Local Gangsters

However, this also made Shen Yijia realize that hunting for money was not a long-term solution. It wasn't about the danger, she was confident in herself. Anyway, if she couldn't beat him, she could run.

However, animals were also intelligent. If she hunted them too often, they would definitely run deep into the mountains. Also, if it snowed in winter, it would be difficult to hunt in the mountains.

She couldn't just sit back and do nothing when the time came. She still wanted to knock down the house and rebuild it before winter. Otherwise, winter would be too cold for the family.

It seemed like she had to think of another way to make a living.

This was the first time Shen Yijia had thought so hard about a problem. She couldn't think of a good solution even after thinking for a long time.

She walked to the entrance of Full Fortune Restaurant and was about to get into the carriage when she saw a bookstore from the corner of her eye.