CH 6-Drama.

It is another noon in the academy, in side the class, Rain is busy taking the notes from the blackboard.

Teacher:" That'll be all for today, oh and, for this year's Academy Event, A well known Writer Miss Anisa Blood will be visiting as the Guest of honor, and she's also hosting a Drama in the Academy's theater, Any students interested shall contact Mr. Kane the The teacher of acting Club."

Saying so she leaves.

Ethan:" OI Rain, Anisa is coming here!"

Rain:" Yeah I heard that, And I don't understand the enthusiasm"


Rain:" DUH, My sister Kenny always talks about her, pretty sure I've seen some books in her room, what I'm saying is, I don't understand horror, nor do I like it."

Eric:" I'm surprised, considering your mother's owned Media house is her contracted and only media publishing media."

Rain: "Look, guys, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I'm just not into horror. and it's just not my thing."

Ethan: Oh, come on, Rain! Don't be such a scaredy-cat. It's all in good fun. You might actually enjoy the thrill and adrenaline rush."

Glenn: "Yeah, Rain, don't be such a party pooper. Horror can be exciting and captivating. You're missing out on all the suspense and twisted plots."

Eric: "Seriously, Rain? You're going to pass up the opportunity to meet a renowned writer and experience something different? You're being too close-minded about it."

Rain: "Look, I get that you guys enjoy horror, and that's great for you. But I have my own preferences, and horror just doesn't align with them. I don't enjoy feeling scared or watching gory scenes. It's not something I find entertaining or appealing."

Ethan:" Fine, Rain, if you want to be a chicken about it, that's your choice."

Glenn: Yeah, it's a shame you can't appreciate the greatness of Anisa Blood's work.."

Rain: Fuck you all."

Eric: Yeah Yeah, we are gonna take part in the Drama, you can eat popcorns with the audience."

Rain:" oh thank you, I'll do exactly that."

Glenn:" BUT, why are you so loathed with horror? I mean, horror gives you experiences that you can't get in normal life."

Rain:" ....."

Glenn:".... ?? Rain?"

Rain:" ....."

Eric:" Aye bud?"

Rain:" ....."

Ethan:" RAIN!"

Rain:" YWHAHDLKUAHD! I'm here!"

Eric:" The fuck was that?"

Rain:" .... I just remembered about that one horror movie that made me hate horror stuff."

Glenn:" And that is?"

Rain:" Uh..... toddling towards terror."

Eric:"...that is a very stupid name for a Movie...., Anyway. I'M headed to the Mr. Kane, ANYONE who wishes to join me shall, follow me, seeya Rain~"




At the theater, Anisa was hosting a small lecture on the basis and essence of fear and horror.

Inside the dimly lit Academy theater, Anisa Blood, a renowned horror writer, stands before a group of students gathered for her talk on horror. A faint, unsettling aura surrounds her.

Anisa Blood: "Welcome, my dear students. Today, we shall venture into the depths of horror. It is a realm where fear reigns, and darkness thrives."

Student 1:"What makes something truly unsettling, Miss Blood?"

Anisa Blood: "Ah, unsettling... It begins with the atmosphere, the subtle whispers in the shadows. Picture a deserted house, its floorboards creaking under unseen weight. Such places hold secrets that yearn to be uncovered."

Student 2: "So, it's all about jump scares and gore?"

Anisa Blood: "Oh, my dear, that is but the surface. True horror lies in the depths of the mind. It lingers in the darkest corners, questioning your sanity, and blurring the line between reality and nightmare."

Student 3: "How does horror keep us engaged?"

Anisa Blood: "Engagement... Ah, the power of imagination. We give you glimpses, fragments of the unimaginable. It is your mind, my dear students, that completes the tapestry of terror. You shall find yourself entangled in a web of fear, unable to escape."

Student 4: "Can you give us an example of subverting expectations?

Anisa Blood: "distraction, subversion is a dance between anticipation and deception. Just when you believe you know the path, we lead you astray, unveiling the unexpected. Embrace the twisted, for it is there that true horror lies."

*knock knock*

Anisa:" NO knocks needed, just take a seat"

Came in Ethan, Eric and Glenn and just as told they quickly took any empty seats they could find.

Anisa:" And lastly, You know what makes horror more, horrifying?...none? well, the essence of realism makes any story, scary....., like the concept of aliens and zombies, they are scary and very horrifying things but.... not bone chilling, but the concept of a mentally ill serial killer hiding in plain sight among the crowd just waiting to to rip to the guts if their next pray and turn them into a burger Patties... now THAT is scary."

All students:"....."

Anisa:" Too dark?"

All students:"*nod nod*"

Anisa:" oh... well, who's interested in Drama?"





Mr Kane:"Allright Students, Miss Anisa gave me the list of characters, and the plot."

Anisa:"Mr Kane I believe i can leave the Auditioning to you?"

Mr Kane:"Absolutely, just give me a just of what kind of characters you want here."

Anisa:"Of I believe it's all in the file I gave you."

Mr Kane:"Yeah But, You know, always good to get the expert's opinion."

Anisa:"Oh you Flatter me, But fine, I'll be here, but you must filter then for me first."

Mr Kane:"That I can~, *Turns to students.* Ok Peeps, Lemmi tell the story so you may get the idea for the audition."


Mr Kane:"*Clears throat* It's a story about a Jealous Husband, in this story Wife actually gets a new friend, and she starts to meet that new friend of hers, And husband is not happy, Even tho the Wife is not cheating on her husband, The husband begans to make bad scenarios in his mind of how his wife is cheating on him, so, he kills his wife and his Wife's friend, for wife's character we need someone aloof, air-headed with innocent eyes, for Husband we need Someone Sharp, and for Wife' s friend we need someone... cherry, bubbly, like a rainbow."

Ethan:"*whispering* So much for explanation."

Eric:*Whispering* Mr Kane is not a very good director."

Mr Kane:"So, Who's up for the Husband's Character?"


Mr Kane:"Ah, Prince Nathen, A pleasure to have you here my lord."

Nathen:"[being Robbed of something, heh, who can do it better then me]."

Mr.Kane:"Ok then, Next if Wife."

A random Hunk-ish girl was selected for the role of Wife, and for Husband's friend.

Glenn:"ITS A MEEE!!!"

Eric:"Congregation bro~"

Ethan:"You are lucky Rain didn't came."

Glenn:"Yeah man, otherwise i would have never gotten then role!"

Mr. Kane:"So we have characters and actors ready, Get ready for the play kids~"




other chapters are in my Pc I'm not at home right now, I wanted to wait and upload everything at once but I might not get back anytime soon, so I'm posting Everything I have right now.