CH 6-Entrance ceremony.

Third Person's POV.

Arriving at the apartment, Rain and Fluffy quickly ran up to the boys, Riz was joined by other Moms, meanwhile, Kenny, Jude, and Ashley decided to leave for a quick snack.

Stella-" Let the boys enjoy themselves, I wanna go for a beer, anyone in?"

Riz-" Yup, But I think we should wait, That little purple shit should be coming here anytime."

Sia-" Oh yeah..., that bitch too..."

Melissa-" And she's here, *points at the door* let's go booze cancelled now."

Just as Melissa said, Big stood at the doorstep, she wore a casual suit and black glasses.

Big B-" Good Morning people, I hope your sons are liking this place, The Headmistress wanna talk with you before the entrance ceremony, I'll be back in fifteen minutes, freshen up, my agent will start her shift from tomorrow onwards."

Saying so Big B left, Leaving the bunch annoyed.

Sia-" I hate her guts."

Stella-" Don't worry... we'll be ripping that off on one day or another...."

Melissa -" ohh, I swear to the lord I'll skew that bitch alive the first chance I get."

Riz-" *Tch*...I got a bar in my car, wanna join?"

Stella&Sia&Melissa-" Yup."




After fifteen minutes, the Mom was already drunk, with just a mouth freshener they all took their sons and went to the Academy.

It is a grand place like a castle, built on a large scale, every piece of its architecture was equal to art.

Entering the Academy grounds, seniors were busy decorating the place for the entrance party, but seeing the group everyone halted their tasks and couldn't help but stare at them

Students looked at the Mothers and knew that children of bigshots were coming, while those who glanced at their sons and felt as if their eyes were glued to the spectacle.

Eric, Glenn, and Ethan were being admired like a trophy, but Rain....., looked like an unattainable relic that fell from Lillith's treasure chest.

He looked like Flower guarded by the thrones that would shred you the moment you try to get close.

Big B walked to the front of the group and led them to the Headmistress's office.

Big B-" I'll inform her that you people are here.., now... I would really appreciate some decent civilized behavior"

Riz-" *Mumble* That! ... bitch!"

Rain-" Huh?"

Riz-" Sit! Sit! let's sit while we wait."

Rain-" Sure~."

One by one, everyone went inside and discussed their matters, And At last, It was Riz and Rain's turn.

Getting inside, Riz Greeted the headmistress.

Riz-" Good morning."

Rain-" Good Morning!, a pleasure to meet you~"

Headmistress-" *Smile* Pleasure to meet you too, Darling."

The Headmistress talked in a British-like accent, smiling brightly she greeted Rain with a heartfelt greeting.

Headmistress-" So..., I'm actually surprised that THE Riz Young would have a son..., and most surprising that you'll send him here to study."

Riz-" This place... *Looks around* intrigued him..., and I will..., just couldn't deny my sweetheart here."

Headmistress-" Excellent choice! Your son is already a student here, this meeting is just a simple formality, as you know that we have our own currency that we use to teach students about the hardships of the world...z but.. well...I don't think there's gonna be any in your son's life.., so usually for other students we provide them a monthly allowance, sometimes these students also do some part-time jobs to fulfill their needs and desires, but of course for you and your son.. we have some expectations."

Rain-" Wait!"

Rain suddenly interrupted them, looking at the headmistress with eyes full of innocence and determination he asked.

Rain-" those three Mother son groups that came before us..., what did they get?"

Headmistress-" Oh those three, nothing special just the regular treatment."

Rain-" uh.. but why? aren't they rich and powerful too?"

Headmistress-" *Smirk*.. heh.. well they are... but.. simply.. just not as you mother here."

Hearing it Riz straightened her back and formed an arrogant smile on her face, of course, after all, any moment like this, where people praised her might, specifically in front of Rain was a special one, Rain turned at Riz and a new type of appreciation was visible on his eyes.

Riz-" Well, what can I say, your Mom's....just way too cool"

hearing it leaned his head down, staring at the floor his eyes looked like they were calculating big thoughts.

Rain-" I'm very thankful for the offer, but I'll respectfully decline."

Riz&Headmistress-" WHAT WHY!!??"

Rain-" I feel like if my friends were to find out that I'm getting special treatment their behavior towards me will change..., not that they'll stop being my friends!... but.. you... know... it's... kinda.. feel.. bad... Plus! I wanna experience this Academy the way it is supposed to! I wish to enjoy this place along with my friends!.. so..please.. please accept my selfish request."

