Date with a Necromancer (Finale)

The moment that the words left his mouth, the world around him started to warp, but that was nothing compared to what was happening inside of his body. The mana in his body expanded and looked like it was going to explode outwards. The cracks that were on his skin previously began to rapidly expand as rainbow light began to pour from his flesh like some type of light show. Rowan felt his life flash before his eyes as he could feel the power prepare itself to burst from him, destroying him from the inside out.

The falcon image burst into life behind him and the light that spilled out of Rowan's body began to pour into the falcon image. The cloak did not apply itself the same as it did the last time. There was too much mana involved, and the amount of souls were vastly different in both quantity and quality. Right before he would have exploded, the falcon lightly lay its wings over his shoulder and the cloak began to make its appearance known.

The falcon's head became a hood as the falcon gently laid its wings over the sides of Rowan. The falcon became a cowl of feathers clung to Rowan. Rowan thought the cowl was it but all of a sudden the entire thing tightened to his body and the parts that hung loosely before wrapped around his body. The feathers imprinted itself on the storm armament, making it look like Rowan was wearing a skin-tight suit made of falcon feathers. A helmet with a hooked front like the mouth of a falcon now adorned his head, while the storm armament had changed entirely.

The shades of purple had diminished as the feathers made the armor look like it was dyed in shades of red while the core of each feather had a beautiful platinum that Rowan had never seen before. The pauldrons were demolished and instead the image of a four-winged falcon in flight adorned his back. The transformation finally ended and Rowan felt the massive amount of strength course through his body. The 200% increase on top of the addition of 10000 points of stats that had been absorbed into his body had made him feel invincible.

The strength coursed through him and Rowan fixed his hawk-like eyes right on Azure while hyper vision pointed out more than just where to attack but how. The berserker's sin had been an evolution of his abilities on a level that not even he expected. His wings revealed themselves and were the opposite of his body. The wings were mainly platinum, with a vermillion rain drop center. There were two sets, one large and the other dark. Rowan clenched his fist, and the space cracked while flames sprouted, surprising even him.

He shook his hand to put the fire out. Now was not the time to investigate new abilities , as to remind him that the system gave him one last message before time resumed. [Power has vastly exceeded the capabilities of a rank 2 mana zone. Host has sixty seconds before expiration.] Rowan smiled from ear to ear and said out loud to no one in particular. "Sixty seconds is more than enough time."

A platinum storm point formed in front of him and he grabbed it and it charged his fist with a mass of platinum lightning. He looked at the beam of death mana that was shooting towards him as he planted his foot forward and threw a punch, while at the same time his wings flapped gently and directly caused spatial tears as it accelerated him into the beam. His punch and the beam collided, and he split it down the middle like a parting of the sea. He had realized that the only way to resist the death mana was with excess amounts of mana, which is why he kept the storm point in his hand and continued to pump mana into it so that it would be able to protect him.

Azure noticed this and cut off the beam before the same gray mana coated his hands while his scale switched to the symbol of a bunny before the gray mana coated his feet and he leaped and vanished through the folds of space and appeared directly in front of Rowan. He swiped with his claws and gray claw marks shot from his hand and towards Rowan.

He threw two punches at the attack and shattered it while the gray mana splashed to the sides and fell on the ground, forming holes in the floor as the death mana slowly began to eat away at it. Rowan stepped in, with no weapon left. It would need to remain a close-range fight. Azure grunted and swung his claws and swung downward.

Rowan stepped to the left and punched him in the side of the jaw faster than even he could fathom as the force of the blow tore his jaw off and sent it flying into the distance which caused his eyes to go wide, as blood as black as sludge poured from the wound. He began to regenerate while a claw pierced towards Rowan from the side. Rowan ignored it as the combination of the cow and storm armament had raised his defense to a level befitting the level of power he was currently wielding.

