CH 4-Dirty.

It was the Morning of Sunday, and now winter was coming.

Slightly fog on the windows, and lack of Cherry Sun, definitely announced the arrival of the cold.

But today, No matter how cold it was, the boys were gonna sweat, A Lot.

Rain:"We are out of Rice, bread, Spices, Tea, sugar, jam, cerial, milk, sna-"

Glenn:"What do we have in the kitchen?"

Rain:".....Cutlery, Stove, empty fridge."

Eric:"Shopping is needed it seems."

Etha:"But we Ran out of Money, like a week ago."

Rain:"How the hell did WE ran out of money?"

Glenn:"*Points at new game cassettes, and Makeup, and cloths, and jewellery.*"

Rain:"..... fuck, we need money."

Ethan:"we can beg our mothers for Money."

Glenn:"Which is not begging because they are our mothers?"

Eric:"But they'll rub it in our face that we can't handle Money."

Glenn:"NONE OF US IS OLD ENOUGH! Rain is 15! I'm 15 you are 16 and Ethan is 15 too!"


Glenn:"So we need money, and our parents bound give us money."

Eric:"Of course they will it's natural, but...I.. kinda don't want to.. because."

Rain;"And it's not like they'll give us money, but they'll tell the academy to give us the money that actually circulates here."

Glenn:"I almost forgot!, but why does that matter?"

Rain:"Everyone saw us when we bought those big bags of stuff, they know we spent almost all our money, And now if we spent more."


Rain:"I can't remember that, you know that person that spends money unnecessarily?"

Glenn:"Why should that matter?, it's our parents Money, not theirs!"

Eric:"Glenn got a point."


Rain:".... well yeah he actually does.... Or."


Rain:"Yesterday.., i saw a pamphlet of a very popular and expensive Butler's cafe, and they are looking for new butlers"


Rain:"We... four are very pretty, so we can.. go and.. work there~"



Eric&Ethan&Glenn:"""You..want US? to work as a butler's cafe?"""

Rain:"....yes.., WAS I NOT TALKING IN ENGLISH!?"

Glenn:"...Work as a butler?..., that sounds... so degrading."

Eric:"Can't we ask Head Mistress for little bit of cash in advance?"

Ethan:"No use, i did try yesterday, said no cash before the Event."

Rain takes out the pamplet from his pocket, and shows them.

Rain:"10K Acadmy Credits per Week!."






As if they all had sprouted wings made from cash notes, they all began to fly while daydreaming.

Glenn:"Ok, you intrigued us, where if this cafe?"

Rain:"Good thing you asked~, change to some good clothes, we are gonna go for a interview~"





20 minutes later.

The Cafe, was situated at the Entertainment district of the town, And the entrainment district itself was Divided into two parts, one for everyone, and one for adults.

Glenn:"Wow... this place is fancy."

They were finally at the cafe, the establishment itself if described in a simple word, expensive.

Rain:"Just follow me."

Rain said taking the lead, the moment he walked in.


He walked out.

Ethan:".... what?"

Rain:"...There are too many people, the moment I walked in they started staring at me....."

Eric:"You are pethatic, OUTTA MA WAY."

Eric barges in, Boldly, walking to a butler he says.

Eric:"We wanna work here, take us to the manager."


Eric:"You had a flyer that says you are looking for boys to hire, well here it is, Four pretty boys in front you, now where is the manager."

Butler:"....How old are y-"

Manager pushes the Maid away.

Manager:"Oh my goodness~, how lucky if me that you four buties wanna work here, please please, come to my office~"

They follow him in.

Manager:"Now before I we began, i must ask.... how come the sons of big industry tycoons want to work here?, in the butler's cafe."

Rain&Eric&Ethan&Glenn:""""We like money.""""

Manager:"...Ok'Kaaayy...[Good I can use Money]But you four do know what kind...of.. cafe it is.. right?"

Rain:"A butler's."

Manager:"....It means you don't."

Eric:"What do you mean...."

Manager:"No point beating around the bush, we let the customers have sex with the butlers."

Rain&Glenn&Eric&Ethan:""""WHAT THE FUCK!?""""

Manager:"Of course you can deny."

Rain&Glenn&Eric&Ethan:"*sigh of relief.*"

Manager:"But considering your mothers are very powerful, i do not wish to die...., So, do you have permissions.. of your parents."


