
Shen Yijia found out about the incident through Bruiser.

Shen Yijia felt heartened. Indeed, she did not take in this underling for nothing. However, when she found out that Bruiser had been sent home after losing the battle, she felt embarrassed instead.

However, what could she do? No matter how embarrassing it was, she had already accepted him as her subordinate. He was under her protection.

Moreover, he had fought for her. She had to avenge him.

After Song Tiegen left, Shen Yijia glanced at Song Jingchen guiltily.

Song Jingchen closed the book in his hand. "I'll go with you."

"Hubby, you always read my mind." she thought to herself.

She also wondered what was up with him today. Why did her husband, who usually didn't like to go out, suddenly change his usual behavior and want to accompany her several times?

Shen Yijia glanced at Song Jingchen strangely and opened her mouth to say that she could go alone.