One more Bonus!

Rowan walked into another new room, but there were no surprises in this room. , the lights were on and the screen never fell from the ceiling. It was a room packed to the brim with zombies. None of them even evolved into zombie kings, despite the average level of them being thirty. Rowan just assumed they weren't all that talented, just like humans had varying levels of natural talent, which showed itself even more now in the apocalypse. Rowan just assumed that the parasites that created this new race were the same way.

Of course there was the factor of the body they chose to inhabit probably but at the same time they also had their own talents, they had already shown intelligence and Rowan could tell that the only reason he had not already had a more in-depth conversation with a zombie was because at this stage was their even a point to it? They existed to kill and eat him, they would grow stronger from it, Rowan as well would get more powerful for killing them and they were in direct opposition to his entire race, there was never a need for words between them. Rowan turned the weathervane back into its bolt form as he looked out at the sea of zombies that was approaching him in the room packed to the brim.

The ones closest to the door realized that there was once again a human to feed from which instantly reminded Rowan that with all of these zombies there was not a single cannibal, but I guess you really wouldn't be able to keep a room of zombies if there was a cannibal mixed in. Rowan was set to continue the exact training method he had begun which, despite the rest of the zodiac members watching from other rooms, they thought he was using his mana but he was training his techniques with just the strength of his body. Amethyst weapon light blasted out for another [slash] when he felt the technique shift.

The weapon light got stronger and more pronounced, and Rowan could swear there was a different feeling when he used it. Rowan became a whirlwind of death and his skills as he tore apart the room of zombies. "System, trade 1 level for the most optimal path to refine my fighting style." [Comment: Don't assume information cost. Please pay one extra level for that information.] Rowan had returned to 35 thanks to all the enemies, but he then paid the price and dropped to 33, but this time Rowan paid attention to the fact that he did not lose any of the skill points, but he did lose the stat points. Rowan also realized that he still required more exp to level, so that would still escalate.

Rowan nodded at that and waited for the system to explain. [Host has two paths that he could currently take at this juncture to improve his fighting style.Option 1: The host could use his skill points in increments of 2, to level all non Ex skills, pushing them right to their evolution point while relying on the system to aptly deliver the proper usage of the technique. Option 2: Host can continue to use the skills, while fully working them out and evolving them on his own without the help of the system.] [Comment: Option 2 is advised for the strongest path.] Rowan went silent as he began to change the way he was striking, before he was just using the skills and letting it flow, but now he began using hyper vision to make sure that his every strike was a killing blow with the skill. There was close to 300 zombies still left, and he had already killed just as many. His stats were soaring through the roof compared to other beings at this level. "System, how many levels will it take for you to guide me on my next training course?" [Host already paid for part of this question so the cost will be reduced to three levels.] Rowan used a slash that decapitated close to ten zombies as he connected their weak points. He nodded to no one in particular. "Yea, pay the price then."

[Firstly, the host should reach level 50 before refining skill usage, as the enemies located within this base are more than sufficient for that. Secondly, the host should evolve their mana center and mana use. Stepping into another stage of mana will unlock more racial abilities as well as new ways to use old ones. The host is limiting himself before he has too. Step into level fifty first. At that point, the host will also unlock skill combinations through the system. You have more than a year until you can leave this world, which is enough time to fully evolve your fighting capabilities to unseen levels. So as a breakdown, the host should reach the maximum level that his current world can handle. Then refine his skills, followed by the creation of new ones through experiments and skill combinations.]

[Comment: The host has paid enough so it will be told something. The host in his current state will not be able to claim the prize of the trial world, which is a chance to speak with the man who executes the sword slash.] Rowan was so caught off guard by the system that he froze and a zombie almost drove a claw through him. He dispatched it and then leapt off of his foot and killed the last swathe of zombies as he felt the mana pour into him as exp. [Call of the fairy king].

Rowan felt an unprecedented feeling as he felt almost bloated as all the souls swarmed to him, but a second later, the feeling vanished and his strength soared. He was looking forward to what he would be able to do with some of these abilities after he leveled up further. He decided to follow the system's advice as he stepped into the next room and was greeted by close to twenty enemies in cages. The screen descended from the ceiling once again and Tiger was there again, but there was no smile. He had noticed that Rowan was by no means getting weaker and that, in fact, he was certainly growing stronger. He was level 31 now while the gazed zombie kings in front of him were all at level 50. "Alright this is the last bonus room, these are some zombie kings that were made in the process of snake making his zombie kings, so this was his room of course but you took care of him on your way here and these zombies were the ones that were just too unruly for him to control.

Rowan was no longer paying attention to Tiger as he took the weathervane in its bolt form and turned it back to cloud form. He wanted his hands free, these zombie kings were not teaching him anything, and he was tired of wasting his time, the zodiac members may offer some entertainment, but if any one of these zombies were special, then he would have realized the system actually didn't even name them like the way it had with the bone king or Garda. All of their names just read zombie king. Rowan had no interest in wasting his time any further after knowing how much he needed exp The cloud band exploded on his wrist and the cloud covered the whole room while Tiger chose to just shut up and watch what was happening.

Rowan flung his hands out and storm points filled the clouds and began giving off mist making it even harder to see right as the zombie kings broke out and bound into the incredibly fine mist, tiger heard a voice he would never forget right before a beautiful flash of Amethyst. [Powder Keg].

There was a sound like something was charging itself, and then a slight zap. Then, before Tiger could tell what was happening, all the cameras in the room got blown to dust as the entire underground facility began to shake. The smoke cleared and the passageway to the next room began to open. Rowan slowly and calmly walked through the door. He had made Camille wait long enough.

He had absorbed close to 1400 souls just from these three rooms. His stats had now reached a point where he was struggling with his own strength. It was also too much mana for his current mana stage. It was causing his entire body to ache with pain as he still took steady steps into the next room. The moment he walked in he saw a man with broad shoulders and a brooding face complete with Ox horns. He was sitting in a chair with a massive battle ax laid across his lap. "Welcome to the domain of the OX Rowan Raid." Rowan kept walking until he was right in front of the man who stood up and revealed himself to be 8 feet tall. He looked down at Rowan Raid and a wide smile formed across his face.

He was built of pure muscle, and had a singular massive braid that went all the way down his back. "I was told that I would die today. They say that you are a monster of such a level that a single man could not hope to kill you." He lowered himself so that his eyes were level with Rowan's. "I would like to see which of our lives is flimsier." Rowan raid was ready to smile back on reflex as the massive man seemed to smile but not at the same time. The berserk gene was yelling for him to punish this person for being so brazen, to grab him by his throat and crush it as easily as he would a grape and, with his current stats, there was no way this man would escape his grip. It was right at this time when Tiger came back down on another screen with a smile on his face. "Rowan Raid, welcome to the show, meet OX, a man of little worlds, but someone who can show you just how special the rest of us zodiac leaders special."

The screen turned off at this point right as Rowan got a notification from the system that caused him to freeze in place [Anomaly detected, tier zero presence has been identified as Zodiac gang member OX! Please prepare adequately.]