The Great Escape

Rowan stood as his stat points hit zero, and he felt a surge of strength as a full thirty 37 stat points were distributed. His stat panel went through a drastic change in an instant.

Name:Rowan Raid

Title: Silent Surgeon


Race: Human

Bloodline: 25% Awakened Slaughter Fairy


Class: None

Attunement: Storm


Agility:90 +20




Skill Points:0

He had chosen to put 20 points into mind to increase the effects of mana body while his agility increased by ten points. With the addition of the 20 from mana body, it meant his overall agility was at 110, which meant that he was now capable of speeds 22 times that of an average human.

Rowan's world faded to black and white. The humans in the room had their hearts turn red in his vision, a critical weak spot. The entire head was in black, a sure death spot. Rowan grinned, knowing where he needed to avoid. None of them were really prepared for what it meant with him activating storm steps in such a closed space. He leapt through the air faster than anyone could react. A phantom in a crowded room.

He twisted through the air and stepped on the air, shooting himself downward and in front of Neal. He threw an uppercut that connected squarely with Neal's nuts while he was still stunned at the speed displayed. His eyes went wide and began to water while his hand reached for his sword, but could his hand speed compare to Rowan? Who wasn't talking? Rowan pulled both of the knives from his gear and felt more strength surge through him as the bonus effect of the twin talon style took effect. His hands were now more graceful as the motions of the twin talon style played back in his head. Rowan's left hand came down like the blade of a guillotine as he severed the tendons in Neal's left wrist, rendering it useless.

His right arm stuck at the same time, aiming to sever the tendons of the right hand as well, but right before he could, a chain interrupted the path of the knife. Peter had made his move from his seat. A chain that slithered like a snake blocked the blow, saving Neal's good hand before whipping at his face.

Rowan ducked the chain and kicked upward, planting his foot firmly into Neal's chest, leaving a cyan imprint and sending Neal through the wall and out into the street beyond. Rowan used the force of the stomp to shoot himself under the table as he noticed that the woman with the purple hair had not moved at all. He reached the other side of the table and threw the knives towards the guards holding Em, lodging them into their shoulders as Rowan was before them in a second as he yanked the blades out of them in brutal fashion before attaching a line of mana to Em.

He had attached another to Camille, and they both went flying backwards and into the hallway. He smiled at them both. "I will meet you at the front in ten minutes." She nodded and dragged Em and left while Rowan swung his hand as a gust of wind closed the door behind them. The mayor was standing there, rage adorning his face. Rowan smirked and spoke out. "I was willing to make concessions, I knew that you would be a dick, I knew that you would ask for too much but you are right I haven't changed and for the sake of the people still left in this city I was willing to give in. You just had to push through my bottom line again and again. The moment you knew that I would not be an asset you could use for your own gain. You asked for this fight, not me , but after this you will know better and we can both do our own thing to save the city."

The mayor began to unsheathe a bright red sword shaped like a Katana. "You think you will make it out of here alive, Rowan?" Rowan stood straight up and looked around the room. The rest of the cabinet members just looked scared while the purple-haired woman that he now knew was a seer was still sitting still and uninterested. It was just the mayor and the snake. The chain lashed out, but it moved like a snail compared to Rowan he set a storm point right in front of his forehead and let go of the knife in his right hand it rotated in the air so that it was handle first and knocked him off balance as the knife slammed into his forehead.

Rowan smiled and followed the storm point while catching the knife, while also delivering a slap that sent Peter's body spinning through the air and into the far wall. His body was halfway through the wall and unconscious. Rowan then turned to the mayor, who he was now close to and smiled. The mayor struck like lightning as the katana came slashing from above and brought with it a trail of fire. Rowan parried the strike when he realized that the knives he was using were not even system products as the first one broke and he was forced to jump backwards.

He switched the single remaining knife into a reverse grip and dashed in. The mayor swung clumsily and Rowan dodged it and stabbed the knife into his foot before withdrawing. The mayor grimaced and touched the blade to the wound and seared it close. He charged while his open hand threw a ball of fire. Rowan opened up a storm point in front of him as he moved. It activated its water-like defense as cyan water spilled out of the storm point. Rowan was moving at the time and so it looked like the cyan water wrapped around him as he burst through the flame. He smiled, and they engaged in close combat while he wrapped the dagger in mana to stop it from shattering on contact like the last one had.

