"Ok, then carry it but please be careful with it," Li Jun nodded and handed over the bag he was holding to his hubby.

"Li Jun, Wang Wei, did you find something worth spending money on? Show me, what's in the bag," Zhang Junfeng was surprised to see the bag handed to Wang Wei.

"Zhang Junfeng, aren't you going overboard? Why should we show what you bought to you?" Wang Wei angrily questioned.

Only when He saw Wang Wei frowning and glaring at him then Zhang Junfeng learn that he was a little rude.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean something bad. It's just that I smell the aroma of medical herbs coming from you guys and you know t is normal for me to get worked up when I smell the medical herbs?" Zhang Junfend sheepishly smiles and explains himself looking at Wang Wei.

Li Jun who was witnessing the scene was amused. His clumsy hu... bah bah what this his or what, Ack! It seems being with Wang Wei has affected his intelligence too.

Ahem! Let's start again,

He didn't think, this clumsy-looking Wang Wei could intimidate someone older than him. It was new to him.

"Work? brother Zhang, are you a doctor?" Li Jun's melodious voice successfully attracted the attention of the two parties who were busy being angry and apologising to one another.

"Not doctor but a researcher. Though I do know how to treat small injuries I can't perform surgery and all. My speciality lies in researching the medical properties of herbs, plants and even magical beasts.

"Li Jun, if you don't mind, can you show me the herbs you have bought and if you fit can you sell me some? But only if you think you don't need it," Zhang Junfeng sincerely and politely asked.

It wasn't that there is a shortage of herbs or anything, it was just that he could smell one or two herbs he needed and there are two herbs smell he hadn't smelled before. It truly intrigued his curiosity.

If possible he wanted all the herbs but if he can't then he could be satisfied with even one.

"What nonsense are you talking about and since when did the research team have any shortage of the herbs huh?" Wang Wei narrowed his eyes at Zhang Junfeng.

He was well aware, that Zhang Junfeng may come as easygoing and funny but when it comes to herbs and medical research, this easy-going and funny person change into a crazy researcher who would do everything in his power to get the things he wanted.

"I just wanted to look........" despite being older and having more power in the city than Wang Wei, he is a little scared to anger Wang Wei.

"It's ok, Wang Wei let brother Zhang Junfeng have a look," Li Jun stretch his hands in a gesture for Wang Wei to hand over the bag.

Though he didn't want to hand over the bag Wang Wei couldn't bring himself to anger his wifey. He could only pout and hand over the bag.

Seeing Wang Wei comply with his request, Li Jun and Zhang Junfeng beamed... well, it was Zhang Junfeng who was beyond happy and a little smug but when he felt Wang Wei glaring at him, he shut up and turned his attention to Li Jun.

"Brother Zhang Junfeng, I have bought 5 herbs but I need the one urgently and that I won't be showing you while from these 4 herbs, you can decide which one you will buy and as for the money I know you won't cheat us," showing the four herbs, Li Jun explained.

He could directly say he had bought four herbs but taking Wang Wei's presence notice he didn't lie and spoke the truth plainly.

As soon as Li Jun open the bag and showed the herbs, Zhang Junfeng couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He was amazed at Li Jun's luck.

"Where did you find these herbs? None of it could be found here! They are extremely hard to find here!" Zhang Junfeng exclaimed handling the herbs with utmost care.

The two herbs are the ones that are found locally but at the same time it is so rare to find their seeds or the fully mature plant while the other two are the ones he hadn't seen in their areas before but he had read about them. They are Grade D 11th rank herbs.

The village they live in lies in the northern part though it isn't in the most northern part they would still have to suffer from snowstorms for a month and at that time it would be hard for any vegetation to survive mainly the ones found in the mountainous region.

And unfortunately the herbs Li Jun had bought as complementary from the vendor along with the Mana gathering plant happen to be the plants that grow in the mountainous region during the period they suffer from the snow storm.

The herbs needed extreme cold regions to grow but just as they are away from fully maturing they get swept by a snow storm in this region making them extremely hard to find in mature form.

And moreover, they couldn't transplant the plant because once they get transplanted to the new area as the seedling they die promptly. The only way to plant these herbs is to plant them as seeds only then they could get used to the atmosphere and survive.

Their research does buy the seed when they go out to the largest city on the Land of Elements or when some merchant brings it here to sell some but it only happens once or twice a year.

There are planted in the research team's garden but it isn't in a large amount for them to use frequently.

"Li Jun, can you sell all these herbs to your brother Zhang Junfeng? They are of great importance to the research team and rest assured I would give you the best possible price for these herbs.