19. Subordinates

Ajay turned his head and looked at a woman around 30 years old. She had a melon seed face with fair skin. She looks beautiful, It looks that the designers designed the secretary robot with care. All the curves on the body were made right in the right places. It should be done by an enthusiastic person.

"You will be my secretary from now on. My schedule and appointments will be arranged by you from now on. Friday will be in contact with you all the time from now on."

Then, Ajay looked at the stern looking man standing straight. He was around 35 to 40 years old, he has full moustaches and a 3 to 4 inches beard trimmed with slightly furrowed burrows, His eyes were sharp like an eagle. An ordinary person will pee his pants at his single glance. 'It looks like a programming of soldier effect that even standing still exudes the soldier's aura.'

"You will be chief of all the guards. Mine and company security will be your responsibility from now on."

The chief gave a standard military salute and said Then he relaxed and opened his lips to speak.

"Weapons? What kind of weapons? Where will we get the weapons."

"What kind?"

"OK, go and collect all the weapons in the town and make an inventory. Fully equip all the Guards and soldiers present and as for the rest just store them in the basement of the villa, we will use them when we expand the company and need more Guards and Soldiers."

"Now, as I need to converse with you three a lot, I will give some names to you."

The three robots slightly bowed.

"Let's call your Ishaan from now on," Ajay said to the CEO. He then gave the name of Aahana to his secretary and named his Military chief Vikram Pratap. The name seemed domineering.

The three thanked Ajay for giving them names.

Then three of them got out of the room. Afterwards, Alfred came into the room.

"Did you find the robots?"

"Bring them."

Alfred went out of the room and soon brought 5 robots.

The five robots greeted Ajay together. Ajay nodded at the greeting.

"Can you make fake IDs for all the robots, both physical and digital?"

"Then can you register and get a license for kinetic weapons.?"

"Good, you will work from tomorrow and your office will be in a rented building. First, register all the robots as residents according to their looks. Indian looking, black and some neutral looking robots will be registered as Indian, Fair looking like Harvey will be registered as American citizens. If you can't decide, just register him as an Indian, as every kind of person can be found in India. You can find more white people than Uk or USA, more black people than African countries and neutral people's counting is the most."

"I will register a security company, and you will register all the weapons in the name of that company."

"Ok, good you can go now." The five robots bowed and went out of the room. Only Ajay and Alfred were left in the room.

"Alfred, get them ready to go to Earth. First, after renting the building let the construction team to renovate one floor of the building, then renovate the warehouse. Afterwards start the transfer of the machines in the warehouse."

Ajay then stood up and went into the portal and came to Earth. He lay on the bed.

"Friday, Is the money ready?"

"Ok, then wake me up at 6 AM."

He then slept on the new comfy bed, and soon only deep breathing sounds could be heard in the room.

The next day, Ajay woke up in the morning before 6 AM.

'May be this is an effect of Gene strengthen potion.'

Ajay thought while sitting on the bed feeling fresh and full of energy. He brushed his teeth and ate a few boiled potatoes before the workout, then changed his clothes to training clothes. He opened the portal and went into the portal and came to Green Planet.

He quickly found Alfred waiting for him in the room and then went with him into the gym. Today, along with regular weight training, he also started hand to hand combat training.

He used virtual machines today for Hand to hand combat. He on the advice of Alfred played a game to train his muscle memory of punches and kicks. He was a total beginner in combat training, so the accuracy and power of punches and kicks were all over the place.

After training for full 2 hours today, he was full of sweat and dead tired, he went back to the Earth and washed himself in the bathroom. He went downstairs firstly drank the nutritive powder solution and then ate breakfast with his family.

Then, two envoys started from Ajay's house, an envoy of 3 cars went towards the warehouse and another of 2 cars went to the secretariat office. Yes, Ajay brought 5 cars from the green planet and all were black missileproof sedan cars. The envoy of 2 cars went to the secretariat office to negotiate with the government about the land and construction of a waste treatment plant. It mainly consists of Harvey and a few guards.

Three cars stopped in front of the warehouse. A few bodyguards wearing a black suit and black sunglasses with vigilance and a dangerous aura came out of the car and looked around with vigilance to search for any danger. After finding no danger, one bodyguard opened the door on the back seat.