The mayor's strikes got more and more refined, but Rowan was smart. The water aspect of the storm was good enough to counter the man. He held a storm point in his free hand and as it released water, Rowan created 8 storm points around it that trapped the water in and made a shield that he could wield on his wrist. He caught the blade on the shield and sliced into the mayor. The mayor accumulated wound after wound while Rowan remained untouched. He finally leapt back while panting, his suit ruined and covered in blood. He roared at the purple-haired woman, "HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE! YOU SAID HE WAS ONLY LVL 11! I'm now level fifteen. She shrugged her shoulders and spoke in a light voice that sounded somewhat scratchy. "He is still level 11, but I did tell you that his name is wrapped in rainbow light. It clearly shows that there is something special about him. I told you I would be here to identify, but I have zero intention of getting involved in this."

The mayor snorted, but He was unaware of how bored Rowan was by such a low level fight. He appeared in front of him by means of a storm point and parried a clumsy slash with the knife before smashing the shield into his face. It was enough to stun him while Rowan continued and smashed the shield over and over, leaving the mayor in a bloody heap on the ground. He smiled down at his body and looked at the rest of the cabinet, scared in the corner. He began to walk out of the room when the woman with purple hair spoke up behind him. "He's offered me comfort to stay here and read people's status for him, something that now gives me Exp, but if sometime soon you can offer something better, I would have no qualms about switching sides for the right price."

Rowan shrugged as he walked out of the front door. "I'll think about it." Rowan made his way to the entrance by the most direct means possible. He kicked out a window and leaped out. He used storm steps to slow his descent and landed right next to Camille. "Let's get out of here. He began to lead the way when Neal appeared from an alleyway with blood coming from a wound in his head. "ROWAN!" Em pulled on Rowan's shirt, which caused him to turn around and completely ignore Neal.

She had a lollipop in her mouth, and a bookbag on her back shaped like a teddy bear. She put her hand down the bear's mouth and pulled out two simple daggers that she handed to Rowan. She then patted his belly and went and grabbed Camille's hand. "Beat up the stinky man, big bro!" They walked off to one side as Rowan smiled and walked forward. He knew that these daggers would be strong enough, but he coated them in mana either way. He had no doubt that the sword on his hip was also a more advanced system weapon.

He charged Rowan, who waved a hand and surrounded them in storm-points. He finally drew the sword with his still working hand and silver light spilled from the sheath. He slashed once, twice, three times and arcs of silver light shot forward towards Rowan. He moved a storm point in an attempt to block it, but it cut right through it like it wasn't there. He heard Camille yell in the background, "Rowan! His attunement says "Space!" Rowan stayed focused as he dodged around the three slashes and activated storm steps.

"System explain the space attunement to me." [Space is rather self explanatory. To explain, though, it is the element that governs location. It can displace location; as an example, the slashes currently threatening your life operate by his will, wrapping around the mana and displacing everything in front of it. So because the two spaces can not overlap, it gives birth to an ability to cut through most things as his slices override the space they move into. For example if it were to meet your midsection, the space would be displaced and it would appear as if you were cut in two with the universe's finest edge.]

Rowan took it in stride as he continued to move across the street and closer to Neal. Neal was more dangerous than the rest of the room put together thanks to the space element alone, but Rowan also did not care. He smiled and zoomed through the air to a storm point right next to Neal and kicked his leg out before he could react.

He followed it up with an uppercut that made his brain shake and left him in a dazed state. Rowan knew that at a later point these people he was sparing would be able to pose a real threat to him, but the increase in stats he got from being a tier 0 soul made him invincible to the current human forces in evergreen city. Rowan used the handle to knock him unconscious as he shook his head while Camille and Em caught up with him. "What an absolute boring fight. I guess on the upside, I will definitely be able to claim the dungeons in the city. They keep this pace of growth and the zombies will wipe us off the map." They all walked into the distance with Rowan in the lead, headed towards his home.