CH 14-Church of attention.

Anisa walked inside the house, Behind her were News reporter, and surrounding them were Cops, About 50 of them in total, And 10 of them were only surrounding Anisa, Their guns loaded and aimed at her.

Anisa walked into a room, going down, it lead to a basement.

Ashley from the drom gave some instructions.

Ashley:"Don't let go to far, keep her surrounded"

Her instructions were followed.

Anisa:"Now please, Men and Women all, pay attention to me."

Inside the basement, ... was a cathedral.

A statue of Her was erected in the front.

A book in her right hand a writing feather in her left hand.

Anisa:"Welcome, honorable Guests.., today you all shall witness the birth of Anisa, Omen of tales."

The Whole Cathedral had walks decorated with glass murals, Red glass that was cut to small shapes that once stuck together created drawings.

There were many sculptures too, small glass statues on the seats facing Front.

A surpriseingly large place it was, the floor was decorated with glass tiles, ...and..

there were Faces in the tiles.

Not drawings or cravings.

But actual faces cut freshly from the heads that had moltan glass poured over them.

Cops:"Holy lillith...."

Anisa:"Dear reporters, please hang your camera's on the on the side of walls, the view is good i promise."

None was convinced, why would anyone agree with a such MANIAC, who would agree to this.

Maniacs will.

Reporter:"Hello.. yes boss?, hang the cameras? but... allright allright..."

One call, then came another.

Soon about half of the reporters hanges their cameras on the wall, the people watching through them got a feel of CCTV view.


Cops were not entertained with this view, they were not comfortable with this view of calmness from the person they all are pointing their guns at.

Anisa:"Well, Let's starts with a introduction, My name is Anisa blood, ever since childhood i wanted to make my parents proud...., and one day they just poofed, like, Gone, faster then a shooting star, Not that I cared much, In fact it gave me the freedom, But, I do know they were killed by a cult of some sort, *chuckle* that's when I got the inspiration! what could be better way to make my parents proud then to attain the status of godhood!, but.. how does one become god?, I don't know..., but, What If I do something that gives me the name of a god?, what If I do something... that ... engraves my name in the history~"

"what is she talking about?"

"Maybe too much writing took a toll on her brain."

"Aye! my clit is big enough to be a god."

Comments, insulting comments, degrading names and more insults were thrown at her.

But she didn't budge, her smile was same as ever.

At this point almost the whole nation was watching this news.

Many were Scared, many were laughing, Yes it's a funny situation, but this person claiming to be a god or claiming to attain God hood soon.

It's scary, it's funny.

It's entertaining.

Reporter:"Do you mind if we can hang these large mics somewhere too?"

Anisa:".*smirks*....*smile*.... definitely, please, find anywhere you'll like."

And so they did.

As if the cathedral had become a studio. Only Cops were uneasy.

They couldn't get the grasp of this situation.

Cop#5:"If any of there reporters dies.., it's their fault."

Cop8:"Yup...., fucking TRP eating turd bugs."


Anisa:"I was not done yet, So, Where was I?, oh! yeah..., Godhood, so.. as I was Saying, I needed to do something that'll make my name exgraved in people's mind, Like how they say "Oh god" ... I want them to say "Oh Anisa" instead of "oh shit", Sounds fun! right!?"

Cop#7:"*on call* Hello, yeah i need a medical van with restrain jacket, and a shock treatment kit if possible."

Anisa:"Now, kets starts with my murders, well, actually you all know about them, in fact, you all know already know where those bodies are!"

"What is she talking about"

Everyone questioned.

Anisa took a deep breath, As if breathing crack her smiles was so unhinged that even a mirror would break in horror.

Anisa:"Every Single story I've wrote... is actually a direct refrence to my murders~"




Not a word escaped from anyone's mouth.



Anisa:"My first book, Had about 6 Chapters, and maybe around 15 kills? oh how you all LOVED my way of writing!, remember how detailed the gore was?, WELL, now you ALL know how I got the reference!"

Many watched this event on their TV.

It was not a movie scene, nor it was FICTITIOUS story.

They were not watching a peice of media created for entertainment.

They were hearing the words of a serial killer, who was about to show everyone, Their spoils of hunt.




Riz:"Slar take the kids away."

Slar:"Yes Ma'am."

Rain& Ethan &Eric:"Wait no!"

They were given no room to negotiate, Slar dragged them away to another room.

And not just here, Parents around the nation made sure to take away their kids were kept away from this as far as possible.

Not just the Civillian.

Nathen Who was in his drom with his Sister.

A Guard from the Royal palace came.

Royal Guard:"Your highness Prince and Princess, both of you are to be returned to the royal palace immediately."

Nathen:"What!? but-"

Royal Guard:"Immediately."




Anisa Stood at the front, As if she could guess the reaction of people watching her on their TV, she bowed and thanked everyone.

Anisa:"Now! Shall We immotilize This moment?"

She walked to a side and took out a book and writing feather.

Anisa:"Please give me a Moment to write two lines~"


No one understood why she's writing something right now, and WHAT?

Anisa:"Annnnnd Done!... now.. let's us all become the part of history!"

She raised her hands in the air.


The moment those words left her mouth, the celling above split opened.

Reporter:"What the!?"

Moltan Glass.

Moltan Glass that looked like Red jelly fell down like a boulder.

Cops panicked!, instinctively shooting Anisa.

Many bullets landed on her flesh.

None mattered to her.

With a Proud and power On her face.

She welcomed the Moltan glass.

Everyone watching this scene through their screens felt like they were watching demon's playtime.

The Moment That fiery Glass touched her face she couldn't help but Laugh.

Reporter, Cops, Camera personals and one's holding mic. All could do nothing but Scream in horror.

Many tired to run their way out, but the door was closed.

Cops shot it many times but to no avail.


Screams of more then hundred People was echoing throughout the cathedral.

Screams that are so full of agony a mear discription is not enough.

The blood curdling screech of people as their skin and muscle is melting and burning of their bones, and at the same time they are running, and thralling in Pain.

They ay death by fire is the most pain form of death.

What about being burnt alive in Moltan glass.

Through our the nation.

Many closed their TV.

Many watched without volume.

Some Smashed the screen.

And very few watched the Horror with their eyes open.







Sia&her husband:"..."

Stella& her husband:"...."

As if they all had lost tongue.

Stella:"My...My son... I.....I need my son, Eric..."

Stella went to where the kids were, she needed to hold her son, to comfort her heart from the horror she just watched, her husband followed behind.

Ashley's eyes couldn't leave the screen.

Anisa and everyone by now were dead, she watched them all die, Anisa was the only one standing straight, even in death.

Suddenly a white powder like Substance was sprinkled from the ceiling.

The glass was suddenly harden.

A process that should and would have taken more then 4 hours, was done in a instant.

EVRYONE, was preserved.

Cops, and Media.

Dead, with their bodies inside the now hardened glass.

The Glass was clear, Mostly, through it their charred Corpse were visible.

Anisa, in the middle, And everyone around her, some on floor, some trying to climb the walls.

but all dead, and preserved.

Cameras, the once that was placed on the walls were safe and live telecasted everything.

This incident was live telecasted around the nation.



The last thing Anisa wrote in that book were her last words.

"To anyone reading this, I hope you are reading this after reading all of my previous books and stories, if not, I will kill you in your dreams, but if you are then you are safe, As for my last message. I just wanna say Books and bodies, both when destroyed, take away stories with them, My whole life I wanted to do something to be knows always, how lucky are all the people who became the stepping stones in my journey."




This incident was later known as "Cursed Book's reception".