CH 24-Family.

Rain And Jude sit on the couch as they play some video games, Kenny and Riz are having some Tea while Slar prepares the breakfast.

*Ting tong~*

The door bell rings.

Riz:"Hm?, Must be ashley, can't believe she managed to stay with her date the whole night."

Slar Walks to the door as he opens it.


A blood curdling scream is heard.

Everyone Rushed to the door.

Riz:"What happened!!! Sla....r..... Ash. Ashley.. What.. happened."

At the door stood Ashley, Blood on her clothes, and two girls holding her hand in each.


Ashley:"....I... adopted them."








Charlie opens the door to his apartment.

Charlie:"Forgive me, it's a mess."

The apartment was not messy at all, sophisticated furniture, Classy tiles, dimly lit lights and a very faint flowery smell.

Compared to This, Ashley's house before Slar was employed was ..... comparable to a dump, a expensive dump, but still a dump.

Ashley:"I...yeah, that's.... quite a mess."

Charlie:"*Giggles* Don't keep standing, take a seat, Wanna watch some TV?'


Ashley sat on the couch, as she did she sank into the couch, a cracky sound of spring compressing.

Ashley:"[Fuck I'm too heavy.]"

Charlie soon returns with a bottle of Wine and two glasses.

Ashley:"Wow...., you seem to know how to handle your buzz."

Charlie:"*blush* Oh shut up, I just.... ok I might be a alcoholic *Giggles*, what about you?"

Ashley:"Oh uh Me too, I'm an Alcoholic too!..... wait ... Maybe i shouldn't have said it with such great enthusiasm."

Charlie:"It's cute~"

Charlie takes a seat next to Ashley, their shoulders touching, Ashley's face heats up, a smile forming on her lips, she tries to hide but fails.

Charlie pours two glasses of wine , handing one to Ashley, he takes a small sip.




A awkward silence between them.

Charlie:"....You....wanna, say something?"

Ashley:".... these are some nice tiles."

Charlie:"Uh...yeah, it's a good room."

Ashley:"Nice house you have here."

Charlie:"It's not my house, but the hotel I'm temporary Staying at."

Ashley:"Yeeeaaah....., *gulp*...."

Charlie:"You know I'm glad that you don't play around with guys, but ... c'mon take some initiative."

Ashley's face was heating up, chugging the whole glass in one go, she leans towards him, gently grabbing his chin she plants a kiss."


Ashley pushes him to the couch.

Ashley takes Charlie to the bedroom as they continue to kiss.

Smell of sweet alcahole along with their musk is intense.

Ashley careeses his face with her thumb as Charlie has his arms wrapped around her neck.








it was middle of the night, both Charlie and Ashley were sitting on the floor wrapped in a blanket, the bed, was stashed to the rooms coner, Broken.

Charlie:"You almost broke my pelvis."

He says with his head resting on her shoulder, Ashley laughs as she smokes a ciggerate.

Ashley:"Uh ... sorry I guess, I got exited, and...well, it was my first time."

Charlie:"...*surprised* wait..... you were a Ver...uh Virgin?"

Ashley:"...Yee. yeah....., anything wrong with that?"

Charlie:"....How come did you not have uh, experience even after having such grand physique and Money?"

Ashley:"Stupidity is a biggest turn off for many boys, and believe me, I Excel in that technique."

Charlie:"...*Chuckles*.... probably the most accurate fact ever said by any women."

They stayed like this, before falling asleep.

Soon in the morning, Charlie's Phone rings, waking both of them up.

Charlie:"Hm....*Yawwwwnnn* *rubs eyes* hm?, oh! it's my daughter, *answers the call* Hello!"

it's his daughters they want him to pick them up.

Charlie:"Sure thing!, I also have someone special i want you two to meet!

Charlie got up and prepared two cups of coffee, then woke up Ashley, passing her a cup.

Charlie:"Get ready! we need to go and pick up our daughters!"

Charlie walks to bathroom.

Ashley:".....*blush* our daughters."

After some time both of them got ready and headed down to the parking lot.

