CH 17- Crumb.

Rain's POV.




Rain-" Hmmm... *Yaaawnnnnn*...*gets up* .....*Looks around the room*.."

I need to clean this room.




It's been a month since my chat with Prince Nathan.

Although I'm sure that he knows that I didn't do anything, I can still see the hate in his eyes for me.

Understandable, I mean, who would like you if you are the reason for their unwanted situation?

Rain-"[And well although I'm not at fault, I also can't go and tell him to stop hating me... as long as of course he doesn't come at me.]

Fed up with my thoughts I got off the bed and went to the kitchen, just the regular process of morning tea..... VERY CRUCIAL.

Fluffy's still in a weird mood, she no longer jumps at me in the morning and neither does drag me away whenever she's out with me and people try to hit on me.

she feels...., I don't know..... depressed? does mana beast feel depressed? So many questions but none answered...., but that's not all of them.



There are many things I don't know, some about my family..., and some about me.... like for myself.

I am fully aware of my mental illness, I sometimes fall asleep in random places... sometimes I hear things and suffer from panic attacks, I even sometimes feel like I'm being watched.

At nighttimes, I feel warm on my back, a shift of weight on my bed...

I know it's not Fluffy... doors are locked...

At first, I would jump away from my bed, hell there were times when I slept under the bed and had fluffy wrap herself around me for safety.

I'm not gonna lie she's comfy, but that's not the point.

The point is... God... I don't know the point...

I have not been able to sleep properly..., I can't sleep before 4 am and for some reason, I always wake up at-

Rain-" *Takes out Phone*.. 6:30..."

I am feeling tiredness, I am feeling my shoulders get heavy day by day...

But my eyes lashes do not close, and even if they do... it's useless.

It's just been a month.., and I can slowly feel my attitude change...

Everything feels irritating, yesterday I screamed at Glenn for spilling water in my shirt...

I apologized for it...., but it was just water..., why did I get so mad about it?

Rain-" *sigh*.. maybe I'll make something for him..., yeah.. that'll be good."





Third Person's POV.

Ethan-"...Good mor*yawwwnnnn*ning..... huh?.. *Rubs eyes*... aye Eric!.., Am I seeing right?"

Eric-" If you're talking about the ice cream right in front of us..., then Yes. I do see it too and No I do not know where it is from."

Rain-" Don't touch that..., I got it for Glenn only."

Rain came from the bathroom, while still holding his toothbrush in his hand.

Ethan-" Is this about yesterday?"

Rain-"*Nods in approval*"

Eric-" Did you go out in this early morning to get that?"

Rain-" *Nods in approval*...*Still brushing*"

Eric-" Ok just finish that first."

Rain-" *Nods in approval* *Runs back to bathrooms."

After coming back Rain found Glenn standing on the dinner table defending his ice cream from Ethan who was really in the mood for a big bite.

Ethan-" C'mon buddy~ just some of that ice cream, you can't possibly eat all of it."

Glenn-" Fuck you! I ain't sharing a spoon!, Rain got it for me especially!"

Ethan-" Oh C'mon! Just give me some of it or you'll get nothing when I snatch it from you."

Glenn-" Eat shit! I have the high ground!"

Ethan-" You underestimate my power!"

And so Glenn and Ethan started running around the apartment for ice cream, No they do not have any money problems, but none of them want to go to a store to buy it...

Eric-" Good Morning *Sips tea*"

Rain-" Good morning *Sips tea*"

Eric-" Isn't that your second cup since morning *Sips tea*"

Rain-" Third *Sips tea*"

Eric-" You are not doing good..., I say it is time you go to a doctor or something *Sips tea.*

Rain-" *Irritated* No need... I'll... I'll just try some sleeping pills *Sips tea* ... if they don't work.. then nothing can."

Eric-"...* Sigh*... I just hope you know what you are doing *Last sip* And if you got any troubles, just come at us *Wink with thumbs up* We'll help you!"

