Delivering Snacks

The doctor, who had not appeared yet, was probably afraid that the matter would blow up. At this moment, the doctor walked out and explained, "It's not that we don't want to sell him the medicine, but his sister is born deficient."

He continued. "Even if we use good medicine, we can barely keep her alive. Besides, they can't afford good medicine. We didn't give him the medicine because we didn't want him to waste money."

Shen Yijia thought that the doctor was reasonable and felt that what he said made sense. She let go of the apprentice.

"I have money. To get medicine for my sister."

Shen Yijia grit her teeth. She wondered if that was the only thing this person knew how to say.

She wanted to ignore him, but her heart softened when she met the young man's scarlet eyes.

Admittedly, she was not someone who willingly helped others for no reason.