Manager:"That's a No, Knew it, now, Should I hire a taxi for you all or you'll be leaving?"

Rain-:"WAIT WAIT WAIT, IS THERE NOTHING WE CAN DO.. something that also doesn't include you dying."

Manager:"...*Smiles* of course it can."


Manager:"I'll let you all work here in disguise, with different names of course you'll need to change your hairstyle and stuff, But I think it can work out~"


Glenn:"But we still won't fuck."

Manager:"*whisper* Shame....BUT FINE, WE CAN WORK IT OUT,.... there is charms in faraway pretty faces, you will be the untouchable Butler, you will only serve, no talk or touching, but you'll have to pose every now and then."

Ethan:"It's a brilliant idea!"

Eric:"And We don't have to worry about our Mom's now."

Rain:"We agree, now let's talk money."

Manager:"Ooo, Young."

Rain:"We are actually short on cash, at the current Moment, so we NEED some advance or lone."

Manager:".... ... Who would have thought that the Son of A Back owner would ask for lone."

Glenn:"You can cut it from our pay check~"

Manager:"*Giggles* FYI, you haven't earned anything yet, if you want Money, you'll have to work."


Manager:"You all four will go for a photoshoot right now, I'll pay for makeup and hairdresser, and then I'll use these photos to advertise new Butlers, how's that?"

Glenn:"That... sounds like good plan."

They all agree.

Manager:"Good, Wait here, Don't leave."

Manager Leaves.

Rain:"Heh, She seems nice."

Glenn:"Yeah, but I can't believe we're actually doing this. Working in a butler's cafe disguised as different people... It's surreal."

Eric:"Well, it's better than begging our parents for money or facing their judgment. At least this way, we can earn some cash and maintain our dignity."

Ethan:"And it's not like we have any other options at the moment. We're desperate for money, and this seems like an opportunity."

Rain:"Exactly. We have to make the most of it. Besides, the manager said we won't have to engage in any intimate activities with the customers. We'll just have to pose and serve. It's a compromise we can live with."

Glenn:"I guess you're right. And hey, if we're good at this job, we might even earn some decent tips."

Eric:"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We should focus on getting through this photoshoot first. We need to look the part and convince the customers that we're genuine butlers."

Ethan:"I wonder what kind of hairstyles and outfits they'll choose for us."

Just then, the manager returns with a hairstylist and makeup artist. They discuss different looks for each of them, considering their disguises. After a thorough makeover, they head to the photo studio within the cafe.

Glenn:"Wow, this place is impressive. They really invest a lot in the aesthetic."

Rain:"Yeah, it's all about creating an atmosphere and attracting customers. And we're going to be a part of it."

Eric:"Alright, let's give it our best shot. Remember, we're doing this for the money and our independence."

Ethan:"And to prove that we can handle ourselves without relying solely on our parents."

They enter the photo studio and strike various poses under the direction of the photographer. Despite their initial hesitation, they start feeling more comfortable and confident as the shoot progresses. The manager is pleased with the results and assures them that the photos will be used effectively for advertising.

Manager:"Well done, boys! You exceeded my expectations. I'm sure these photos will bring in a lot of customers. Now, get ready for your first shift. We'll assign you different names and roles to play. Remember, your job is to serve and maintain a professional demeanor."

Rain:"Understood. We'll do our best."

Glenn:"We're ready to start working."

Eric:"Let's show them what we're capable of."

Ethan:"And earn that advance we desperately need."

The Manager knew their desperations, And was waiting for the right moment toplay her cards.

After their successful photoshoot, the boys were granted some advance payment by the manager. It wasn't a huge amount, but it was enough to cover their immediate expenses. They thanked the manager and headed back home, relieved that they now had some money to buy groceries and other necessities.

Rain:"Finally, we have some cash. Let's make a list of what we need to buy."

Glenn:"Right. We definitely need rice, bread, spices, tea, sugar, jam, cereal, milk, and snacks."

Eric:"And let's not forget vegetables and fruits. We should have a balanced diet."

Ethan:"Agreed. Let's also make sure to buy ingredients for a good dinner tonight. We deserve it after everything we've been through."

With their list in hand, they made their way to the nearest grocery store. It took some time, but they managed to find everything they needed within their budget. Once they had all the groceries, they headed back home, eager to cook a satisfying meal.

And then they went to bed.