CH 2-Old friends.

The boys were finally done with their exercise, while Glenn, Ethan and Eric were, mostly fine.

Rain on the other hand was drenched in sweat, of course it was his very first time trying any tedious activities.

Rain:"God...dang.... *panting* i feel like my lungs are gonna pop Outta my chest."


Ethan:"Damn man, your endurance is terrible."

Eric:"And your Movements were very bad too."

Rain:"Fuck off..., I'm going back to drom, i need a bath."

Saying So Rain left.

Ethan:"Damn I worry for him."

As Rain Began to walk back to his Drom, a certain student caught his eyes.

It was Alina, the same girl who was Rain's lab partner.

Rain walks towards her.


Alina, turns to him, after staring at his face for 6 seconds she speaks.

Alina:"Rain....., it has been some time."

Rain:"It has."

Alina now had a little different appreance, she was taller, wearing a black raptor jacket, she now looked a little buff.

Rain:"You look different."

Alina:"...Rain, I wanna apologise about the way I treated you, or should I say avoided you."

Rain:"it's fine, i can understand, I was not in the right mind at that time."

Alina:".....How are you now?"

Rain:"I'm... healthy, you don't seem the same, you sound....confident."

Alina:"I joined gym, ..... it helped, i don't get bully as much now."

Rain:"I'm glad for you."

Alina all this time was staring at the floor, like she didn't had the courage to look him in the eye.

But mustring the courage she finally looks at him,

Alina:"Rain I...."

But she paused, her eyes fell on him, and her body heat began to rise up.

Rain was drenched in sweat, and his white T-shirt, was now slightly transparent.

Alina's Jaw falls slightly, as the fur on her neck and cheeks began stand.


Rain:"... I'm waiting, you trying to say something?"

Alina was too stunned to speak anything, but her eyes were very active, she kept gazing at his body slowly trailing her eyes throughout his body, looking everywhere she cou see, it's not like she was intentionally looking for wet spots, but her eyes were just, Moving on their own.

Rain:"Alina?....what you staring at?"

Alina:"I....*gulp* y....y...your now see.... through...."


his head follows Alina's eyes, and soon his own eyes are bigger then the comically large buttons on his pants.


Without saying anything he just begans to walk to his room, he's not running but his steps are not calm.

Alina:"Aye! wait! Rain I'm sorry!"

Rain stops, ... walking back to her.

Rain:"Could I borrow your jacket."

Alina:"Hu?...Ah! yeah! yeah yeah! sure!"

Taking her jacket he stroms away.

Alina:"....*Whispering* Damn...dat ass."





Rain arrived to his drom.

Rain:"Fuck I'm not wearing white clothes for this cheer-fuck-shit."

He takes a shower.

Changed to some nice clothes.

And then made a call to.

Rain:"Hello, Ethan, we still going with the princess?"

Ethan:"Oh yeah, in fact princess and her group is currently right here, they are waiting for you."

Rain:" Ah...., where are we meeting?"

Ethan:"At the Acadmy's gate."


Getting out of his drom, he began to walk towards the gate, but on his way.

Rok:"Aye Rain."


Turning around he saw the same bunch who came to meet him in the gym and some more.

Rain:"ah, how's it goin."


Naz:"What about you?"

Nez:"Where you headed?"

Naz:"Wanna join us for lunch?"

Rain:"Uh, actually, about that, me and my friends are invited by the Princess for a lunch.

Sazzad:"oh~, I'm sure she won't mind if we tag along."

Nic:"Oh!, I always wanted to meet the princess!"

Olaa:"Yeah, sure, it'll be definitely fun."

Rain:"Yeeeaaahhh, can ask her, they are waiting for me at the Academy gate."

And Now Rain had some extra guests.





At the Gate.

Eric:"There he is!"

Eric called out to Rain.

Glenn:"Are those peeps supposed to be with him?"

Ethan:"....No....I don't like this."

Ava Saw that Rain wasn't alone, but it was not a issue, the issue was.

Ava:"Those are students from the mage unit....why."

Rok:"Aye~, Lady Ava."

Ava:"Hello... you?"

Rok:"Rok!, From the magic department."

Ava:"Oh, well whatever, c'mon Rain, A limo is waiting for us."

Rain:"Yeah, these peeps wanna tag along."

Ava:"And.... what is your opinion in that."

Rain:"I do not wish to comment."

??:"Those kids from mage's team are a annoying."

A boy from Ava's group comments.

Nez:"Eh, what was that?"

