CH 4-Rain's Birthday 4

Third Person's POV.

Rain-" Well there are..., I think I wanna go to the National Academy of Science and magic this year, I mean I will try."

Riz-" YOU WHAT!?"

Riz was shocked at Rain's words, she didn't hear anything about it, nor did they have any conversation about it either.

Rain-" hiii?!, Um...I'm sorry mom I didn't tell you about it.."

Riz-" Who the hell*Looks at the press*... sweety, you could have just told me in advance.., it's not like I would have denied you."

Rain-" You.....are.....fine with it?"

Riz-" I I I mean... if...if that's what you... want."

Riz wanted to deny him straightforward, but she couldn't due to the press, she knew ut very well that it was not something Rain could think of by himself.

Riz-"[ Was it those brats?...., it must be them..]"

Reporter-" there is one thing we all are curious about, do you possess any magic?"

Riz-" Yeah he do-"

Rain-" No I don't, I'm just your average boy."

Report-" *Smirk*... No... you're not average,

You are not avera*Sees Riz staring at her*.., *Cough*...On to the next question!..., As you know your mother is one of the biggest investors in the movie industry..., so! do you have any plans to be in any movie anytime soon?"

Rain-" No... None yet, I don't think I'm good enough for movies."

Riz&Reporter-" BULL SHIT!!!"

Riz and all the Reporters said in a unison.

Riz-" Uh I mean..., Sweety, Rain, you are beautiful, way more than you think."

Report-" Your mother is right sir, you should be more proud of yourself and looks, and I think."

Rain-"I...I... I'll try."





The interview was over, Rain was asked many things, from his favorite food to his preferred

clothes, but all in all, it ended nicely.

Riz called Jude again, She and the boys were at the venue with Kenny, and their mothers were with Ashley sitting at a table and enjoying drinks.

Riz called everyone and told them to meet her at the center table, within 5 minutes everyone gathered there.

Ethan-" So, how was the interview Mr. Popular."

Rain-" *Giggle* It was fabulous, Mr. not so popular."

Sia-" I guess kids like each other's company."

Riz-" Yeah.... sure.."

Kenny-" I suppose it's time to cut the cake, *Looks at Riz* Should I make the announcement or are you gonna do it?"

Riz-" I was... *Looks at Rain*... but now, you do it."

Kenny-" *Shrugs* Fine by me."

Kenny took a mic and climbed up to the stage,

Kenny-" *Taps the mic*... Attention... ladies and gentlemen.., today we all are here to celebrate My little brother's birthday, to Me personally.., His presence has been the most joyful thing that has ever happened in my life, and Thank Lord Lilith, for gracing me with such fortune, So Rain!... HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR BROTHER! MAY THE YOUR LIFE BE FULL OF JOYS AND SURPRISES!"

Enormous Clapping thunders through the garden like a stadium full of a crowd, and the guests show their appreciation for the birthday boy, the fact that Kenny is religious is also clear now.

On the other hand, Rain who couldn't handle the attention plops his head down and puffs up like a puffer fish, heating up and turning red on his face resembling a tomato.

Riz-"Sweety....* Looks at rain* *smiles*.. let's cut the cake."

Riz said to him, her hand gently and carefully leading him to the table where a 15-story tall cake was decorated.

Riz Raised Rain in her arms and then Jude gave him a knife.

Jude-" Don't cut yourself with it."

Rain-" I won't!"

Jude-" *Giggle*Hmm~ Happy Birthday, brat."


Riz Raised Rain to the top layer of the cake, Rain extended his hand, from top to bottom, and sliced the cake.

As he did, once again the whole area erupted in loud noise claps, from one side an orchestra commenced its performance, playing upbeat and grand music,


Riz screamed in the mic loud enough to make sure that even those who are not at the party her clear.




Riz, Melissa, Sia, and Stella joined a table, they shared drinks and talked during some snacks.

Riz-"... I heard you three are sending your kids to National Academy...., huh?"

Melissa-" Yup, Glenn had been pestering me for a very long time, and you know I can't deny my only son, after all, among all my kids he's the only one who inherited the beauty of our house."

Sia-" Hm, Ethan was the same, but in his case, I'm sure it'll also be good for his future."

Stella-" Yup, But Riz..., you don't seem to be fine with it, any problems?"

Riz-"..... National Academy is in the Royal City..., I don't hold any power there...., I'm afraid that someone might do something to him..., and most of all...., I don't to be separated from him."

Stella-" Hmm, valid concerns..., but why are you worried, I have a strong standing there, you can leave your son to me."

Riz-" *Turns to Stella*..."

Stella-" What, you don't trust me?"

Sia-" *Giggle*... *Takes a sip from her cup* Who would?"

Melissa-" Haha... the only pure thing about you..., is your blood, .... otherwise, we all know that YOU are even rotten than the germs of a gutter."

Stella-" Awwwwww, What the hell, you people hurt my feelings....., *Turns to Riz again*... But I never said I'll do it for free..., Hn? Riz?."

Jude-"... You do realize that the promotion of your companies is up to Mom."

Jude entered the scene, carrying a large bottle of alcohol in her hands she sat at the table from Riz's Side.

Stella-" Jude Young..., Now that's someone worth of Young Title, so, you wanna negotiate now?"

Jude-" Mom kinda losses her logic when it comes to my dear brother..., but I don't... and even if We Don't hold any power at The royal city...., we still hold over you bitches."


Jude-" What?.... don't you idiots know that WE the YOUNG family hold the power over the media..., it wouldn't take much for us to ruin your reputation overnight, and you know the best part about it? we don't even need proof for this~"

Melissa-" Bye doing this you'll be going against the rules..., those rules are something every single merchant and company agreed to..., your mother is also among those people.., so keep those fake bluffs... to yourself."