Getting in the car Ashley asks Charlie.

Ashley:", where to?"

Charlie:"Shunshin studios."

Ashley:"Oh, I know where that is."

Ashley knew about that studio, Im fact, Riz was a directe sponsor of that studio, and even Ashley had used that place's actors to scam a few people.

Ashley drove to the studio, Charlie calls his daughters.

getting out of the car both of them began to look around.

That's when Charlie spots them across the streets.

Charlie:"Oh there they are!, Don't cross the rood I'm comming!"

Charlie ran towards them, his mind, filled with exictment and joy.


A car Hits him.

Ashley, Too stunned to speak, freezes on spot.

Charlie's daughter run up to their father.

Crying on his chest.

As if everything slowed down, ashley looks at Charlies body his arms broken and bones poking out from his ribcages.

Like a hammer to her head she suddenly Snapped out and dashed to Charlie.


Picking him up in her arms she looked around for a hospital.


Ashely turns to Charlie's daughters.

Ashley:"Follow me!"

Not even waiting for a second they rush to Ashley's car.

Driving towards the nearest hospital she could find.

Ashley runs inside.

Ashley:"I NEED A DOCTOR!!"

A nurse brings a stretcher, laying Charlie on it they take her to the emergency ward.

From here,

Ashley could only pray.

Ashley walks to the waiting area.

There Charlie's two daughters were sitting quietly, both looked like twins, red hairs, pale skin, same height, and almost mirror like identical face.

Ashley just stood there and looked at them.

They both don't even look at her and just stare on the floor.

Ashley grabs a chair, and takes a in front of them.

holding her hand in a praying postion, she too now just stares to the floor.





An hour passed.

A nurse walks to them.

Nurse:"Ma'am, I'm sorry to say but your husband didn't make it, he had a last message for you, "Please take care of them", that's all he said before dying, We tried our best, but the blood loss and injuries were far too serious, I'm sorry."

Ashley just looks at the nurse, and nods.

walking to the reception she signs few papers.

And then returned to the daughters.

Ashley:".... I'm... gonne be taking care of you two from now on, your... father didn't get a chance to say it... but, I'm...I was her new girlfriend, you two don't have to call me mom or anything, just... let me take care of you two from now on."

They didn't said a word, before both of them nodded at the same time.

Ashley knew this is too big fo a shock for them, but she was glad they agreed to come with her,

Rather easily.

Ashley:"...t..thank you."

They drove back home.

Ashley tired to start a conversation with them but, both of them were quite as a night.

Arriving at the home, she rings the door bell.

Slar answers opens the door, seeing the horror in front of his eyes he screams in horror.






[Present time.]

Rain:"Aunt What happened?"

Ashley:"Honey could you please take them to your room."

Not questioning anything Rain leads these two girls to his room.

Now at the door stood, Ashley, Riz, Kenny and Jude.

Slar ran to the kitchen and brings Ashley a glass of water, Drinking it all on one go, and slowly explained the whole story to Them.

Riz:" you are gonna take care of them?"

Ashley:" Yeah."

Riz:"..... Ashley, You just had one night with a Guy and now you are prepared t-!?"

Before Riz could even finish her words she stops, her eyes looking at Ashley's.

Only this Riz saw was, Coldness, as if saying "Complete that sentence and I'll kill you", Know her sister had made up her mind she decides to keep quiet.

Riz:"....*Sigh* if you have decided...., then I'm no one to question your decision.

Kenney:"..., Sooooo.... new siblings I guess."

Jude:"Suddenly the House is.... full don't ya think, and not in a bad way."

Rain:"Uh... peeps"

Rain said, from both side he was being hugged by Both of them.

Seeing it Ashley's face lit up.

Ashley:"Oh god!, Rain they are opening up to you!"

Rain:"Yeah but!, they are not saying anything! and just hugging me like this!"

Riz:"Uh..I think they like you, Oi kiss what's your names?."

With a same emotionaless expression both of them said at them same time.

"Kana" "Sara"







Currently Writing more, stay tuned.

next upload too will be in a bulk, and will complete this Volume.