6. Back to the home

Ajay looked at the display in front of him. There was a zero km/h showing in the centre and two numbers were shown below the speedometer. One was the total distance travelled and the other was the battery percentage remaining.

On the right side of the speedometer were two options Automated and manual. Ajay didn't drive the car. He opened the door and got out of the car.

Ajay looked around the showroom and started to walk. After a few minutes of walking around, He found another department in the showroom. There were many types of trucks placed in a line mainly according to size like small, medium and big.

Ajay went ahead of the trucks and came to another department. The interior of this department was of a completely different style. It was like antique style compared to other departments.

There were also old type cars. Antique was like compared to the first futuristic style it was of a more old model. There was a full black muscle car. Ajay's eyes lit up. His favourite and dream car is a muscle car like Mustang.

Ajay went in the car. the leather was of cream colour. It was smooth and comfortable. This car was not automatic. In the first car, there was no gear, but in this, it was similar to that of Earth. Even there was no start/stop button but started by a key.

Ajay turned the key, and the car started. The sound of the car was very loud. Ajay stepped on the pedal,

A loud sound boomed in the showroom. Ajay's face turned red with excitement.

'This car is every man's romance.' Ajay looked around the car. He was very satisfied with the car. Then he looked at the various parameters.

"Most of them are very similar to the earth's cars. What this car runs on fuel!" Then his sight fell on word written fuel.

"In this technologically advanced world, there are still cars running on fuel. Wait a minute, maybe it can be biofuel right, In this technologically advanced world biofuel is not difficult to produce. Hmm, let's ask Alice."

"Hey Alice, what is the fuel used in this car?"

"Okay, now stop right there, I don't need to know what is biofuel. I am okay with knowing that this world has biofuel used on a mass level. Just tell me can biofuel can be produced easily."

"Ok, that's good to hear. I can sell biofuel in my world. Let's take a drive."

Ajay pumped the accelerator. A loud sound broke in the showroom. Ajay stepped on the clutch and turned the gear vertically upward to the first gear. The gears were in the vertical position. On top was Reverse gear, then first, second and up to sixth gear. Ajay then stepped on the accelerator.

The tyres turned quickly and started slipping on the spot. A screeching sound reverberated in the showroom. The car shoot like an arrow and Ajay felt a huge backward force on him. He quickly braked. The car stopped after a few meters. It stopped only a few meters from the wall.

'Sigh' Ajay sighed in relief. He used his sleeve to remove the sweat from his forehead.

'The acceleration of the car is like F1 cars.' Then he slowly stepped on the accelerator.

This time the car started slowly. Ajay slowly drove the car outside the showroom. When he wants to step on the accelerator He saw the road was full of rubble and cars.

"I can't drive this car on this congested road. Let's clear the road with a truck first. I can drive this car when I come again."

Ajay drove the car back to the showroom. He entered the small truck and drove outside the showroom. A small truck was enough to clear the road.

Ajay had never driven the truck before. So at the start, he felt slightly awkward, but after a few tries, he drove it easily. He slowly started to clear one side of the road to drive the car.

It took him more than half an hour to clear the road.

"The truck is very strong and most importantly durable. I feel even road roller cannot put a dent on this truck. The material used is quite strong." After clearing the road Ajay went into the mall with the help of Alice.

There were many clothing shops in the mall. Ajay chose a random shop named Lexi with a logo of three holes in a triangle.

"I don't know who thought of this logo. Even I can come with a better logo than it."

"OK, Sorry." Ajay felt slightly awkward.

'Well if there are millions of logos, then this logo looks good.'

Ajay selected a few dozen summer clothes. The design and material of the clothes were superb.

"Let's change the clothes after returning. I am dirty from top to the bottom."

Ajay checked the time. He had around 1 hour to return home. He walked around the town. But didn't go far from the entrance. He brought a new Watch and a new High-end Buttler robot. They weren't charged. He also took a few batteries with him.

Then Ajay returned back to the car showroom. He selected the offroad car as it is easier to drive an offroad vehicle in the desert. He put all the clothes, watch and robot in the car.

"Let's not bring old robots. If it became like the terminator, it will be dangerous. New robot doesn't have any ownership." He switched off the watch.

Ajay drove the offroad car. He scanned his fingerprint in the display for claiming its ownership.

"This car looks like Thar jeep. There is a speaker outside the jeep to mimic the sound of a jeep as Electric vehicles don't have their own sounds. Maybe it is to tell other drivers of the car with sound."

The car ran into the desert leaving the dust behind. Ajay was enjoying the Air conditioner in the car. He was listening to the songs of this world that he has never heard before.

After 20 minutes of driving, he reached the portal. If it was a road instead of a desert it would only take around 10 minutes to reach the portal. Ajay opened the door of the car and brought the rest of the things and closed the door. He dragged the things into the portal. It took him a few rounds to bring all the things in the portal.

After placing things in the room. He heaved a sigh of relief and removed the sweat from his forehead. He was dead tired after the journey. He sat on the floor directly watching the desert in the portal. After a few minutes, he thought of the time when the portal appeared in his room.

'There were two words that came into mind, right. When I said open the portal opened. That time due to shock I forget about other word. If open used to open the portal, then exit will.' Ajay became excited. He quickly said the word.


Suddenly the portal quickly vanished from the spot like it had never been there.

"If there was no sand on the floor maybe I will feel that I am dreaming. Well, it's good that I can open and exit according to my will. It will be easier to hide it. Let's clean the room before my parents see the dust around."