CH9-Don't disobey your Mother.


Riz and Kenny opened the beer that Kenny bought for Jude and herself,

While Kenny was drinking to understand, Riz was drinking out of exhaustion, and tiredness from not knowing what to do.

Kenny-"Black market? experiments? Just who the hell told you that?"

Kenny asked,

Riz-"The Nun at the Church did, ..... said they got some connections with them."

Riz said while chugging down the whole can.

Kenny-"And you believe that? Mom! a blood test can be faked!"

Kenny said with anger, that her reactions were legit and there was a good reason for it too.

Riz-"Say. Kenny, do you know about the Thermal Contract?"

Riz asked, was her daughter a war of such thing? what does she know about it?


Kenny's eyes widened, she could not utter words, she automatically hung her head low, trying to gather up words,

Riz-"I'll take that reaction as a yes, she got me to sign that contract, it said that Rain, without a doubt, is my son"

Kenny-" And I don't think it was all for a free, what else was in that contract?"

Riz-"*Tch!* I need to clear some names for them, that's why I asked you to call your aunt"

Kenny- "Then what about his memory? are we ever gonna, like, help him get them back?"

Riz-" I asked her, and she said it'll take a huge load in his brain, although I don't believe it...., I really can not bring myself to risk it."

Their conservation was short, and later time went quite silently too.

In the afternoon

Both, Jude and Kenny were chatting with Rain, while Jude was simply curious about his life before, Kenny started to press the topic a little too much, but didn't try hard.

Although many things were asked, Rain always had the same answer.

Rain- "I don't remember anything, sorry"

Jude-" it's fine~, we are siblings now, say, how about we go and buy you some new clothes?

Jude asked excitingly, she just a little brother now, ain't no way she ain't spoiling him.

Rain- "Thank you~"

Rain said with a beaming expression, for some reason he was extremely comfortable with Jude as if they have know each other for very long.

With Kenny, it was a little difficult as she was a little intimidating,

The problem was... Riz.

She kept staring at Rain, whether she was sitting in front of him or in the other room, A very disturbing sense of being watched kept haunting him,

Kenny-" Alright!, I think the best way we can bond, is to go out for a nice shopping~, just tell me if you want to buy anything, like ANYTHING!, I'll get it for ya."

Rain-" Th thank you"

Although being treated like this felt very good, but very sudden,

In his previous world, Rain, took care of everything, helping in the house, taking care of his siblings, and even doing a part-time job at a young age just to help his parents financially.

Sometimes he did feel like people were just using him but the fool boy ignored it at the thought of collecting good karma.

Life is harsh, but still living with the thought, that good deeds get a good future, ..... didn't help.

Jude- "Rain? you ok?"

Jude asked gently patting his back,

Rain-"Yeah. I'm fine, just lost in known thoughts."

Kenny-" oh! yeah, Jude, could you follow me for a sec? gotta talk to you in private"

Jude-" ah ok, but it sounds suspicious"

Kenny- "Just come~!"

Kenny dragged Jude away,

The rain left with an amusing expression and watched them go.

Rain-"haha.... *giggles*, they are siblings."

Rain loved their small shenanigans, it made him remember his little sister,


A melodic voice came from behind but to Rain, It was scarier than a reaper of the dead itself.

Rain-"Y y y yes?"

Reluctantly, he turned around, Riz was standing there.

Face darkened, shirt drenched with sweat, and a bottle of booze in her hands, Riz walked towards Rain, wobbling and high, her breath reeked of alcohol.

Rain was not used to it, even among his friends, he would always avoid it, while both Jude and Kenny got used to it quite early, making Riz believe that it was not a big deal, however, to Rain it was an issue.

Riz-" You've been only talking to your sisters, why don't you spend some time with me~?"

Riz gave her best smile, but it made her look more intimidating.

Her stares gave a sinister vibe.

Riz threw the bottle away and sat next to Rain.

She hadn't changed yet, Her black bra was visible through her sweaty shirt.

Riz- "Come here~"

She picked him up and sat on her crouch, facing her.

Riz- "oh honey *heavy inhales* you have no much we missed you.., how much we needed you... I needed you"

She rests her forehead on his.

"Eh *ahem* I'm sorry b*cough cough* but could you please let me down."

He tried to wiggle his way out but her hands were tightly gripped him in one place.

Riz- "Why are you always trying to get away from me??"

Suddenly, the atmosphere, around her changed, and a deathly breeze around her changed into a raging storm.


Riz's fingers tightened around Rain's arms, it got so right that the blood flow on his arms stopped.

Rain-" Ah!. argh! Argh!"

Too scared to speak, his words were nothing but random cries of pain.

Riz-" BUT I'LL GET US BACK..... YOU ALL WILL LOVE ME.... *Mumbling* whether it's deception or force.... I'll use it all..."

She freed Rain, The frown, the anger, all was gone... just a smirk from ear to ear, her eyes clouded with the shadows of her front hair...

She stood and was going back.

Riz-" You are going shopping right?..., Tell Jude she can use my 'Kelo Card'... get anything you want... oh!"

She turned around and gave him a final look with the same smirk from before.


And with that..... she finally left...

Rain was left alone, tears slowly pouring from his eyes, dark deep red lines were formed where Riz grabbed him, he couldn't understand what she wanted, But he understood one thing very well...

Rain-"...She's dangerous..... and I can't afford to make her angry.."

When he first came to this world he was covered in bruises but they were nothing compared to the terror he just witnessed.

A woman who threatens people with a gun, is an alcoholic, and is also crazy, is way too dangerous to mess with.

10 minutes later.

His skin somewhat returned to its normal state, in the meantime Jude and Kenny returned too, but they both had a serious expression.

