Wang Wei was startled by Li Jun's questions.

He knew his JunJun was feeling uncomfortable but he didn't know the insecurity was this deep. He felt ashamed for not being able to support and calm his JunJun.

If only he knew what was going on in his beloved JunJun's mind maybe he would flip the table or so.

Seeing Wang Wei frowning Li Jun strikes one more time.

" Wang Wei, Love is like a fast-flowing river when flowing from the mountain it is full of rigorous waves and passion but as it moves on it will lose its passion and become a still sea. So don't get wind up in this so-called love and passion which is deemed to be nothing but a mirage of happiness.

" And even if you don't say anything, what will this society say when they knew you marry an abnormal and disabled person who neither can bear you a child nor have the power to stand beside you and dared to tie you for a lifetime? They will laugh at you so think it through. I don't want to be called shameless and thick-skinned by everyone," hearing his wife's pitiful plea Wang Wei couldn't bring himself to say anything.

His face turns bad. It was filled with rage and frustration not towards JunJun but towards himself and the people who might scold his JunJun.

Just even thinking someone pointing at his JunJun and scolding him made his blood boil.

He didn't know how to console his JunJun but he knew if he didn't say anything he would be abandoned.

" Finally it seems that we got through him," seeing the downcast look of Wang Wei, Li Jun happily announced his success to DuoDuo who only rolled his eyes.

" Well, let's wait and see,"

He took a deep breath and nodded, " Yes, what JunJun said is correct."

Li Jun's eyes lit up but looking at the sad Wang Wei he again went back to being sad.

But his happiness didn't last for long.

" JunJun, love sure is like a river flowing from the mountain which is full of rigorous waves and passion at first then will eventually become still sea but please remember sea is vast and deep just like my love for you. As for what society and others think it doesn't matter to me. It is our life and I would give no one to interfere in it. As for children I don't have any plan to share your love with others," these words were like a lightning strike striking his head and killing him.

" Haha, I did say you won't be able to escape," already dying Li Jun was again shot dead by DuoDuo's words.

" But we don...."

" JunJun doesn't have to worry, if you think others will lure me then rest assured for me no one is as beautiful, cute, adoring as you," Wang Wei didn't let his JunJun speak and spout more nonsense.

' Cute! beautiful! Adoring! what the hell is this man spouting! The esteemed me has always been handsome and strong!' Li Jun who was always worshipped for his power and strength was baffled.

" Haha, JunJun, don't get mad. Come love your husband," a mechanical laugh and teasing voice replicating Wang Wei rang in his mind making him further mad and frustrated.

" JunJun...." Wang Wei called his dazed wife but he didn't get any response.

He gently pinched his JunJun's ear trying to draw his attention to him. He was sad to see his JunJun in a daze and staring far ahead ignoring him, making angry faces as if his JunJun was having a secret meeting with someone.

While Li Jun was preparing himself to fight the damn system of his he felt someone gently pinch his ear.

" Huh?" Tilting his head Li Jun looked at Wang Wei.

Seeing his attention turning to him Wang Wei gently pleads looking deeply into his JunJun's eyes, " JunJun, please be with me for six months and if by the end of that time you don't get any feeling for me then I won't force you."

Looking at his sincere and hopeful eyes Li Jun suddenly felt a dilemma. He wants to agree with Wang Wei but he also didn't want to give any hope to him, after all, he doesn't have any plan to be bent.

" JunJun won't you consider, please," sensing his JunJun was put in a spot and was contemplating what he should choose, Wang Wei decided to be pitiful.

He did his best to give his pitiful and abandoned puppy eyes.

Li Jun was dumbfounded to see such a big man trying this hard to coax him though he won't admit he did find Wang Wei cute at the moment.

" Ah! Look Host, your Husband is such a cute puppy would you be heartless enough to abandon him," reading his host mind DuoDuo tease him.

Being pestered internally and externally he finally gave up but before agreeing he made Wang Wei promise him something.

" OK, I will give you my upcoming 6 months but if you can't make me have feelings for you or I feel the same as today then you will let me go. You have to promise that in these 6 months you won't try to do... any....anything to me without my permission." with difficulty Li Jun said the last condition.

Just thinking about doing something with a man and even going for a bottom role he shivers.

" Host why did you assume you would be the bottom one huh! Did you.....fantasize or it is your pre...fer.....ence," DuoDuo naughtily asked.

" Have you seen the thing in front of me? and I have always dominated others so why would I prefer to be dominated by this thing in front of me" Li Jun rolled his eyes at DuoDuos' nonsense.

" Which one??" DuoDuo asked

" DuoDuo!"

" JunJun? what I shouldn't try to do to you?" Wang Wei's naive question had Li Jun turn red in an instant.