Alliance - Determination

Inside Leo's memory....

A lovely day... His parents were having a conversation with a couple. Six-year-old Leo raced towards them, clutching a beautiful flower and smiling brightly.

"Look, Uncle, I chose this flower for the baby"... He gave an innocent grin.

"Oh! Thank you, little Leo; the baby is asleep; you must become friends with her in the future, okay?" ... that man beamed with warmth

"Yes, I will become friends with her… So that I could play with her and my little sister"... Leo grinned.

"Come on, Azeus, let's discuss over there"... Azeus and Leo's father strolled together, chatting.

Leo kissed the baby and held her hands.....


"Leo?"... Lexus called

"Sorry… Our parents were close in my recollections, and I remember seeing you as a newborn... After hearing of your father's death, my father became enraged and planned for battle. But I heard you and your mother died on the same day"... Leo added

"That is correct... My parents died that day, and my uncle fought your father and ascended to the throne of Lehts. My mother's maid rescued me and raised me on the farm. When I became possessed by the power, all I wanted to do was murder Agirola... So that's why I'd like to make an agreement with you... I'll assist you in defeating Agriola and reclaiming the Leht kingdom"... She stated

Everything remained deafeningly quiet...

"How can we trust you? Who knows whether you'll betray us?" ... Lexus scowled.

"Someone truly despises us"... A strange deep voice emerged...

The atmosphere darkened and became suffocating... The room was filled with a terrifying malevolent air.

"Jarse… I thought, we agreed on me dealing this my way"… she asserted fearlessly

There was a palpable sense of dread across the room. In Neila's behind revealed a sinister figure... It appeared menacing and otherworldly. The horns and teeth, lofty stature, long hideous fingers, and dark eyes resembled black pits of nothingness.

"Don't startle them... Jarse, behave yourself!" Neila got annoyed and ordered

Suddenly, the thing shrank into a humanoid demon shape. With his white long braided hair, elf-like ears, crimson eyes, and light skin, he was exceedingly handsome. He flashed an enticing smile at others. They quickly went from being uneasy to enthralled. Lexus flushed as he saw Jarse. He winked at Lexus.

"So, is he the Esse-Diz?"... Leo inquired.

"Yes, this is Jarse, the Yfel entity I possess, also known as the Esse-Diz. Jarse is the giver and taker of life"... she replied

"It's a delight to meet you all; I can sense the Divine beasts within you snarling fiercely at me... Don't be like that... I'm your senior, after all, "... Jarse grins...

"Senior?... that's amusing... One who defied Allai is unworthy of standing in front of us"... Adad made an appearance.

"I used to work with your father, Adad, the son of KNOL... Along with Xena's mother, AZONA, the mighty ruler of Divine Beast Spirits... Huh! How nostalgic, now I'm working with children"… Jarse chuckles.

"Don't you dare utter my mother's name with your curse mouth betrayer"… Xena appeared furiously.

"HAHAHA… you surely take after her Xena, so scary"… Jarse guffaws once again.

"Leo, please reconsider joining forces with this traitor and Yfel... He is a master manipulator"... Xena stated

Erato and Garud made an appearance as well...

"It's entirely up to you... Even if you don't desire to establish an alliance with us, we will never be going down… Our sole purpose is to assassinate Agriola and Satanus"... Neila's scarlet eyes sparkled, full of her determination.

Leo was stumped... He sunk in his profound thoughts.


While Leo was immersed in contemplation..

"Are these the newborn spirits?"... Jarse inquired of Xena, his gaze fixed on Garud and Erato...

His question is simply ignored by Xena and Adad. Jarse frowns his mouth to the sides, then observes both Erato and Garud. They were glaring him down. He gave them an awkward smile. Then he looked across to Sparrow, who was still fawning over Jarse's charms.

"Why? Is the sparrow still hiding from me?" He inquired...

"Ehh?... That's not it... We don't want to become involved too much at first, and Sylve doesn't want to be disliked by other spirits for backing you"...Sparrow responded on the fly, unwittingly uttering something he shouldn't have.

"What?"... the spirits were perplexed. Others in the room were shocked as well.

"Did I say something wrong? ... Oh, no! She warned me not to say that... I'm sorry"... Sparrow was terrified.

Suddenly, a little sparrow fairy emerged. "You moron," she hit Sparrow on the head. "OUCH!"

