Chapter 28. Stronger than Expected (Part 2)

Editor: Cherish

— What, did he die from a single blow? — Kang Yu, who wasn't trying to kill the boss, frowned and chuckled.

He originally planned to lure the monster to the other Players to defeat the dozens of trolls and orcs guarding the boss.

But his plan collapsed at the moment when the spear made of Magi, created only to attract the attention of the boss, pierced his heart, thus dying.

'Is he really the boss?' Kang Yu, not believing that he really died from one blow, was surprised to see the notifications.

'Maybe I expected too much from a Level B monster.' Kang Yu tilted his head to one side and felt the forces coming from his boss and trolls.

'No.' Still, the boss was stronger than small monsters.

In that case, there's only one conclusion to be drawn:

'I became stronger than I thought.' Kang Yu certainly got stronger after the ritual, but he hadn't thought so after meeting the red-haired girl.

Of course, he started to underestimate himself because he didn't even meet her at a high gate, but at PC Bang.

'Apparently, I still have plenty of power.' He'd gotten to rank 3 and absorbed the Magi through a ritual in the Andras Guild.

But even though Kang Yu had that much power, he wasn't stronger that girl.

'Who is she?' As he remembered the girl with the red hair he accidentally met, he came out of his hiding place.

After losing their leader, the trolls and orcs rushed towards Kang Yu with a wild roar.

Using Power of Blade, he created his black sword and slowly headed towards the monsters.

— We'll have to change the plan a bit, — he said. He'd killed their boss with a single throw of his spear.

He felt like a tiger against opposing kittens.

Kang Yu decided he could handle the monsters himself even without involving the other Players.

— I'll do it myself.

He wasn't the kind of person to do risky reckless things.

From an outside perspective, many of his actions may seem dishonest, even low, but for the sake of his safety, he was ready to do a lot, even risking the lives of others.

Trolls were rushing in his direction, waving their clubs. Kang Yu put the blade forward and sent Magi towards the monsters.

Once it hit their bodies, the Magi turned into sharp blades.

Using the Power of the Blade to the fullest extent.

He could almost use his skills as he did in Hell without much difficulty.

'Wonderful.' Now he felt light in his movements and was able to use the Powers more freely than when he was hunting lizardmen.

Kang Yu smiled satisfactorily. It's nice to be able to recover lost strength. He felt as if he was throwing heavy loads off his shoulders one by one.

Kang Yu cut the monsters into pieces, and their complaining screams spread all over the district.

Those who had not yet been caught up with the Power of Blade felt Kang Yu's might and as he slit almost half the monsters, the trolls and orcs turned around and ran in the opposite direction.

'They weren't so foolish if they figured out to run away.' Probably it wasn't logic, but an instinct for self-preservation.

The monsters who thought they couldn't defeat Kang Yu were running away with horrified screams.

Kang Yu lazily put his hand forward and pointed it towards the monsters.

'This is a great chance.' A great chance to see how far he can go.

Kang Yu concentrated and gathered all the Magi.

There was a cut on his hand and a drop of blood dripped to the ground.

— The land of the Blades.

A blade appeared at the place where the drop of blood had fallen.

Drawing a geometric pattern, the black blades rose out of the ground, directly chasing the monsters.

Trolls and orcs were pierced by the sea of sharp blades and immediately died.

Even though they were monsters, this method of the massacre was too brutal.

The monsters that had barely escaped such a death ran forward without looking back.

[Mass killing of level C trolls successfully completed]

[Mass murder of level D orcs successfully completed]

[Level up by 2]

— Ha! — From Kang Yu's mouth, who used Blade Earth, there was a rude laugh.

At some point, without noticing it, he covered himself up later.

Even so, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked around.

The earth, covered with blades, was covered with the blood of monsters.

The land of the blades.

Kang Yu alone used a power invented and created by a demon called Shabnak.

'Demons have a good imagination.' But they always use their Powers in the same way.

Of course, there were several exceptions, but Shabnak was not one of them.

There was a sound of notification.

[Power of land of Blades successfully mastered](Class: A)

[Your skills have become more precise, the next use will be simplified].