Jude- ".....Rain...."

Jude was the first one to say something, but that's all she said before running to him and embracing him in a tight hug.

Rain-"Wha!, what happened?"

Jude-" Nothing~... just felt like it~"

Jude didn't say anything else just kept him in her arms for about 10 minutes.

Kenny-" ah...Judd? we're getting late."

Jude -"Just a little more..... ok done~ let's go now!"

Rain was not wearing anything decent so they decided to take the car and hit the first shop they see.

Rain-"ah... Miss...Riz said..that Jude can take her Kelo card."

Jude, Kenny-"??"

Both Jude and Kenny were a little disheartened, as they exchanged glances, Jude leaned down to Rain's level and said.

Jude-" Rain, we are a family now, Mom is your mom too, and we are your sisters."

Rain-"...ah.. how to do. say this..., it's all just too fast, ... and I guess it's gonna take some time."

Kenny-" it's all right ~, take as much as time you need, we are in no hurry!"

With all set, the trio went shopping.



Passing through the shopping residential district, they arrived at the shopping area,

Kenny- Rain, you have anything in mind?"

Kenny asked while driving to her favorite mall.

Rain-" honestly, none, I don't have any idea, I'm just leaving it to you two"

Jude-"Woah, that's a lot of pressure little man, but don't worry~, your gonna be the prettiest boy in town, Not that you aren't! but you got my point"

Rain-" Thank you....."

blushing with red face Rain replies.

After a few minutes, they arrive, It was a huge building, with colored glass windows all over it, many people were seen from different cultures and races,

Elves, Dragons, Beastmen, it was all,


Hanging from the window, Rain gazed at the crowd with amazement,

Kenny parked the car in the VIP section, As she did a girl about the same height as Jude came running and gave Kenny a slip.

Kenny-" Alright let's go"

They got t out of the car and made their way inside, Rain, still gazing at the crowd noticed some things.

Women were wearing plain clothes while most men were wearing colorful and sparkling clothing.

Rain-"*Mumbling* peculiar fashion.."

But he did not pay much mind to it,

Walking from one station to another, Rain and embezzlement turned into surprise and Shock.

Rain-[ok...ok... Something is weird here....., at first I didn't notice but after seeing the guys here... SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE.....]

As they walked he could see that all the employees were guys and we were surprisingly feminine..., which is not weird but the fact that one just walked up to Rain and said

Employee-"Ah~ aren't you just a cutie!!!, what are you doing here? shopping with sisters???, say what, Come with me, and I'll find you the best set of clothing just for you!"

And that's not just it.....


A strand of hair started to tingle on Rain's head.

Kenny-"What a sweet lad~"

Jude-"And quite handsome too~"

Rain-[...You fucking kidding me.....]

both said in good mood.

Although a trip was exhausting. The rain got himself a great bunch of trending clothing, It was quite hard to pick something decent as almost everything was either too frilly or straight-up weird...

Jude-"I had no idea that Rain was a tomboy"


Kenny-"Yeah girl, .. like, he didn't choose anything to pick for him!, I wanted to see him in those cute clothes, hell he didn't even try them on"

Rain-".. I just realized they were not my taste.."


Rain-*sigh*[.. the weirder it gets the clearer the image of the situation form in my mind..... the world is reversed.... oh... gid it explains a lot...., the fashion was little old too.... magic took someplace science couldn't fill]

while shopping Rain saw a poster of a Men's wedding clothes advertisement...

The guy in the poster was no less old than 16 years old, while the woman although beautiful had wrinkles...

Scanning his surroundings he even saw a guy slap a girl hard.. apparently, she was groping him, .... but no one believed him until another woman said she saw it...

Kenny-"Damn creeps...., why you gotta touch? just stare"

Kenny was talking like any boy from his world would do, which at first seemed quite awkward but he became used to it as she complimented almost every guy she saw.

Jude-" Soooo should we head back? it's gonna be quite late too"

Jude was right, it was Nighttime now, the sun had set and they already had dinner in a restaurant, so they were not worried about it either.

Getting back in the car, they drove home,

Rain's conclusion about this world was even more confirmed when he was a guy on the sidewalk, ... with a skimpy shirt and just flashy underwear...

He went back to his seat and didn't move the whole trip.

Rain"[These are the dark ages....]




Getting back home, he was tired.., Kenny parked the car, while Jude carried the shopping bags,

As he enters home he was greeted by a foul smell, .. something was burning...

As he went to inspect the saw Riz...

She was sitting at the kitchen table, Something was served...., Was it edible or not, that was something of a mystery itself.., the visuals clearly said not edible...

Riz-"Rain~!, You are late! Look I even made food for you!!"

Riz pointed at the abomination sitting on the plate...

Rain-"..Miss Ri. Riz... I I... I already had dinner with Jude and Kenny.."

Riz-"*snap*.....It's fine honey... just taste it, I made it, especially for you!"

Rain-"N N No! I'm full! Really!!"

Rain said in a panic.

Riz-"*SNAP*...Rain... I'm not gonna repeat myself.."

Riz walked up to the rain and picked him up, He was shaking badly.

Riz sat him on her thigh and presented a spoonful to him,

It was smelling awful.. something definitely enough to kill.

Riz gave an extremely Sinister smile her eyes were digging holes in him Rain's heart.

Image ->


Ohhh Riz is gonna do some fucked up things to get Rain's attention

I added names for every dialog for ease in reading,

and we'll I'll no be going back to my parent's house for some days, so the Illustration might stop but the story will go as usual,

and warning!!!!

we are gonna need some mutilation in future chapters.. some fucked up gore and a lot of femdom!!!

And as always!

keep the comments your top priority! and consider reviewing the story

Thanks for reading and good day!