Eye of The Storm (Part 1)

Rowan pulled her in close and they hugged each other tightly, but before anything could be said they both started to flow with an odd light. She began to let off a ruby red glow that seemed to pulse like a heart and drip like blood. Cyan light poured from his body and before he knew it he was going rather absent minded. Rowan slowly lowered his body to the ground and sat firmly on the roof with his legs folded like a pretzel, his body moving unconsciously. Akari slowly lowered herself into his lap and fit perfectly into the space.

She gently lay back, and they felt everything the other was able to feel and before long both dove into an imaginary space that they could both share. They existed purely as beings made of stars in this world; she made of vermillion stars and he made of cyan ones. She slowly moved closer to him in this world and the words outside exploded into motion. Their mana shot from their body and into the sky as two brilliantly intertwined flames. The cyan flame gently licked the sky and clouds began to form.

The Vermillion flame reached the exact spot as their mana spun, and it too gently licked the clouds, and red lightning shimmered through the clouds before mixing to form the oddest shade of purple that either of them had ever seen. The fluorescent purple lighting formed tiny four-winged falcons before dissipating when the scene slowed to a crawl and they both got the same message.

[Soul resonance has been inexplicably triggered due to the meeting of two tier zero souls already so bonded by fate. The union has given birth to a storm of slaughter with the two of you at its eye. Through the interaction of the system, you have both melded into a separate space whereby working together the two of you can control the storm.] [This act is monumental for you both and anything that can be remembered will probably evolve your talent and mana control thousand fold and awaken several Ex skills for both parties.] [Comment: Luck Stat OP!] [Comment For real this time: Host has triggered a lucky encounter and should take proper advantage of it, wield the power of the storm for the next 1 hour as the layer itself supplies you with all the mana necessary to fully explore this ability.]

Rowan's eyes went wide with shock. He had fallen into such a crazy situation and right now he could leap forward massively compared to other people in this world. Rowan had known for a while now that eventually someone was going to attempt to take control of this situation of the world after zombies and he would need strength to not be controlled but also there was more going here and so for now he knew that if he wanted to be truly comfortable in this new world, he would need to keep chasing the strength of that sword technique. Rowan was just about to comment to Akari when he noticed that time was still moving slowly as another urgent quest appeared in front of him.

[Urgent Quest: Live!] Rowan's smile finally faded from his face after that. [Comment: With fortune comes danger. The woman whose soul connected to yours has ultimately fully become a new existence as the host has only started the transition but while you are slowly being eased in, she is fully thrown into the deep end and the current her not can not help her current physical desire to consume. While you may maintain the storm due to your contact for one hour, within another thirty minutes, she will fail to restrain herself and kill you.

The system does not know enough about this new race to help you. Hopefully, the host can find a way out of this one.] Rowan's jaw dropped as he noticed the star body of Akari scrunch its eyebrows in frustration. Rowan shook his head, "Let me experience this for at least thirty minutes alright, then we try to save my life."

She let her jaw drop before she realized he truly was serious. "Rowan Raid you are actually the biggest idiot I've ever met.Who says something like that." Rowan's smile in that moment could light up the whole room "Ah I see you are back to the real you, pointless insults because you can never match my brain power." "Whatever nerd."

She took one arm in the other and crossed her hands across her chest. "In here I can't hear their screams or feel the feeling of the chips of their bones tickling my throat. I can no longer feel what it's like to consume someone I loved, starting from their toes. It did not matter whether they were zombies or not, I devoured them. In the meantime, I learned something interesting: cannibal zombies are special, even the other zombies will attack them relentlessly.

There may be something to that in the future. Rowan nodded and could never understand what she was going through, and he knew that on a deep level. She hadn't done something that she would have to live with for the rest of her life; he could not expect her to just be fine with everything that had happened, but still she managed to make sure to tell him about the difference between cannibal zombies and normal zombies.

He could only nod and smile at her as if everything was going to be okay. He turned his attention to the storm and her with him as he let the feeling of power wash over him. Rowan at this time was the storm. It took him a thought to summon the purple lighting and another to mold it to his will. He could see the entire city. Nothing was truly safe from the storm. He could reach anyone anywhere in this state. He thought about the stadium and suddenly he could see as if he was standing in the sky above it.

The rain that fell from the sky was his eyes and his ears, he could hear the mayor making plans to defeat the dungeons starting with Evergreen college, he could hear the whispers of the people in the main part of the stadium lamenting on the state of the world. He could feel their hearts beating in their chest through the vibrations in the rainwater that had fallen against their bodies. He let himself leave the stadium to sum up what he had experienced, but Akari was a step ahead of him, letting him control but experiencing everything that he did.

"It feels like this is the power a god would wield." Rowan could only nod to her as he took control of the storm again, but this time a step further, he began to strike zombies in the streets indiscriminately with purple lighting. He turned them to dust with little more than thought. [+1 exp] The moment he hit level ten he no longer gained anything from a level one zombie while this level 3 zombie was still able to give him a single exp point, but it also told him that he would be able to gain exp from the kills as the storm which made him have an idea. He moved his thoughts to Evergreen college.

Outside, the storm had a mind of its own; the clouds shifting in tandem with his thoughts. Purple lighting churned within the clouds before shooting out towards Evergreen college. He laid waste to every zombie that he could find. He was the meat grinder, and the school was meat. The storm rolled over and killed everything it met. The zombies in buildings that should have been safe were not. Purple strokes of wind caused windows to blow inward, giving him access to those even still in buildings as lightning roared through the windows.

He ignored the countless messages of exp and continued the slaughter. Rowan was unaware that while this was happening, the storm was not just a product of him and, thanks to Akari, it had its own peculiarities. Every time a lightning bolt killed a zombie, it carried back a refined blood-like gem that would gather in the storm.

She was holding them there for something. She slowly let one disperse into the clouds and the blood and purple lighting begin to mix as her eyes lit up. Rowan had killed all the non specialized zombies through tricks or other activities. He had at one point begun blowing rain through windows and using the rain to flood buildings or even to conduct his lightning further into unreachable places.

He struck at the lvl 20+ elite zombies that had formed some even he had never seen before, but they all had different means to counter the storm and they all seemed to be gathering together towards the school field. Rowan noticed that in the middle of the field, sitting on a throne of bones, was still the lvl 29 Zombie King Garda. Rowan tried relentlessly, but now with Gardas protection the storm could not ravage them. It was then that Akari slid herself behind his astral form and lowered her hand over his, which at some point he had outstretched; it helped him visualize himself affecting the storm.

She whispered into his ear, "Rowan raid, all power and no style, you are not alone. We can do so much more together. Watch." She shared control and what and caused two of the blood red crystals in the sky to burst and mix with lighting. The lighting wrapped itself around the blood red gem pieces before they became the eyes on a falcon made of pure lightning. The falcon soared out of the clouds and flapped its wings, causing tiny arcs of purple lighting to scatter into the air. It caught sight of a caravan zombie and tucked its wings.

He heard Akari whisper in his ear again, this time her voice more hoarse, even somewhat erotic "Storm Stoop." The purple lighting shot downwards much faster than Rowan ever did when using it, and with a powerful strike from its talon directly to the neck. The speed combined with the precise strike caused it to actually start to just shatter and crumble into pieces. Lightning had wormed through the slice that had killed the parasite on contact and had shattered the body from the inside as it detonated. The Falcon let out a raptor call that made the sky shake when hundreds of purple falcons poured through the sky and towards the rest of the zombies, all executing the storm stoop.