Eye of the Storm (Finale)

Rowan looked at Akar, who gave him the most pitiful look that she could. "The skill unlocked itself after our soul fusion. I have not even been able to read it until that moment." She used her hands the same way and shared the skill with him.

[Carnal Evolution: Your body was fully restored to its most optimal state when awakening, restoring everything to an untainted state. Skill locked until consuming blood of a lover.] [Effect: Your body will undergo another metamorphosis based on the blood of the loved one. You will experience rapid growth of the mind and body. To do so, you must intern share your first blood with said lover, causing the recipient to also undergo massive changes.] Rowan looked at her for a long while until the Akari in the real world started to move again. She slowly stood up in the rain and let her crimson armor fall away, leaving her bare body out in the open. Rowan was able to easily connect the dots of what the first blood was.

He froze for a moment before embracing the mind version of her from behind. "Thank you for waking me up." She felt the warmth of his embrace and never wanted to leave it, but knew that after this she would have to. They could not be together, not while she still could not control herself, and that would only get worse after another evolution. Rowan could feel her emotions and could come to his own conclusions.

She spoke up before he could say anything. "This skill has an amount of time needed to fully take root, so our physical bodies will need to be in the act the entire time, which buys you thirty minutes to continue being the storm." Rowan nodded as time stopped crawling and he was back in the fight while acutely aware of what was happening to his main body. Akari slowly swiped her hand and a thin line of red lashed out from her finger before shattering like a spiderweb and covering Rowan, cutting all of his clothes off of him before they were blown away with the wind. Rowan tried to not pay attention to the scene, but it was hard not to, even as he dodged a swing from Garda and answered it with a knee to his face that dislocated the zombie's jaw.

The battle picked up in intensity as Garda, in his rock armor, fought with his all against Rowan. Rowan kept storm step active and was a phantom in between the pillars but they were close enough together that Garda's now massive body could not help but touch them and just by touching one the rock would grab accelerate him so that he could almost keep up with Rowan. All of a sudden, Rowan felt a massive shock run through his body as Akari had lowered her head to his crotch and the strong suction force had sent a massive feeling of ecstasy through his body.

They currently were connected by means of soul, so they were already feeling what the other felt so at the same time that he gasped, so did Akari. She continued, though, and Rowan realized what was going on. Since they were connected this way, their souls had created a feedback loop that was feeding into both of their minds. She was pleasuring his main body, which in turn he was feeling mentally and then the feeling passed itself onto Rowan, causing the pleasure in the experience to be so pronounced that he almost lost his rhythm. He noticed that a certain clarity had overtaken his mind as it was assaulted by waves of pleasure mid fight with Garda.

He suddenly was moving slightly faster as he stopped dodging and slid right in front of Garda, his eyes glowing with mana. "Let's end this then!" Garda swung down with all of his power and Rowan didn't dodge this time. He put both daggers above him in an x shape and caught the blades between the two.

He grunted as he was almost forced to drop to his knees to the ground due to the weight of the blow. He hefted the blade upwards, blowing Garda's arm back before his hands became a blur. He cut with both daggers faster than Garda could recover, cutting him open and spilling his guts onto the floor. Rowan let out a raptor call as Garda repaired his earth armor. Rowan smiled and grabbed and made a pulling motion with his hand and suddenly the rock armor began to glow purple and all of a sudden lighting exploded from within, causing Garda to be dumbfounded.

Rowan had put tiny storm points along the edge of the daggers which had deposited themselves under the rock armor after Rowan succeeded in his attack. Rowan smiled as Garda kneeled in front of him when, all of a sudden, he heard a seductive whisper in his ear. "The main course is starting, Rowan. Who knows when we will see each other again after this or whether we will be on the same side? Take me fully, for once give me all of you." Rowan looked to his main body and noticed that Akari was slowly lowering her hips onto him and as he entered her, the feeling he felt before felt like nothing in comparison.

The pleasure exploded between them both and caused Rowan to space out as she began to bounce her hips and his mind threatened to break purely from the pleasure that surged through his soul thanks to the feedback loop. Rowan spaced out for too long though and Garda noticed which caused him to forge another blade made of earth as he slashed down with both that and his sword, sealing all means or retreat for Rowan. Rowan realized the danger, but if he thought the clarity of before made him a better fighter, then what he was experiencing right now opened his entire mind to his use in this moment and he suddenly understood the storm on an even deeper level. He developed a new skill as his right leg slid backwards in the dirt and his shoulders lowered with both arms spread apart.

His voice a mix of a raptor call and human speech "Wind Storm Assault!" Furious winds flew through the rock pillars as his hands began blasting out. The wind from the storm joined his blades and shot out as coalesced blades of wind that shredded everything in their path. Rowan blasted out with more than a hundred swings in less than a second. The blades of wind traveled without pause and cut Garda into ribbons and fully demolished the stone pillars that were in the area. Massive rays of light burst from his body as the parasite was cut in half in the barrage. Items began to pop out one at a time before being swept away by the wind and carried by the storm to Rowan's current location.

He felt things drop around him but he was too focused on what was happening in front of him the storm began to dissipate but the soul fusion did not so Rowan turned his focus to his body and just like Akari was able to he became able to move his body as he flipped over and thrust until they both reached near completion. He took her from behind directly after the clap of their nether regions echoing across the night on the rooftop. Rowan indulged himself in her body and held himself back for as long as he could before he abruptly stood up while she put the throbbing member inside of her mouth.

The rain had washed away any traces of her first blood that remained, but what they both did not realize was that it had, in fact, worked its way through the pores of Rowan's skin and was melding into his bloodline. He would start to transform again soon. Rowan moaned out loud as he finally released what he had been holding back while Akari took the throbbing thing into her mouth just moments before he released and swallowed it all down without leaving a trace.

He wanted to collapse in exhaustion when he felt a familiar pain shoot through his body. He staggered and Akari caught him as he noticed that the soul fusion was indeed finally over. "This is where I say goodbye, Rowan. My first blood was rather potent since it came from my fully awakened bloodline. You will undergo a metamorphosis once again whereas for me , I will still be digesting your essence and blood, my transformation will not take place for several days and in that time I will be leaving, maybe one day I will have a handle on the blood lust and we can see each other again but even then I am not sure what will happen because you are still among the living and I am not."

Rowan could feel his consciousness growing faint through the pain, but he tried to reach out to her as she walked to the edge of the roof and the blood red armor reformed. "No… Akari… don't, we can protect each other, I don't care what you… are." She could only shake her head as four pure white bat wings came from behind her back. "You may not, but I do Rowan. I hope you live well." Rowan tried to struggle towards her before she leaped but he collapsed on the way as a cocoon of rainbow light formed around him and she sped off into the distance the last sight that Rowan was able to see being her beautiful form flapping its wings against the coming dawn and out of Evergreen city and his life for the foreseeable future.