Jude-" Oh! true~ thats a fact that mom did sign for that...., but you see...., no one knows what she might do when it comes to her son's safety.."

Riz all this time didn't say anything, just started at her glass.

Stella-" You really expect us to believe that shit? you really think that your mother is thr only supreme here?"

Jude-" Well then don't~, it's always a critical hit when that don't see the arrow coming."

Melissa-" Haha! it's funny how your try to act tough when in reality~, you don't have many options... not against us."

Sia-" You think your shitty advertising is enough to ruin the quality of our products?"

The atmosphere around then was tense, none could bear another, all four of them were powerful to someone, but at the same time, they were powerless to someone else, no conclusion came.

???-" Good evening ladies."

Someone greets, They all naturally look at the source of the voice.

It was a tiny lady with purple skin, white hair, and golden eyes, she stood with a mysterious aura, wearing a simple suit and donning an unnatural smile, It was Big B.

Riz-" You....were.. not invited....."

Big B-"Yeah.., but believe me, you'll be glad I came."

Riz-" What are you doing here?"

Big B-" I am here with an offer, well just as you said, you need someone to take care of your son, you all do."

Melissa-" What are you getting at?"

Big B-" Sell me the information of all your rivals and partners and I will make sure that No One touches your son..., I will also make sure that all four of them get accepted at the Academy."

Riz stared at the little lady, she knew that this person wasn't a joke and absolutely not

someone she can mess with.

Big B-" C'mon think about it~, Don't you people love your sons? or this honor among thieves bullshit is more important to you?, AND HEY!, it's not like you people are in the loss, I'll just fuck up your rivals! that'll be great for you!"

Sia-" I think we should agree."

Riz&Melissa&Stella-" WHAT!?"

Sia-" I'm not very fond of this little group that been has formed..., to be honest, I think that I've been..., restricted.....*Looks at B Big* I sell you the info of all the black mines, and you will make sure that I have no rivals and will also secure my son's safety?"

Big B-" Yes."

Sia-".... what's your guarantee?, why should I believe you?"

Big-" *Giggle*Wow... you people talking about trust.....Well Cuz, unlike you I'm a woman of my word, I am a person of respect and dignity, not like you shits, ..... *leans to Riz* Isn't that right? Little shit?"


Big B-" *Giggle* What happened? No words?.... *stares back at the group* I'm gonna get this little group of yours to rubble, one day or another, it's going down..., you can stay be with me and watch from sidelines... or sink with it... your choice."

Stella-"If even one of us entered, almost the whole group will go down....."

Big-" Aye Look! that's a smart bitch among the dumb bitches."


Riz continued to stare at her glass, Melissa too was in a state of deep thinking, and Sia was almost ready to accept, the only one who was least ready to accept was Stella.

Ashley-" WHAT THE FUCK?"

Ashley arrived from the back, eyes red, fist curled tight like a stone, she approach the tiny purple lady and grabbed her by the collar.


Big B-" *Smirk* Ashley~, How's it going?"


Big B-" Oh! Ho! ho! ho! please."

Big B's hair starts to float, her eyes glowing, and she smiles like a river ready to break free.

Big B-" TRY."

Ashley-" *Pumps Fist* WITH PLEASURE."

Riz-" Wait!"

Ashley&Big B-" Huh?"

Riz-"..... tch! FUCKING SHITTY TITS!...*Sigh*... I agree."

Melissa-" Me too."

Sia-" Me too."

Stella-".....FUCK!!!!!!!....., fine..."

Ashley-" Wait what?"

Big B-" Great Decision! by fellow ladies! I hope we can trade again in the future!"

Ashley-" Wait for a second, what the fuck is happening?"

Big B-" I'll be going now..., so please let me down, or I'll have to call my security."


Big B-".... ah shit I forgot about that.... ah. Miss Riz?"

Riz-" let her go...., or you know what? throw that shit outta the gate."

Ashley-" Oh! gladly!"

Big B-" Eh~, that'll work too, just take me to my car."




Outside the manor, Ashley carried Big B like a handbag ready to throw.

Ashley-" Out you go-*turns around* huh?"

Someone grabbed Ashley's hand, and turning around she saw a huge fugue dressed in a simple sports cleaning outfit, It was Avira, Unlike before, she was now somewhat lean, not buff, but toned and shredded.

Avira-" Ma'am I'll handle the garbage"

Ashley-" Uh? oh yeah! throw this little shit away!"

Avira-" Certainly Ma'am."






Rain's POV.

I was enjoying my food with Kenny and the guys,

Eric-" Um*Still chewing* you opened any gifts yet?"

Rain-" Not yet, why?"

Eric-" Well I'm excited to see what you got, maybe in one of them there is a phone, who knows?"

Kenny who was sitting with them just stared at her phone and didn't bother saying anything.

Rain-" Actually I'm waiting for mom, she said she'll talk to me about that Academy thingy."

Glenn-" Well I hope it works."

As we were talking Mom and her friends along with Jude came from the side.

Mom and Jude sat with me and get friends with their respective sons.

Rain-" Uh.. Mom...."

Riz-"........, Yeah... you can go to that college....., you all boys will be staying together at the Academy hostels."

Rain&Ethan&Eric&Glenn-" AWESOME!"

Sia-" But! we will be visiting every weekend! The Academy's in the royal city and it's located at the Cical town, and the whole town comes under the Academy."

Ethan-" Meaning?"

Stella-" It means..., that your little pocket money... won't work there..., you'll be given a small allowance by the Academy each month to spend."

Rain&Ethan&Eric&Glenn-" HUH!?"