Rain-" *Chuckle*...Thanks...., I mean it."




In the Class.

Miss Smith-" And the difference between a civilized and savage Race is important to know."

Today's class, history, it's the only class that I actually feel amazed by."

Miss Smith-" So the most savage Race, ... well it's not even considered to be a race actually, and are usually treated as animals, Demons, they, unlike, you and me, are not very civilized.... *cough* aye you girls in the back, pay attention here."

Not everyone finds this class amazing, of course, some kids just find it too boring to care for it too.

Miss Smith-" It is said when the Races waged their war against the Demon lord, She used her magical powers to control their minds, and although She's gone now, it's still not known why demons are still in its control, till this day they guard the ruins of Demon Lord's Castle."

Demons...., their description is in the books, red skin..., and horns and wings depending on the Demon's type.

Rain-" *Sigh*...[they look familiar..]"


I'm not gonna put any more thoughts into it.

*Class bell rings*

Miss Smith-" All right that's it, as homework, write a small report on your own race."

Saying so she left, and as soon as she did I turned back, and there she was, my lab partner, she is a gnoll and her name Is Alina kon, just a little taller than me, she ain't pretty or rich..., but...well... she's really smart... really really smart...

And that's one of the reasons I have allowed her with me,

Not that I minded her being with me, but of course, some other girls didn't like that and tried to bully her to leave my group, but ever since I made it known that I want her in my group, I think her academy life has gotten a little easier.





Alina's POV.

I'm currently walking toward the chemistry lab with...

Alina-" *gulp*..[the Ice Prince Rain]"

It's just a mere coincident that I was partnered with him... and I was overjoyed about it!!!, but my classmates who were messing with me earlier are now being more hostile..., and I just don't want any trouble but being his partner is giving me a lot of unneeded attention!!

Hell! I'm receiving threatening letters asking me to quit the group!!..

But now he himself has told the class that he wants me to be in his group... and other students don't like that....


And I'm too young to die!!, oh lord Lilith, help me!

Rain-" Aye...*Pokes on shoulder*"

Alina-" Eei!?"

Rain-" Why are you screaming? something on my face?"

Alina-" NN N NNo NO!... No Nothing not at all, you are beautiful!"

Rain-" *Blush* Don't just call me that!"

Alina-" No No I didn't mean that you are pretty! NO No! I mean you ARE beautiful!, but I-"

Rain-" Ok enough I get it... *chuckle*"

Alina-" Y Y You were saying something, wha what was it?"

Rain-" *In good mood* well I was asking if you could help me with this."

You know what..., it's actually my first time talking to a boy so normally..., usually, I get nervous every time I try to.

And every time they make fun of me for it..., but he doesn't.

I see his face, and I feel like I'm staring at the moon in the middle of a pretty night, so beautiful and mesmerizing.




Soon the class ended, and we together walked out while chatting, I think it was the first time I am chatting with someone who haven't cussed at me yet for my background..., kinda feels nice.

Rain-" Ok, lemme just call my friend- ... ??? ...the hell... *reads message* we got invited to karaoke and the group was scared of you so we left on our own we'll be back in a half-hour, sorry for leaving you alone, but we'll promise to take you to next time... *types message* FUCK YOU ALL!!."

He typed furiously then shoved his phone back into his pocket, he looks pissed.

Rain-"..... Oi."

Alina-" Ah uh yeah?"

Rain-" You free right now?"

Alina-" Ah I wouldn't say free, I actually got a match on call on witches."

Rain-".... *confused* that a video game?"

Alina-" Ah... yeeeeeAAAAHHHH"

Rain-" It means you are free."

Right after Saying it, he grabbed me by my tie and dragged me with him.

Alina-" Wait! where are we going!?"

Rain-" Anywhere that is fun and not here!"

Wait!..., I'm actually going out with Rain.... isn't that a.... d D Da DA DATE!!??






Alina the gnoll girl, .... she's gonna be an important character,

And if you liking this story or even hating it, let me know through your review!