one of the hotel employees delivered the dish she had ordered before. Fildza took it and did not forget to thank the hotel staff.

Shortly after the food was delivered Tito came out of the bathroom. Tito came out wearing bathrobes and made Fildza smile.

"Why are you smiling?" Tito asked as he came out of the bathroom.

"Ah, it's nothing. It's just that you look very handsome and seductive," Fildza replied with a small laugh.

"Teasing you say? I will show you how tempting I am to you, " Tito said approaching Fildza and was about to hug Fildza.

"Wait! I'll take a shower first. Your breakfast is on the table if you're hungry," Said Fildza while avoiding Tito's embrace and walking towards the bathroom.

"Okay," said Tito, smiling at Fildza's adorable behavior.

After they finished their breakfast, they packed up to leave the hotel. They were so very happy and in love with each other.

Fildza and Tito are spending more time together.