Law Tower (Part 1)

They got into a car with Queen Vernize and reached their destination ten minutes later. In the corner of the city stood a Massive Tower that Rowan had to question how he missed on his way to the castle. Throngs of people were standing outside of the tower. It was the trial takers but the first thing that Rowan noticed is that the amount was about half of what it was when they first entered. He was able to sense several signatures that seemed almost equal to his own within the crowd, but he ignored it for now and followed the queen to the front with Feng.

She said some words in private to the tower's administrator before turning back to Rowan and Feng. "As the lone wolf, you get to go in solo with a 1 hour head start. A privilege that would have gone to someone else if you lost your badge. You can choose to bring Feng in with you as well. The lone wolf badge is not about the person who travels alone, it's just the name picked to honor your master who at an age not too different from your own currently he waded into a mysterious world alone and trounced every living being in it before shattering the world." Rowan nodded and got ready to walk into the tower when someone spoke out.

"Take care of that badge, Rowan Raid. I'll be sure to take it from you in the next trial." Rowan turned around to see five people that were standing at the front of the group. They looked so much like their parents that he already knew that these were the shining stars of the family union. The who had spoken was the supposed strongest of this batch. Jason slate himself. Rowan typically now kept hyper vision active at all times, allowing him to actually see the mana a person emitted and Jason had now piqued his interest. Rowan instead smiled at the group and laughed. "Don't bother embarrassing yourself unless you want to be eliminated before taking advantage of the benefits of the trials. Don't let an inflated Ego be your downfall." he turned around and strode into the tower while the queen chuckled "Young man what about your inflated ego." Rowan only smiled as he walked through the door of light but the queen heard him clearly as he walked through. "Eh, I have the talent to back it up. He certainly does not. Has a god not noticed the stinky mana on him?"

Rowan and Feng both vanished while the queen thought about his words and turned towards the group that was conversing amongst themselves now. As her eyes spun and she stared at Jason Slate until a single tear of blood came out of her left eye. She realized what Rowan was implying and froze. She had wiped it away before anyone could notice before she found a seat for herself and opened a virtual screen that showed her the inside of the tower before she enlarged it for everyone to see. Also, the people on the outside had been blocked from seeing the participants after they entered Atlantis, but now they had regained vision as Rowan walked in.

Rowan, on the other hand, was standing in a large circular room, but each of the walls were inscribed with powerful runes while in the middle of the room was a cushion for him to sit down. Rowan sat down on it and the room began to hum before a robotic voice descended. "Laws are the fundamental workings of the universe. A mana user that can embrace a Law will see their might rise exponentially and in potentially diverse ways. You have exactly 24 hours after wisps of the laws appear to enter the introductory level of at least 1 law. Time starts now." All of a sudden the room was abuzz and mana like none Rowan had ever seen before descended. They descended as streamers that flew around the room. Some of it automatically moved away from him, indicating that he had no fate with them, while others stuck rather close to him. He reached out and touched a streamer and received information on the law. This particular one was the law of cutting, but Rowan had no interest in that.

It was probably here, thanks to how often he used a bladed weapon. Rowan was having a hard time deciding between them when Empry spoke out. [Your master came into contact with the laws of devouring when he was a child. He was 8 at the time. He integrated it into his being and it is a pivotal reason he has come as far as he has. Would you like my help here? This is not a decision that can be made lightly, this is a decision that will greatly affect effective use of your mana as a god. I will also add that the jack of all trades does not excel in the cultivation world. Your master has come into contact with several laws but ignored them because a master of one will always beat someone who dabbles in several laws. Unless you can confidently master more than one of these laws, I suggest focusing on one. Tell me the ones you are stuck between and I can help you decide.]

