Upgraded Spiritual Liquid

The fact that there were many people in the house, coupled with the possibility of more people in the future, led to them deciding to build a two-in-one residence for guests. The kitchen and storeroom were in the front courtyard, and the back courtyard would be used as living quarters.

In the end, Song Jingchen and Third Uncle He agreed that it would cost about 150 taels of silver. Third Uncle He prepared the materials, including 15 copper coins a day for each worker. Normally, it would be 13 copper coins, but since they didn't provide lunch, they added two copper coins.

Bruiser was speechless. He also wanted to build a new house for his family. "Sister, I'll build a house next door to yours in the future."

Shen Yijia rolled her eyes. "Then do it, what are you telling me this for?" she thought to herself.

Third Uncle He and his men began to build the house. The people of Xiagou Village were envious.