Headmistress-" Ah... *Looks at riz*...[What should I do!?]"

Riz-" *Shakes head in disagreement* [DECLINE! DECLINE RIGHT NOW!!!!!]"

Headmistress-" *narrows brow in plea * [I can't!! look at his face!! what if he starts to cry!!??]"

Riz-" *Shakes head aggressively* [Just say NOOOO!!!]"

Headmistress-"O O O K!... Ok!.. I a a a a accept!!"

Riz-" FU!!-...A... *Forces smile* GG G great!, Rain...Ahah. I I I hope you are h h happy! [MY SWEET SON... WHY THE FUCK DID YOU HAVE TO BE SO FUCKING STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]"

Rain-" Very!"

Riz- Good then.., now could you go out, in need to talk to her in private!"




As soon as Rain went out he was greeted by The boys.

Ethan-" Aye! how was it?"

Rain-" Great! I can't wait to explore this place!"

Glenn-" Mee toooo!"

Eric-" Just look at this place, It's huge! I think we are free to explore after the entrance ceremony."

Rain-" When is that?"

Eric-" I think it should be starting in 10 minutes or so, Where is your mom?"

Rain- Said she wanted to talk to the Headmistress."


The door opened, and Riz walked out, her left hand was inside her pocket, the first thing she did was to pat Rain's Head and say.

Riz-" All right sweetheart.., I'm afraid I'll have to leave..., *Looks at the boys* All of You's Mom will also be departing with me, *looks back at Rain* I'll pick up Kenny and others on the way, .... *Sigh*..."

Rain-" Don't wanna leave me?"

Riz-" Absolutely not..., but it's just as Jude said, .. it's bound to happen.., but I'll be back next weak, ok? and don't get into trouble! and if anything happens, you call me!"

Rain-" Yup!"

Riz-" And I will call you every night!, and you'll have to answer me or I'll come running here."

Rain-" *troubled Smile* You don't have to."




And So Riz and others finally left.

Rain and the boys went to the front gate to depart them, waving goodbyes to their mothers, the boys finally looked at each other.

Ethan-" They... they are really gone."

Glenn-" It.. it feels like a dream!"

Eric-" Yes! No more restrictions! we can finally do whatever we want!!"

Rain-" Wow...., I'm.

fir the first time under no one's supervision... FUCK YEAHHHHH!!!"

The boys were overjoyed, they finally got the freedom almost every teen dreams of, with nothing to stop them, no one to tell them what to do.

Big B-" Hold it, kids."

Rain&Eric&Ethan&Glenn-" Huh?"

Big B-" Your new bodyguard will be here tomorrow morning, Although she won't be telling you what to do, but! you'll have to listen to her whenever she asks to."

Rain-" B/w Who is this New bodyguard?"

Big B-" Right now, go to Headmistress's office and collects your Academy-issued credit cards, they are very important, so you better not lose them."

Boys-" Ok!"

Saying So, they left to the headmistress's office, collecting their cards, uniforms, and some books they decided to stash their stuff back in their apartments and then return for the entrance ceremony.

With Five minutes Rain and the bunch left their stuff and returned to Academy, the boy's hostel one can say the dormitory was very nearby and didn't take too long to travel, but this time Rain took Fluffy with her too, cuz according to rules Fluffy was Rain's Pet and since Fluffy can use magic she comes in the category of Familiar, and since it was the first day they had to introduce themselves and also introduce any pet or familiar they have, cuz IN CASE that pet bites someone... they'll know who to blame.

The hostels may have been divided by the financial class but inside the Academy, almost everyone is the same Course the education is modified for every student class to suit their background and support them.

They arrived at a large stadium, it was filled with students and teachers alike, and the freshers were asked to sit in the front row.

Rain-"The place's very lively~"

Sara-" [it's like a buffet.]"

Fluffy-"[I wanna go home]"

Fluffy sat with Rain, and since he was there no one dared to dare sit near Him

Soon the headmistress climbed up the stage.


It is a very boring chapter didn't want to write it, but it's like one of those things you had to do for something better.

the next few chapters will be from other students' POVs, just some random people,

Just to show what Rain's Position in rhe Academy is or will be.