In practical terms, both notices meant the same thing.

Kang Yu thought of using power as good training and headed towards the boss's body.

— It's time to get my sweet bonus.

Kang Yu smiled and started using the Devourer's Power.

It quickly enveloped all the monsters in the area.

'I wonder if it's because the amount of mana stones was bigger.'

The Devourer's Power pulled energy out of the bodies faster than before.

Pulling in all the Magi he wanted, his mood improved, and he thought:

'Mana stones or Magi?' Because now, thanks to his special ability at rank 3, he could pull out Maryok from mana stones, turning it into a Magi.

Kang Yu wasn't sure if it was money or Magi that mattered.

'Magi first'.

[Magi increased by 2 units]

— What? Just two? — Looking at the notice, Kang Yu instantly frowned.

Maybe it's because he already has 50 units and the process is slower now.

By killing the boss and most of the monsters guarding him, he only got two units.

The higher the level, the harder it is to raise it.

— Аh? — Kang Yu suddenly bent his head sideways and looked at the notifications. — 'Those are the same skills.'

The players said that by using special abilities in practice, you can get skills that make it easier to use the ability.

However, since Kang Yu's technique had already been worked out, he didn't notice any changes.

— Hmm… If you think about it that way, special ability is similar to the Powers I have. — Of course, each one has its own peculiarities, but all the Players' abilities are connected.

Kang Yu snapped his tongue and turned.

He had another reason to go up to a high-level gate.

'But before that, the rate of increase was normal.' Kang Yu has a strong Power, but it couldn't really be measured, so the increase was fast.

When he caught the boss, he'd gone up four levels, and when ordinary monsters were killed, he went up two more levels.

After much doubt, Kang Yu decided to turn the level C mana stones, which were in the top ten monsters and the boss, into Magi.

He didn't need money much anymore, but if he advanced higher to earn money, he could get a lot more.

'Pull out all the Magi.' Kang Yu unconsciously focused on the black smoke.

With wild sounds, the Devourer's Power began pulling Magi out of the brutally murdered monsters.

There were only four levels left until the 4th rank.

— Perhaps I will hunt a little more before returning. — In any case, he had to wait for the exit of the big party to slip past the military unnoticed.

With the help of his Power, he immediately found the location of the Players who were looking for the troll boss.

— Well, where's the boss, really?!

— Maybe the inspector officers were wrong.

— Damn it!

After a couple of hours wandering in the woods in search of the boss, the Players began to make angry cries.

They even split up and went in different directions to find the monster, but the boss was nowhere to be found.

— There were only trolls running around chaotically.

— No one found the boss's body, did they?

— There are signs of battle, but no dead bodies were found.

There was doubt on their faces.

— Uh, let's go back.

— Yeah… but we could search a little more…

— Let's just leave. All-day long in a vain…

Their desire to catch the boss died out as quickly as it did.

Several Players offered to leave, and eventually the group headed for the exit.

Kang Yu discreetly joined them from behind.

'If I go out in the crowd, no one will notice me.' Kang Yu was able to achieve a good result thanks to today's hunt, but to go out unnoticed, he faked a disgruntled face and followed the Players out.

— There was no boss there!

— We only wandered for a few hours in vain.

The first Players to leave the gate went straight to the officers, complaining quite loudly about the lack of a boss, creating the perfect environment for Kang Yu to leave.

'Great.' Kang Yu took advantage of the opportunity to slip out of the gate.

But as he touched the ground and was about to go home, a loud order came out:

— Shut up, everybody! — People dressed in red-and-black uniforms approached the gate.

— From… the Hwaran squad?

— Why are the Hwarans here?

— Is that their commander, Baek Hwa Yeon?

— That's really him!

At the head of the uniformed group was a girl with long golden hair gathered in a ponytail.

Subjugated to her charisma, everyone's jaws dropped open.

— Lately, there have been frequent allied murders in the D-level gate, so we will check all Players above 3 ranks. We look forward to your cooperation.

After her words, the squad dispersed all over the field.

Kang Yu was frowning.

'There's no way…' He pressed his lips together tightly and looked at the Hwarans. — 'I won't be caught, right?'