Wang Wei worriedly looks at his JunJun who has been standing at the same place in a daze with his mouth wide open.

'He is so cute,' Wang Wei thought.

He shook his head and hurriedly walked to his cute JunJun and closed his mouth fearing a fly entering in, after all, even a fly could hurt his JunJun and as his husband, he must be the one to protect him at any cost.

Li Jun was startled when he felt someone closing his mouth and he was even frightened when he saw a giant standing in front of him.

Well, compared to him Wang Wei is after all a giant. He is about 178 cm whereas Wang Wei is 185 cm. 7 cm of gap is too big for him who is used to looking down when talking to others.

' My height,' he couldn't help lament.

Seeing his JunJun frightened he was even more concerned.

Wang Wei places his hands against Li Jun's butt and easily picks him up, he has him sit on the chair at the dining table and walk to the stove to prepare food," Dear, You shouldn't stand for long, you have just recovered! You will need the energy to be healthy and you must be hungry too. I will quickly cook for you. You just have a sit here."

Worrying his JunJun will faint due to hunger he quickly put on the previous pink apron and began to work.

Li Jun was dumbfounded by the sudden act of Wang Wei. He kept looking at Wang Wei not knowing whether to scold him or thank him.

Though he was touched by Wang Wei's gesture his inner straight man can't accept the fact he was picked by a man like a baby.

" Host, you should thank your 'Huussbbaadd' look how 'swweeeet' he is to you. He is gentle, handsome and kind to you. He is worried about you more than you worry about yourself," DuoDuo tease his host. He even emphasizes the words husband and sweet by stretching them.

" Shut up!" Li Jun yelled in his mind.

'This DuoDuo is getting cockier and cockier. He even dared to tease the esteemed me,'

" Hey DuoDuo show me the list of today's tasks," Li Jun asked. He wants to get strong as fast as possible.

He can't have Wang Wei pick him up every now and then with an excuse of him being weak.

He wants to gain some power and leave Wang Wei for good. He can't play with someone's feelings. He knew Wang Wei love the original not him so he can't stay here longer.

" Let me scan your brain. The task will be given to you only after scanning your brain so that the task can be generated as per your difficulty. There will be 3 tasks daily and only after you complete everything on the screen will you be given a chance to open a surprise box. Luck and everything depend on you! " DuoDuo scan his host brain and the series of task displayed on the screen.

The task is displayed on the screen are as follow:

1) Run 2 km

2) Make Lunch for Wang Wei

3) Go to market with Wang Wei

Li Jun nodded his head when he saw the first task but when he saw the next 2 tasks his face scrunched, " Why are my task related to Wang Wei! You are surely playing with me!"

Li Jun complain to DuoDuo. He didn't like where this was going. He didn't want anything to do with Wang Wei at all. If he did today's task to satisfy this system of his then this DuoDuo will surely play with him next time too. He must put an end to this before a vicious cycle start.

" Don't yell or complain to me. I did tell you earlier that your task will be given to you as per the things you think difficult for you at the moment, didn't I? So all this isn't my fault but yours so deal with it. If you want another task then free your mind when asking for a task. This can also be considered as tempering your mentality." DuoDuo rolls his eyes at his childish host.

" Right now according to your brain scan you were thinking of leaving Wang Wei so the task as you work together with. Just try to be calm when you ask for the task tomorrow," DuoDuo softly give him an idea. How can it don't know what's going on in that small brain of its host?

It has been with his host for more than a decade. DuoDuo knew his host is afraid of hurting his husband but he had to face the problem instead of running away.

Li Jun pursed his lips and evident anger, dismay and unwillingness could be seen on his face.

When Wang Wei turned to place the food on the table he was faced with this look in his beloved wife.

He frowned.

Wang Wei hurriedly walk to his JunJun and carefully asked," JunJun what's the matter. Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere? Dear, please tell your husband."

Worry and love could be clearly detected in his voice and behaviour.

Li Jun don't know how to react and say.

He only knew Wang Wei for a day no morning but he could see how much he love his wife but to he isn't his wife and he can't continue to act like Wang Wei's wife. His morals don't allow him at all.

Thinking it will only cause pain to Wang Wei the more he delay the matter he decided to come clean.

He won't tell him everything but just enough for him and Wang Wei to go two different ways to never cross each other and even if they crossroads they will only be able to act as acquaintances.

He took Wang Wei's hand in his which caused Wang Wei to blush.

" Dear...."

" Wang Wei, I want to tell you something!" taking a deep breath Li Jun finally spoke.