After Wang Wei went out Li Jun sighed in relief. He slumped in the bed.

He now had to think of a way to survive in this world and to survive the best way was to get strong.

And to get strong he needed power, money, and influence and he didn't have any of them.

Li Jun sighs.

For him to start he needs to absorb mana and to absorb mana, he needs a mana core in his body but he didn't have one in him.

" Even if I have great plans and a quick brain to rule the world, I don't have the most basic things to be at the starting line," Li Jun once again lamented his life and cursed the one who transmigrated him to this world.

All his positive motivation to start a new life has now been shrouded by the black clouds of negative thoughts. Just as he was drowning in self-pity he heard " Ting Ting".

Li Jun was startled. He sat in the bed and looked around.

Despite looking for the source of the sound he didn't find anything. Li Jun pouted in confusion.

When He was about to bury himself in the bed he once again heard the noise but this time he heard it loud and clear and knew the source of it too.

" Ting, the Trading system is online,"

" Aah!" Li Jun's eyes went wide, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

He jumped and screamed in joy.

" Wife! Are you alright? Did something happen!" Li Jun was startled.

He quickly turns around to see his supposed husband in a pink apron, his hand has some gooey thing looking at it carefully it seems to be pancake batter for pancake and his face is laced with concern and worry.

Li Jun couldn't find the words for an excuse, he kept looking at Wang Wei and Wang Wei did the same, he kept looking at his awkward wife for an answer.

He is truly concerned about his wife's safety, his wife is so cute, adorable, and weak that he couldn't feel the ease of leaving him alone.

Li Jun then comes up with an excuse that every girl uses in the novel whenever they scream, "It's a cockroach, I was startled by its sudden appearance."

" Where?" Wang Wei hastily looked around, however, he couldn't find anything.

" Ah! It seems it also got scared from my sudden scream," he sheepishly smiled at Wang Wei unknowingly shooting an arrow directly into Wang Wei's heart.

' Have I stooped so low to use such an excuse, truly embarrassing!' Li Jun felt his ear heat up.

" Oh! Don't worry wife..ahem!...JunJun, I will clean the house thoroughly. I won't let any cockroach scare you again," with determined eyes he patted his chest, smearing all the batter on his chest.

In all these, Li Jun nodded his head and squeezed out an awkward smile.

Wang Wei beamed seeing his JunJun depending on him.

" Wife...."

" JunJun....." seeing Li Jun's glare he quickly changes his way of addressing.

" Ahem! What would you like to eat? I have made blue chicken eggs and I have used 7th-grade rice for porridge," Li Jun was surprised by Wang Wei's care. If it was in his last life it would be nothing but here in this small town getting that kind of food is truly luxurious.

Unfortunately, he can't eat those otherwise he would have trouble digesting. Those who don't have mana core can't digest mana which could be fatal for them. For Li Jun this entire ecosystem is his enemy. It is slowly poisoning him.

His being able to live till this day was already a miracle and in this situation, if he consumes high-level food he can drop dead before it can be swallowed.

" Wang Wei, I can't eat those things but thank you for your care. can you make me porridge using 12th-grade rice and get me an egg from grey chicken instead."

Blue chicken is the 2nd highest level chicken whereas grey is the common one with a little bit of mana almost non-existent.

Listening to his JunJun request he remembered he neglected the fact that his JunJun was not being able to digest high mana food.

"It's no trouble at all. It was my fault for forgetting such an important thing. If you had eaten it, even my lifetime of regret wouldn't be able to keep you alive. You stay home; I will be back in a minute," Wang Wei sadly looks at his weak and pitiful JunJun and walks out of the room, ready to drop by the market.

" Tsk! Who needs your pity, just wait I will surely surpass you, you clumsy man," Li Jun was irritated by the way Wang Wei looked at him. He doesn't need anyone's pitiful gaze and definitely not from Wang Wei.

He quickly climbed onto the bed and kept smiling, staring into the space. It looked kind of creepy.

He falls back into the bed and swipes something in the air.

" I couldn't believe! my system is with me, with this who can stop me from reigning the world once again, haha," Li Jun was extremely delighted with the sudden development.

His trading system is one of his tools from his last life. It is connected to his soul and recognizes him as the owner. You can trade anything and everything in the system and to trade successfully one has to exchange equally valuable things.

It's another perk is it can help you to know the price of anything so even if he didn't know the value of something it can help him recognize it.

Li Jun happily swiped the introduction page. He was even happier to see his name in the place of the owner.





" Happy cooperation" he happily mutters and swipes the screen to the selling and purchase screen and when he sees the things and prices on the screen he is dumbfounded.