Empry was surprised when Rowan shook his head no. "I know. I know my master taught me about Laws. It's why I know this is an amazing opportunity. I thought the Trial world was only about mana cultivation. I am pleasantly surprised, this place is gonna be important for me in more aspects than one. I need to make this decision on my own," Rowan said, but he had long since already known what he wanted to pursue. There were three streamers that had his attention currently. The first was the law of storms, something that matched his attunement. He had peeked at it and saw how much his own attunement would improve with these laws. His every action would be a force of nature. The second streamer was the law of souls. , it was the first streamer that had approached him and he felt so inclined towards it. It was hard for him to not reach out and grab it. The final streamer was the law of weapons, and this final streamer was born out of his recent actions a fact he knew well and because during his journey so far he had used more, than just swords and while he learned sword intent from his master, he had not progressed it any further because he simply was not interested in that path. This would allow him to further cement his new path.

Rowan sighed to himself and thought of Empry's words and while it was true, that if he spread himself too thin none of them would achieve a great enough height to matter but if he did this correctly, then he knew he would be able to contest with his master for sure but he needed all three. Rowan reached out fast as lightning and grabbed all three. An action that caused even the queen outside the tower to furrow her brows in confusion. Rowan, on the other hand, was immersed in the knowledge of laws and times started to rapidly pass. His head start ended and others came in and began the process. Most of the union members picked a single law and moved on to the next floor, and before long, Rowan was among the people who were close to failing. Then finally, at the 23 hour mark, his body began to glow and all three streamers vanished. He had successfully claimed and stepped into the introductory level of all three. The robotic voice came over the loudspeaker once more at that time. Congratulations on passing, please ascend to the next floor.

Rowan swiped the sweat from his brow and walked towards the next door of light. [I guess we will see if you made the right decision shortly, I can no longer invasively look at your status, you have to insert mana into the bracelet to update your status.] Rowan complied as he walked through the door and noticed that Rowan had not only used all the status points, thanks to the soul force incident but that the current Rowan was not far off from becoming a demigod. It wasn't until Empry recalled recent events, though, while looking at Rowan's status that it all clicked and inside the bracelet, he lit up in pure wonder. [Well done Rowan , I look forward to your application in this tower. Are you sure you want to allow people to see such a secret?] Rowan nodded his head though as he too looked at the new addition of the law section of his status. "Who cares? Not like they can replicate it even if they want to. Come, Empry, let's set the world on fire with my talent."

Name: Rowan Raid

Title:Storm Berserker


Race:Evolved Human(Berserk Slaughter Fairy Bloodline)






Body Value Interrupted by current transformation.

Soul Force:16


Skill Points:0

Racial Skills-

Berserker Of the Platinum Storm Lvl EX (+60% Hand speed and Mind when Not Speaking. The king has awakened. Fight! Bloodline Fear ability unlocked. The berserker has awakened. Body +10 for each skill unlocked or created. The platinum storm has awakened. Enhanced control of mana.

Berserkers Soul Body Lvl EX (Use soul force to naturally increase their prowess and awaken their bloodlines. Lvl 5 grants the user an increase to body based on 100% of the mind stat.)

Hyper Vision of the Peregrine Lvl EX( Vision enhanced by 30 times as well as UV capability and to see at immense speeds. Capable of swapping between mana and normal vision Capable of highlighting weak points)

Berserk Slaughter Fairy Primogenitor Lvl EX (The first of your kind! Born to lay waste to enemies. +200% Battle effectiveness when in battle with more than one foe. +100% when against a single foe. Weak point detection.Natural Charm +200%)

Bloodline Fear Lvl EX (Your very bloodline can cause foes to shudder in fear, weakening their stats by ten percent per the difference in bloodline.)

Berserker's Blood Lust Lvl 3 [+3 temp point into each attribute per in battle kill. 0/100]

Beserkers's Trance Lvl Ex [All thoughts are beneath the battle. Empty your mind and focus solely on the fight. Grants enhanced battle sense

Fairy Wings- Summon your bloodline mana wings from the falcon hidden within the fairy race (+Flight.)

Berserker Stance Lvl EX (permanently gain 1 to all stats when killing an enemy of any level by harnessing the resentment in their soul and carrying it with you.As long as the soul is still with the host)

Fairy Kings Berserk sword Intent:( A combination of Rowans killing intent that now physically manifests as a falcon and the sword intent technique to form a falcon image capable of inflicting Rowans killing intent in an area as well as attacking with blade like feathers.)