The death mana collided with his natural defenses, and the two forces began to wage war on a small corner of Rowan's body. He got blasted outward from the force of the blow and Azure followed up with thousands of claw scars that chased after Rowan. He created another storm point in his other hand and began throwing punches in rapid succession that created platinum lighting after images that collided and shattered the scars. The splatters of mana were so violent that the surrounding began to crumble and space shook with each collision. Rowan timed it perfectly as he flapped his wings again and was back in again only to be greeted by a death-mana covered kick to the chest that plunged Rowan into the ground.

He supplied more mana to fight the death mana and grabbed the ankle and twisted it, dislocating it and tearing it off in the same motion. Only half of his jaw had recovered at this point as he flew up to the height of his head and stuck his hand out, releasing the storm point inside of his mouth while grabbing him by the tongue. He grabbed him and yanked him forward, forcing the storm point down his throat.

Rowan pulled him by his tongue and dragged his face into his knee and shattered his eye socket. Azure staggered back after using death mana to cut away his own tongue. His scales swapped to a combination of rooster and horse, and his wounds began to rapidly heal. "How is it possible? How did you gain so much…" Rowan didn't have the time for idle conversation. He swept his leg under Azures and began to rain lightning-strengthened blows into his midsection. Rowan smiled to himself as the ribs cracked and then fractured and then began to protrude from his midsection.

Azure exploded with gray mana, sending Rowan flying backwards while Azure struggled up to his feet. Rowan had completely overpowered him thanks to berserkers' sin. He looked at the time and realized that he only had ten seconds left. Azure had no knowledge of that though and knew to come out of this situation alive, he would need to execute the strongest attack that he could. He opened his throat as tiger marks covered his body and supercharged his death beam. A breath weapon he had learned in his current form. His throat stretched out and filled with cracks brimming with gray mana.

He snarled through his teeth and pointed the attack at Rowan. "Die!" Rowan had been waiting for this moment because, while he was focusing on this task, Azure had not stopped to realize that the punches that he was delivered just moments ago had allowed Rowan to insert storm points inside of his body, so while the beam shot forth Rowan activated a spell of his own.

Rowan watched as the cloak vanished around his body, returning the storm armament to its regular state while his timer hit 0 but not before he activated the trap he had set up. [Powder Keg] There was a sound that was no louder than the spark created by a wall outlet before the gray beam shooting towards Rowan was cut off and Azure's body started to rapidly balloon. Rowan's skin started to crack more and more, but the feeling of being unburdened by the rage of all those souls was therapeutic. Azure was still ballooning as his insides had already turned to ash but his healing tried to save him from the fate that was encroaching.

Rowan hobbled over to him, the cracks in his skin bleeding more and more rainbow light as he felt a crack spread throughout his mana space. Ten steps later, he was right in front of Azure, who looked down at Rowan with intense hatred in his eyes. "You stupid system slave, I swear to you Ill be avenged. I've sent your info to the necromantic association. They will hunt you across the stars, not even death will save you from them. They will pull your soul from your body and torture you for generations before turning you into a death knight.

Rowan bent at the waist and bowed to Azure while he spewed insults and threats. All the while, his eyes popped from his head and he screamed in agony. Azure thought he was bowing to him, but Rowan was bowing to the mass of ten thousand souls that were slowly dispersing into the air behind him, able to move on from here. A whoosh and it finally ended as Azure exploded in a cloud of blood and gore. Rowan smiled and wobbled on his feet with thoughts of his own death reminding him that he made a deal with a system he had had only known for several weeks at this point.

His mana center directly shattered in that moment while, across his vision, words flashed. [Quest complete, issuing reward.] Rowan saw the words, but his vision was going black while he was able to see that not all the souls had left. There were twelve of them, all of them still staring at him as he began to fall backwards. He figured why not and used the call of the fairy king and absorbed all twelve back into himself right as a cut in space opened and they yanked Rowan backwards through the tear and into lands unknown to him.