CH1-The first crack.

Dialogs in this [ ] bracket are thoughts.

Dialogs in this " " Bracket are things said by the characters.




Inside a container...

I can feel my body drowning in thick chemical mucus.

Rain-" [Sticky....]"

I felt it on my skin...

Soon a need of wanting to breathe jolted me up.

Rain-"YHAAA!! HAA...HAA...HAA .."

I sprouted out of whatever weird fluid I was inside.

My body aggressively breathed in the very needing air.

But It's as if I was feeling it for the first time, my lungs could not handle this load and I started coughing, rather aggressively...

after calming down a little I noticed my surroundings, I was in the hospital.... or something that was supposed to be one.

Flipped tables.

Bashed windows.

Rotten corpse.

The scene sent a bone-chilling wave through my body, maybe because I was wet or maybe because I'm naked.. but this feeling of scary coldness was not very pleasing...

I tried to move my body from this slime, and it did, but it take me too long to realize, My possible reason for being in a hospital in the first place.

*crack* * clink!* *bhadamm!!!*

My arms could not hold my body weight, As soon as I tried to pick myself up, My limbs gave in, making me lose balance and fall on the hard floor.

Rain-"aarrgh! aahhhhhh...."

The silent hospital fills with my cries of agony,

Rain-"[ Wha!.. What is this place..... where am I?....]"

I remember very clearly, my past actions.

I was being beaten up in a prison cell by my cellmates, why?

I was arrested for a fake accusation of assaulting a minor girl...


I was trying to help her!

but to my miss-fortune, she was a fucking con, a con that lured me into a trap that destroyed my whole life...

But there was no point in thinking about it right now.

Rain-"[Did they hospitalize me after I was beaten up?]"

Well whatever

luckily I am very optimistic, although being one doesn't turn dead into living, it keeps living ones from acting like the dead.

But right now I'm no less than dead.

I try to pull myself up, and with all my might I managed to pick myself up to a manageable position.

As of now, I am sitting on the floor, my eyes naturally running over my body,

Maybe due to the shock of finding myself in an unknown place, I never noticed the state of my body or let alone the body itself.

I was a middle-aged man with a family, I wasn't strong or fat, but just fit enough to move furniture a little bit.

but now...

Not only my whole body was covered in bruises and cuts but my body was quite small,

Juvenile might be a better word, I was around 14 years old right now.

Delicate hands, lean arms, pale skin.

I'm nothing less than a corpse right now,

"Wait for a second..."

Did I got reincarnated to another world?

I remember, I did watch some of the anime and stuff that my sister shared with me.

Although usually MC is either overpowered or a guy with a smart mind with cheat ability...

Rain-"But here I am...., let alone a cheat ability I didn't even get to meet any middleman that would guide me to another world, at least gimme some knowledge or character creation."

Rain-"[ And a cherry on top... I'm bruised like hell]"


The sound of gusts through broken windows is terrifying.... no, ....that would be an understatement, this sound... it's lonely... sad.... defeating.

like the atmosphere itself is dead.

Rain-"[I can't stay here forever]"

Injured or not, I can not stay here for too long, Painfully I stood up...

Rain-"[No shirt.... just bottoms]"

It's getting cold in here, I slowly but steadily dragged myself out of the room.

It's evening, and the sun should go down in about 20 minutes or so, I need to find the exit or at least some proper clothes.


Rain-"[!!!!!!!!!!!!] Arraaaaahh GOD!!!!"

Suddenly my ribcage shoots my brain with sharp pain.

[Maybe some bandages too .....]

As I got out of the room I was greeted by a hallway,

To the right, I saw more dead bodies lined up,

To the left I saw nothing... more like, lights were out.

While to the right, it's just a bloodied mess I had no courage to go to the left where it's all dark, not in this condition...

I proceeded to the right...

Slow steps, I walk while nervously observing my surroundings

The evening gave the surroundings orange lighting...

Honestly, it was beautiful... if you can ignore this decaying hospital and rotten corpses then yes this place is beautiful.

little by little, avoiding stepping on these bodies I finally reached the stairs.

Leading down, I gaze again at my surroundings.

This time, what I see worries me.

Marks, Claw marks, bigger than my torso, Whoever did this, If it is around, I will be dead.


My ears jolted, and to my left, A painful voice came.

[Someone's there]

Someone or something is there, is it something dangerous..., or a person in pain .. what if someone is there just like me...

Should I help them or avoid the risk of encountering something dangerous


Agonizing cries that make my stomach curl were coming like an uncontrollable flood.

Rain-"[fuck it!, if it's a creature I'll die anyway, if not at least I'll save someone! or at be rescued!]