Berserkers Strength Lvl 1 (passively gain strength during combat. +10 per minute in battle)

[Berserkers Sin]. As the berserker and king of fairies, you carry the weight of every life you take. Activating this skill will shatter all the souls currently attached to the host, permanently dispelling the buff and forming a cloak made from the souls that will boost the previous stat's enhancement by 200%. Using the call of the fairy king after the skill can salvage half of the souls for later use and preservation.

[Call of the Fairy King. The spirit portion of your bloodline causes souls to obey your whims and gather to you.]

[Soul Emulation] Channel the emotions of the gatherer souls to affect self and or those around the user.

[Soul Shatter] Shatter a soul and turn it into mana that can be kept or given.

[Soul manipulation] Use the soul king body to directly touch an opponent's soul and manipulate it. Cost of each use. More of the fleshly body will be refined into the soul king state. Process is irreversible and will affect more of the body each time it is used.

Attunement Skills-

Storm Trance Lvl 1 (User can enter a meditative state to gather mana or soul force towards him. Causes storm clouds to gather that will auto set an array with the clouds to accelerate cultivation of mana and recovery. )

Storm Steps Lvl Ex (Apply mana or soul force to the feet to better maneuver on the battlefield can be evolved through continuous use and the innovation of the user. Drain one mana point per second.)

Storm Stoop Lvl EX (Accelerate downwards through the aid of the storm to land a powerful blow onto an enemy. Power Varying on the amount of mana used and the amount of connected storm points.)

Storm Point Creation Lvl EX (Create a storm point that can aid the user.Costs ten mana. Can also be created through a direct attack on a weak point."

Storm Armament Lvl EX (Create a garb made of the storm itself. +20% Into all attributes when worn.Second activation creates the combat armor. Third activation Full offense Forms The armament blade]

Storm Category Lvl EX (Create a storm localized in your area under your control. Category 1 -8 unblocked. Can be fused with any aspect of the storm to create storms of varying effect.)

Wind Storm Assault Lvl Ex (A series of rapid slashes that send out sharp blades of wind in an inescapable net capable of slicing through harder materials.)

Powder Keg Lvl Ex (Using storm points to saturate the area in mist. Detonate the storm points causing an electrical explosion.)

[Form of the Storm Berserker] Create a giant storm cloud reflection of the soul form of Rowan, capable of using everything that his main body can.

Technique Skills-

Two Talon Style Lv 3 (+30 Body when wielding a weapon in each hand.)

Mana Manipulation Lvl EX (Exert your will over your mana and soul force to various effects dependent on attunement. Allows the creation of unique skills.)

Slash Lvl 6 (Use a bladed weapon to cut into a foe, can be leveled up and evolved by host)(Can be combined with attunement for varied effect.)

Sweep Lvl 3 (Use a bladed weapon to sweep across several opponents can be leveled up and evolved by the host.) (Can be combined with attunement for varied effect.)

Thrust Lvl 6 (Use a bladed weapon to stab into a foe, can be leveled up and evolved by host) (Can be combined with attunement for varied effect.)

Cleave 1 (Use a bladed weapon to chop downward using all of your strength.) (Can be combined with attunement for varied effect.)

Weapon Control Lvl EX (Rowan can control weapons around him and wield them with his soul as if he were wielding them with his mind. Uses one soul point. His control over the weapons are as if he were controlling them himself.

Other Skills-

Early Bird (+5 luck permanent)

Tier Zero Soul Lvl 1 (Heavenly Gifted +5 to all stats on a level up +5 skill points on level)

Perfect Mana Core (Users mana core was born perfect due to the influence of the system in conjunction with the tier zero soul. Mana capacity doubled.)

Assault Class Lvl 10 (+100 to all stats when in combat)

Souls Gathered : 0

Law Proficiency-

Law of souls- Introductory

Law of Weapons- Introductory

Law of Storms- Introductory


The body stat has reached a point beyond numerical value thanks to the introduction of soul force to the body.