Naz:"Why don't say that to our face suger?"

Ava:"Allright Allright, enough, You peeps can tag along too."

Rok:"I'm glad we came to a aggreement~."

Glenn:"*Whispering* damn I would have preferred a brawl."

Ethan:"*Whispering* your thoughts are leaking out of your lips."

Glenn:"Are they now?"

Eric:"What you two talking about?"

Glenn:"Thought and speech."

Ethan:"High IQ shit, you won't get it."

Eric:"....fuck you both."

Rain:"Allright Where's the limo?, I'm getting hungry out here."

Ava:"Follow me."

Following Ava they arrived in the parking lot.

There, A very long Limousine was parked.

At the driver's seat was.

Rain:"....Hey... isn't that driver our bodyguard?"

Ethan:"I was thinking where she went."

Eric:"I forgot about her."


Rain walks to Avira.

Rain:"Hey how did y-"

Avira:"Don't you dare utter a word or I'll tell your mom you are going out with girls."

Rain:"....*turns to his friends* who's she again?"

Avira:"That's better."

Walking back to his friends.

Rain:"if we try to recall our previous interactions with her.... she's gonna snitch on us..."

Ethan&Eric:"Who's she again?"

Glenn:"Have you guys lost your mind? what are you even talking about?"

As the boys were talking among themselves, Ava and her friends along with The Mages were inside the limo.

Ava:"Aye boys, get in, the seating arrangement is mess without you four."

Hearing her they all went in, and truly it was a mess without them.

On the front side of the limo, Princess Ava and her friends were seated, Nobel, state royalties and kids of politicians were there.

On the back side of the Limo were The Mage Students, Kids from normal background, natural talents and God given gift of magic.

And in the middle were the boys.

Rain And Ethan on the left side in front of them were Glenn and Eric seated on the left side.


Ava:"I'll break it then."

Ava turns to Mage's group.

Ava:"..... Hello, fello students."

Rok:"Likewise....third, wait No, SECOND... Princess."

Rok says, Among the Royals Having more siblings is never a very great thing.

And Rok putting more power on "Second" and "Third" just indicated that she's mocking Ava, in her inability to become the Next Queen.

Ava:"Thanks, I'm glad we the Nobels and you the mages, are not having another unnecessary argument."

Nez:"*Whispering* I have Fireballs on standby."

Sazzad:*Whispering* No we are not fighting."

On Ava's side, her friends too, were very cautious.

If course they can't fight against magic, but what can even a magician do against 100 mana infused guns pointed at them?

Ava:"How about we start with an introduction, I'll go first, even tho I don't need to, My name is Ava Sun, and these are my friends."

Ava turns to her friends, 4 boys and 6 girls.

Ava:"Guys first."

Jason:"I'm Jason, Son of Royal Treasurer, my Mom handles the royal treasury."

He's a Bird boy, with a golden eyes and red feathers in the neck, A griffen.

Edward:"I'm Edward, My Mom is the owner of the Blaze Ammunitions."

He's Human m, blue hairs, Brown skin, slightly chubby, short.

Lee:"I'm Lee."

He's Lee, Goth.

Jin:"I'm Jin, Lee's twin brother, Our Mom is the part of National trade agency.

Jin is a Elf, Classic, golden hairs and pale skin.

Next are Girls.

Akiva:"Hello, Name's Akiva."

Tania:"Tania, nice to meet y'all."

Janessa:"Hello, My name is Janessa."

Henrietta:"My name is Henrietta, HEN-RI-ETTA, PLEASE don't miss pronounce it, I'm sensitive about it."




Ava:"What the?, Where's Cas and Daisy?"

Akiva:"In the back bar."

Ava:"*Tch* leave it,... ok so Mage shi-...i mean students."

Rok:"I'm Rok, An Orc, fire Mage."

Nez:"She's Naz."

Naz:"She's Nez."

Nez&Naz:""We are sisters, Mom says we are we are adopted, but we don't believe her.""

Sazzad:"I'm irrelevant."

Nic:"I'm Nic!, And I'm Almost nutting myself after meeting you all!"

Olaa:"I'm Olaa, Ignore Him."

After them few more students From Nage guilds introduced themselves.

And lastly everyones eyes was at Rain and his bunch.

Rain:"I'm Rain, these three are Ethan, Eric and Glenn, And CAN'T THIS DRIVER DRIVE A LITTLE FASTER, I'M STARVING HERE."





so many names here are irrelevant, i just didn't wanted to write Nobel Girl #1 or Nobel Boy #2