Storing Food

Shen Yijia still wanted to refuse, but Song Jingchen's words inexplicably sounded in her mind. In the end, she reluctantly agreed.

In the end, they agreed that they would only take 15% of the profits from the sale. After settling the trade, Shen Yijia and the other two prepared to go to the fragrance powder shop.

As soon as the three of them left, the window of the private room on the second floor of Full Fortune Restaurant suddenly opened.

"Do you know them?" A young master dressed in luxurious clothes and holding a fan asked the middle-aged man beside him.

The man leaned forward and looked at it for a long time. When the carriage disappeared from his sight, he replied respectfully, "There's a kid inside who has something that Master wants. He suddenly disappeared a while ago. I thought he had left our Qingping Town, but I didn't expect to meet him here."