No loose Ends (Part 3)

The moment that the two people charged Rowan, the battle took a turn. Vitesse knew that he too would have to go all out if the two men were to stand a chance at defeating Rowan. The academy was an institution infinitely close to the first layer, so it therefore had access to things that would typically only be found on the first layer. Vitesse had served the school faithfully and had earned himself an armor made in the first layer referred to as a mech. It was a personalized suit of armor that was attuned to the wearer and their abilities, and served to amplify all of their abilities. They were originally sought after due to each of them having been forged personally by the God king himself, but now the royal engineering department and its head Macarthur allowed the commission of a select number of these every year for insane prices.

That was the armor that slowly wrapped itself around Vitesse. The armor was gray, with green leaves and vines around it. The helmet of the armor had a visor that was half clear and completely blacked out on the side of his face that was plagued by death flames. The decoration on it began to glow, and his speed increased massively as he shot right past Slate and appeared before Rowan. He swung his staff from above his head and down towards Rowan, who was going to sidestep when he realized that something was slowing him down. Rowan focused and picked up the miniscule amount of law mana that was slowing him down. He sucked his teeth and pulled himself backwards with a storm point as his mana flared and abolished the law mana that bound him.

Rowan looked around and noticed that the plants he had destroyed earlier had released spores that contained his laws which attached to Rowan's body when he was fighting them and was just waiting for him to activate. Slate was following up the attack while Vitesse, who now knew that Rowan could teleport to the storm points in the surroundings, had held his staff out and massive whip-like vines were thrashing about and smashing into the storm points, shattering them. Rowan shook his wrist, and the sword made from the infinity cloud produced a glowing green cloud, while Rowan switched Feng's sword into a reverse hand grip and used his pointer and thumb to pinch the cloud. He infused an entire point of soul force, and the cloud warped into a funnel and became a massive tornado as Rowan released it.

The tornado forced Slate back and at the same time dispersed the spores that had the laws attached to them. Vitesse senior was channeling his mana into his staff for something while Slate charged once more. Rowan, on the other hand, realized that despite the hundreds of skeletons that the cloud giant had killed, not a single soul had appeared to strengthen him, which made him realize that a soulless undead army like this one was perhaps one of his greatest weaknesses. Rowan gathered his mana and Met Slate in the sky. His left hand slashed upwards while Slate dodged and stabbed towards Rowan, the weapon shrouded in so much death mana that it almost appeared as a lance. Rowan twirled the blade into a normal grip and slashed the blade down. The two weapons met and Rowan brought down the other hand towards his shoulder. Right before it connected, a vine slapped into his wrist and forced the weapon off its path, forcing it to miss. Rowan spat out a storm point from his mouth that shot a bolt of lightning into Slate's forehead, blowing his head back and cracking his helmet as Vitesse's voice echoed across the battlefield. "Wrath of the Treant King."

He threw his staff in the air and it exploded into a beautiful tree while two batons appeared in his hands. The staff grew until it was a massive tree no smaller than the cloud giant and the skeleton giant. A face grew out of the front of it and stared down at Rowan with anger in its eyes. Then all at once, it stretched out its roots and chaos descended. Rowan smirked and met the roots with both of his swords. He became a blur of blades and whipping sounds as he moved between the roots, and that he could not slice off a flurry of movement with his storm steps in full activation. Every time he sliced off a root, two more healthier and more exuberant would take their place.

Finally, his two opponents decided to join the massive ongoing spell in its attack in an effort to end the fight with Rowan. Rowan, on the other hand, sighed as he was overwhelmed and received injuries time and time again. Finally, it all culminated in a series of attacks that came after Rowan wounded both parties with a point blank wind storm assault. Vitesse got close and revealed that the helmet of his mech, in fact, absorbed the death flames and channeled them into a hefty surprise attack that blasted into Rowan's chest, caving in part of his chest and causing blood to shoot from his mouth. He had dodged at the last moment, causing it to just barely miss his heart. At the same time, Slate Senior teleported behind Rowan and stabbed the sword through Rowan's mid section and sent him flying into the distance.

Rowan wiped the blood from his mouth and felt the mana pumping through his system. His blood thrummed in his body and his aura started to rise as stood in space, injured. His soul growled in excitement and he knew what needed to be done to break through the barrier that shouldn't have been there that was blocking him from becoming a demigod. It came at the perfect time as silence came over the battlefield and everyone slowly turned to realize that the storm giant had finished off the entire undead army. Rowan had not realized before, but now that the storm giant was more than just an arm, he had to pay a price for its presence, which was that his combat ability would effectively be halved while the Giant was out. Now that its battle was over, he could return to full strength and end this battle while breaking through.

Rowan threw the sword made from the infinity cloud into the air and it became a massive ring that the storm giant stepped through while the storm glaive lowered itself into Rowan's hands. Power surged into his body while his wound began to heal. While holding the blade, Rowan knew exactly what needed to come next. He activated soul manipulation in its entirety and sacrificed the rest of the flesh to consume all the weapons he had created and infuse their strength into the storm glaive. At the same time, the infinity cloud stayed behind Rowan and started to spin. The color slowly bled from his hair until it was stark white, while his body became a vermillion galaxy bound by platinum tribal lines. His eyes became that of a falcon, but a brilliant purple. While the tips of his curls began to buzz with purple lightning. The ring behind him poured mana into his body while he converted it into soul force, while a storm not of his making formed above them. The ring rotated to be above him right as heavenly sin lightning slammed towards him in a flash of blinding light.

The bolt never reached him as it was absorbed by the infinity cloud and turned into a pure soul force for the construction of his immortal body and his first step into godhood as a demigod. His body was rapidly going through changes as it went through enhancements from heavenly sin and consumed the rest of his fleshly body. His bones began to shine while runes that looked like different weapon shapes were branded onto them by heavenly sin. Two massive feathered wings exploded from his back and flapped while the ring returned to behind him. It rotated constantly and one could feel a pressure that was produced from soul force and law mana. He looked towards his opponents and smiled as the power coursed through his body. The heavenly sin had stopped them from coming closer and now it was too late, Rowan Raid had become a demigod. Queen Vernize looked at this and looked towards Feng, who had caught his sword and returned it to his mana space. He had been completely right about his friend in more ways than one, something she understood better than anyone else could, because while before her senses told her that Rowan was dangerous, they now screamed at her that the being in front of her represented a level of danger that she had felt before. She had felt it when she fought Regius, when he was still just a demigod.

Rowan held his glaive by his side and smiled a sadistic smile that made the men facing him tremble as the stars that surrounded their battle seemed to smile with him. "Now then, let's end this. Your deaths will be the fireworks to celebrate me becoming a demigod. Come necromancer, let me show you true death."