The Weapon Grave(Part 2)

Rowan sighed as he walked forward towards the back end of the wave of people hurrying to enter the weapon grave because he knew that he was going to be targeted here and so would Feng but in a challenge like this it would be best if they traveled separately it would spread the talents that came after them forcing them to adapt and fall into a rhythm that was more manageable for the two of them but they still managed to make eye contact across the crowd just as Feng stepped backwards and into the weapons grave which was surrounded by a massive barrier that made it so that no one could look inside. If anyone wanted to see what was going on in the barrier they would have to pay the queen and her forces for the right to watch.

Rowan knew Feng was going to be okay, so he began to focus on himself. He had an inkling about his path but he had learned that no matter what, he must take full advantage of the opportunity that is ahead of him because truthfully, what if what the queen had said was right? What if this was all put here for him? If that is the case, then why let this go to waste? He would do whatever he could to surpass his master, and if this prison truly had access to those means, then he was willing to do what he had to. Rowan Stepped through the barrier and weapons pierced at him from all sides. An Arrow for his throat, a spear for his eye, a sword for his waist, a dagger for his heart, a whip for his mouth. He was being bombarded from all angles.

Rowan activated storm steps, but not the normal version. He had no access to his attunement and therefore he was left without but in this case there was something special happening, storm steps activated and crystal clear soul force coated his feet and he vanished from his position to appear several steps ahead, his movement reminiscent of a passing cloud. He had been using storm steps so often that it had become more like a moment technique and less like an active spell. He recognized the people that attacked him as people that had been by the sides of the families. What he did not expect was for so many of them to launch sneak attacks at the same time. Rowan could only shake his head as he looked at the five individuals, "So what's your objective here to stall me long enough for me to not find a weapon for the first challenge, or are you just here to kill me?" The man holding the whip had a long scar that ran from above his eye to the bottom of his jaw. "Well, we were told to stall you, but if we can get rid of you here, then I don't doubt the reward will be even better. The others will deal with your friend."

Rowan was prepared to turn around and leave when he heard the man's final words. "You all just had to be stupid, huh? Why must things always be done the hard way? None of you know when to just leave well enough alone and you know what that's fine, come I have other things to do." They all snickered, but the one holding the whip made sure to answer him. "We have attained weapons that we use outside this place, so we already can use intent, and you have nothing, you are an overconfident fool if you think yourself above…" He never got to finish because Rowan's foot connected with his head and caused the entire thing to deform before he shot out like a cannon and into a tree before vanishing in a puff of golden smoke. The badge had acted and saved his life. Rowan slowly kneeled down and picked up the whip while the surrounding people looked at him in horror. He flexed his wrist and cracked the whip, and the battle commenced.

On the outside of the weapons grave, the queen sat with Luna by her side, who looked at the screen in amazement. "Your highness, do you believe he's going to do something amazing again like the law tower? He has cleared even the ninth floor, a feat no one has done before him." The queen could only sigh as she saw many futures before her like her vision was fractured but there was one that stood out to her the most. There was a vision of Rowan at the first stage of the weapons grave but his hands were blurred she could not see what weapon he was using but in that future Rowan made a decision no less monumental then his first one but at great cost , she could only hope that he would pick another path for his own sake.

Rowan finished the battle in moments, these people from the families weren't like the ship pilots they had encountered they had little to no real battle experience they were weaklings in the end and not worth the time spent on them but defeating them caused his points to rise rapidly only for him to realize that he had already slid into sixth place. The five main contenders from before had shot up even more from defeating here and taking their points, but luckily the name right under his own was Fengs. Rowan smiled and moved towards the first platform with several weapons. He had a bow across his back, a sword on the left side of his waist, a dagger on the right, and the whip coiled to the front of his hip. He saw plenty of artifacts as he made his way, but none of them caught his eye and this early on, he doubted he would find anything good. The deeper he made it, the more cool things he may find.

Finally, Rowan reached the platform where people were already battling. In fact, it was Feng, and he had found both a sword and a shield. He blocked a piercing attack from a spear and slashed for his target's throat before the blade struck true, which caused him to poof and disappear and many people to yell in disappointment it seemed that the crowd had been swayed by the members of the union. Feng, on the other hand, had said sword and shield out loud before a two colored light beamed down and he took a deep breath. It faded after a few moments and then he came down. Jason slate sucked his teeth at the arrival of Rowan. "I knew those good for nothings wouldn't be able to get the job done. Agnes, you're up. Make sure he's done here." Agnes looked at him like he was stupid. "When did you think I started taking orders from you, Jason? My grandfather asked that I attend this event. I'm not one of your stooges. You will not order me about like one." Jason got red in the face before calming down and speaking through clenched teeth.

"Fine, Orellia, go end this idiot. You know, Arlo, one day, things may be different and when that time comes, I hope you don't regret the way you are treating me." Arlo only shook his head though "Not anytime soon your family thinks it's so secretive but it's not, mind how you speak to your betters." Arlo walked towards a different part of the crowd, he had already fought and was waiting for this stage to end, the final fight would be the last person to arrive and whoever waited in this case it would be Orellia. He was looking forward to it."

Rowan, on the other hand, was talking to Feng. He had been ambushed as well and had been on the run when he found the low rank artifacts that he was currently using. Feng told him all about it before asking him to cover him while he recovered his mana. Right before it was time for him to go up and battle, Feng fully recovered. "Good luck Rowan! I will see you after the battle." Rowan slowly made his way towards the platform, which looked like the stump of a massive tree smoothed down, but he made sure to turn back and answer Feng. "Who needs luck when you have this much skill?" Rowan smiled and stood across from him on the platform. My name is Orellia Flud. I have mastered spear force. Thank you for coming, but it is time for you to exit at this stage of the trial." She smiled, but it wasn't quite a smile as the spear in her hand pointed towards him. A milky blue light began to stretch from her hand and coat her spear. It was spear force. Rowan sucked his teeth and looked at the low tier weapons he had and sighed. This may be a tough one. He drew the whip first and the moment he did, the spear was closing in. The spear cut through the wind with a swish, as it felt like a wave crashing towards him. This was the effect of someone's force.

Rowan flicked his wrist repeatedly, causing the tip of the whip to smash into the spear point over and over and stop her advance, but at the same time while her weapon was protected by force, he had hardly even used intent with the whip. The artifact shattered into dust, causing Rowan to switch. He pulled the sword and dagger and leapt into combat. His weapons met the spear over and over while Orellia maintained her distance and stabbed over and over. Rowan shuttled backwards towards the edge of the platform when the weapons finally gave in. He was left with just the bow. He looked at it and shook his head. The bow was all he had left.