I slowly lead my steps towards the voice, not because I'm scared which I AM!, but because I just can't move any faster

Rain-"[I am the biggest idiot in any history.]"





Third person's POV

At the end of a hallway, a girl was tied or one could say "skewed" in barbed wire.

Her feet not even reaching the floor as her the skin from her legs was being pulled by the wire,

She is wearing a patient gown.

Although it's completely torn to shreds, her skin was not any different, cuts, deep cuts, deathly deep cuts, and thousands of them.

it's a miracle she is alive.


Is she?

Girl-"[I'm hungry]"

The girl thought

she has been like this for the last 5 years.


A sound of something breaking came from upstairs.


It was the first time she heard something besides moans of wind.


Girl-"[SOMEONE'S HERE!!!!!!! Someone IS here!!, IT WAS A SOUND OF GUY! A BOY TO BE EXACT!!].....he....he..hehe..hehehehe"

Her mouth salivated, men have a decent amount of meat while kids are quite soft, she was overjoyed with the thought of chewing on his muscles off his bones all while he was alive and screaming in terror.

she was not gonna kill him right from the start ...


She will enjoy this flavor till its longest length, The moment his eyes will fall on her he will have his head on the high drive, his face will pale, slowly making him run his mind for escape, and his blood will flow through his body making the taste even more delicious.

All she needed was for him to come near her.


In one swift motion, all doors leading to the exit were closed. she could just drag all of the doors so that he could just come here only, but she is not strong enough for it, not yet.

The hospital is rather long...., the boy was too far from any exit he was hoping to find or to hear any sound of doors closing.

Girl-"*sniff sniff*"

She could smell him! anxiety, confusion nervousness, fear!!!!!! she could smell it all!!!!, Her excitement grew rapidly.

She tried to move her arm but was restricted by those wires, as it dug into her skin, she let out a disturbing cry.


These wires were her curse, something she could control, but could not escape.

Her chipped, blood-gnashing nails scratched the floor in frustration.

But it was fine, it was all fine.

She just needed him to get closer to her, the more the better, she wants to see his face, the moment of horror in his eyes.

Girl-"yeaaahhh hahaha"

He was near! , slowly approaching, leaning to the side walls to support himself.

Just a little more and he will be in her clutches!

He was getting close

More Close

More Close

Now she could just wrap these wires in his leg and drag him to her!!


She was overjoyed! and what's more, he was still approaching!!!!!!

Soon she will be in his eyesight! then he will try to run! but wouldn't be able to!

Boy-"hah...hah.., hey?..anyone there?..."

yes !!!"

Girl-"[Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes..haaaahh... HE IS HERE!!! QUICKLY COME NEAR ME!!!!]







Boy-"OH MY GOD, ARE YOU OK!!?????"






He ran towards her, although tried to but on his third step he fell hard face first on the floor.

Blood poured from his nose.

But he didn't care.

He still ran towards her picking up his body he approached,

Boy-"OH, GOD!!"

He weakly lifts his lean frame and cups her face in his palms,




She thought.


Boy-"Just wait a minute! I'll get you out!!!"

He pulled those wires and somehow even managed to pluck them off the walls,

Her eyes widened at this sight, something she tried for almost every night, every day, was done by this little boy.....

This little kid.


blood fell from his fingers.

As if his whole body was not covered in wounds, his fingers started to bleed.

those little delicate fingers, to her, were equal to the sword that freed her from her shackles.






Girl-"... why?"

She uttered.

Girl-"Why are you not scared?"

She questioned


he reacted

Girl-"my eyes are black, my teeth are red, my nails are chipped and my body is covered in disgusting cuts, you should be screaming in horror at just my image in front of you."

She asked, who the hell is he? is he insulting her? saying "I'm not afraid of you!", is this pity?

does she look pitiful? a disgusting little maggot trying to get attention by acting scary.



He screamed with his little mouth, his little cute little face made those tiny sounds.


Boy-"Don't worry I'm almost done!!"

And with this, he pulled off that last wire...





She plopped down on the ground.

Using her hands to support herself she looks at her body.....

It was free...her body was free ... she was free.

Girl-"ah....a... what..... whaaaaaaaa....."

Not being able to contain her emotion or let alone even understand them, she just started crying,

Maybe Crying was the only thing she remembered in her box of memories.

Boy-"It's fine!!!, it's ok! it's ok! don't worry I'm here now! don't worry!"

He wrapped his little arms around her head, patting it.

Girl-"[Warm..., it's .... warm... not painful... not scary but warm and safe]"

Boy-"It's fine to cry as much as you need to, let it all out, then let's go find some bandages and patch you up"

Boy-"Waaahh eaaahhh *inhale* AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!"

His words were sweet as honey, which made her emotions a mess,