"Sylve, could you please clarify why you support the concept of us forming relationships with this embodiment of evil?" ... Xena inquired.

"I'm thinking your mother told you to do it that way... Sylve, the daughter of CELOMA the protector and guardian of Amure"... Jarse enquired.

"That's right, Our mother told her children to assist you once in exchange for the help you provided for her... So, for once, I'll back you up since it's an order from our mother"... Sylve responded.

"Tell her how grateful I am"... Jarse smiled.

That made Xena and the other spirits uncomfortable.

"I've made a decision"... said, Leo

Everyone's gaze was pulled to Leo... He cast a glance towards Neila and Jarse. "I'll make a deal with you two... under certain rules and demands… Do you agree?" he queried, his voice stern.

Neila and Jarse exchange a grin... "Alright… I concur," Neila responded.

"Leo… Can we talk in private?... just us and our spirits"... Lexus says

"You certainly can... Let's go, Mistress"... Jarse commented... "Sparrow and Sylve, you, too"...

"Yes... take your time"... Neila stood up and went out of the room, followed by Jarse, Sparrow, and Sylve.

"Leo, what are you thinking?... They are both extremely harmful"... Xena claims

"I understand"... Leo responds

"So why are we making a deal with them? ... Can you assure us that they will not strike us from behind?" Lexus was enraged.

"Prince, I will obey your directions, but please reconsider"... Eesah also expressed his viewpoint.

Leo looked around... "Are you finished? Is there anything else? Can I say something?" ... he enquired vehemently.

"Let him explain his reasons, people"... Bella shouted.

"Sorry"… Others expressed regret.

"I don't trust them either, just as you... However, if this Esse-Diz is powerful enough to compete with Agriola and Satanus, we can employ them. Our objectives are the same. There was also a promise I made to certain someone... I understand how difficult it is to deal with someone who has betrayed Allai... But, more importantly, I value defeating Agriola, reclaiming Leht throne, freeing my people, and rescuing the world. I'll do it no matter what like I always tell you. It's my responsibility and my parents' last wish," Leo remarked.

"I know, Leo… but what about Liliana?" Lexus asked

"I'm sure I'll find a way, do you think I'll forsake my sister...?" No, if Esse-Diz is a giver and taker of life, he will know how to mend a damaged soul... And the rules and demands we present are initially aimed to control them... If you believe me, please lend me your heart and strength... We shall battle with pride, and we will bring our ancestors' spirits to peace."... like a wounded Raging Lion, Leo declared with his golden eyes gleaming brightly.

"You were a pain in the ass for me since childhood... Huh! My Prince... I believe in you and I will fight beside you to the end"... Lexus grinned.

"Lexus"… With a courageous smile, they shook hands firmly.

"It's true that you're not your father... But now you remind me of him... valiant and fierce, My Prince, we will always guard you"... Eesah and Adad bowed their heads in reverence to Leo.

"Well, I'm terrified... But, because of that monster Yfel, I lost a peaceful family, and I'm not sure if I'm able to support you, My prince... But I want to fight beside you... So I'm in"... Bella and Erato smiled

"You've matured well, Leo, and if this is your decision, I will always accompany you"... Xena grinned and gave a thumbs up...

"Thank you, guys… So let's get started"... Leo smiled boldly.

"But what kind of alliance are you going to form?"... Lexus asked curiously

"Well, I do have some bizarre idea in my mind"... Leo smirked

In the meantime, outside the room.....

"What do you think they are doing inside Sylve?" Sparrow inquired.

"Perhaps a team meeting on the rules and demands... But I don't like how they evicted me with these two... hump!" She growled.

"That's because you openly backed me"... Jarse grinned.

"Quit talking, traitor! I will only assist you at one time... So don't be pompous... I despise you"... She vanished after throwing a tantrum.

'Huh!' Jarse sighed and opened both arms to his sides, in the air.

Neila was gazing up at the night sky... The moon was nowhere to be found, and even the stars were attempting to conceal themselves behind the slowly advancing clouds. 'Is it because the Earth is under him? Are you all terrified of him? Yes, even nature is attempting to run with its last breath... What a hazardous man!... Don't worry, I'll put an end to this agony soon'... she thought as her crimson eyes flashed in the moonlight.