Early the next morning Li Jun woke up from the continuous chirp of the birds.

"Argh! Why do I hear a bird chirping? Did LuLu mess with my alarm again?" Li Jun grumbled, tossing and turning in bed. Then, his eyes widened, and he hastily sat up, recalling the events of the previous night.

And when he saw the familiar room as last night he couldn't help but curse his luck and fate.

" I would rather die than live like this!" how can he who ruled the world in his last life now live a life weaker than an ant?

Li Jun pinched himself and even slapped his face in the hope of waking from this absurd nightmare thinking it was the prank of the YAMA but all his hope went down the drain when he was still in the room with semi-eastern and western decor.

He clutches his head and laments his fate for a while.

In a world full of magic where every being possesses mana he is the single entity who doesn't have mana nor the mana core. For him, even the ray of sunlight and air is as harmful as taking poison.

It is a great miracle that the original was able to survive till this age.

But for the current Li Jun, this life is no worse than death. 

He attempted to reject the truth at every conceivable instance, but recognizing his inability to alter the situation, he ultimately had to surrender.

"Well, it seems this is my fate and I had to accept it even if I don't want to," thinking that and making up his mind, he accepted reality.

He sat in the position of meditation and began sorting out the memories he had last night.

Having a basic understanding, he now needed to thoroughly analyze his memories. With an uncertain future ahead, survival depended on gaining a profound knowledge of the world he was bound to live in.

Most of all he wanted to know about the life of this individual he possessed.

Now that he is HIM all HIS relationships, entanglement, debts everything belongs to him.

Even if Li Jun didn't want to, he is already responsible for the original's everything.

Li Jun lets out a sigh, contemplating the challenges he had to face due to the original.

He quickly closed his eyes and began learning about the world and the original.

He was surprised to know the name of the original was Li Jun too. For Li Jun the most important thing is his power so when he knew that he couldn't use mana yesterday he didn't focus on the name and began to lament his fate.

Now that he knew the name of the original was also Li Jun, he was pleasantly surprised.

After all, who would want to be called by a name that isn't theirs?

This world bore some resemblance to his own but had its unique distinctions. In his Earth, magic and mana wielders coexisted with regular people. In contrast, here, mana is infused in everything, leaving no entity without magical power except for him.

All the things in this world can possess mana from plants to birds and even non-living things like soil, wind, a ray of light, and water even development is done with the help of mana cores.

This world is the dream of every magic possesser.

This world known as the Mayin world means land of Magic.

And in this sole land, he is the only one with no magic and elemental power.

Everyone is born with magic powers that help them to do simple things and after the age of 5 they awaken one elemental power that they have the aptitude for but the original despite being 18 years old didn't possess any magic power not to mention elemental power.

What surprised him, even more, was that in this world there aren't only humans but there are fairies, warlocks, elves, dragons, dwarfs, and many other unknown creatures.

Li Jun was truly fascinated. He has never seen creatures other than humans if it wasn't for him being the weakest he would have been tempted to travel the world.

He wanted to know more about the world but unfortunately the original was weak and hadn't gone to many places, heck he hadn't left his room at all.

As for the original, he was an orphan and was raised by the couple Mr. and Mrs Li. At first, they love him dearly but when they had their own children they began to neglect him, and when they knew he didn't have mana core and couldn't gather mana, his entire existence was thoroughly neglected.

In a world where the strong preyed upon the weak he was the weakest so how could his foster parents love him and with their own children to look after, it was even more impossible.

However, due to Li Jun's extraordinary beauty, they still raise him hoping to sell him to some big shot as a concubine.

They instilled in him fundamental manners and provided him with enough literacy to read and write, all in the hope of increasing his worth. Even though he was considered mere merchandise in his parents' eyes, the original still held love for them.

Little did he anticipate that his parents would attempt to sell him to a 250-year-old dying man. Despite his reservations, he reluctantly agrees, considering it a means to show gratitude to his foster parents. However, when the old man passes away just before the marriage, his son, a knight-ranked magic wielder, arrives to claim him as a concubine. The sister, consumed by jealousy, nearly takes his life.

( fact- the higher the level of magic, the longer one could live. Read volume 0 to know more)

Upon discovering that the supposedly worthless individual could become a concubine to the Knight-ranked magic wielder, his sister, consumed by jealousy, slaps him.

With her being a low-level 4 magic wielder and him deemed a waste, he fainted on the spot. His breath was so faint that one could tell at a glance that he could die any minute.

Fearing they had inadvertently caused his demise, they callously threw him into the forest, leaving him to die.

Fortunately, his now-husband Wang Wei, found him when he went to the forest to hunt.

That man fell in love at first sight with the original and even if he was dying he wished to marry the original and the original married him to show his gratitude.

Before they could live happily, the original died on the night of the marriage. As for the whereabouts of his so-called husband, he went to look for the doctor but hasn't returned yet, unaware that his wife has already passed away and has been replaced with the current Li Jun.

With all this information Li Jun sighs and slumps in the bed.