Wild Boar

Shen Yijia carried a machete and headed straight for the mountains.

In her previous life, apart from fighting, there was nothing else she could do in the courtyard. She could only occasionally make some small toys.

However, at that time, the materials were limited. What she made were palm-sized mini-machines, which were much more difficult to make than a wheelchair.

There was no air pollution in this area, so Shen Yijia could smell the refreshing fragrance from the plants.

Afraid that she would get lost, she did not dare to go too deep into the forest. She did not know much about wood, she only knew that pine could be used as furniture.

Fortunately, before long, Shen Yijia saw a small pine forest.

She chose a few trees with thicker trunks and raised her machete to chop down a few.