People from the Capital

Ever since that incident, Song Maolin had rarely appeared at home. After recovering from his injuries, he would occasionally come out with his head lowered and a gloomy expression.

In Song Dajiang and his wife's hearts, all of this was caused by Shen Yijia. They wished they could curse Shen Yijia to die miserably every day.

They wanted to spread rumors to sow discord, but no one in Xiagou Village dared to listen anymore.

The weather was getting colder. After her first experience of nourishing her body and upgrading the spiritual liquid, Shen Yijia roughly understood the amount of medicinal herbs she needed. It seemed to be additional information that surfaced in her mind after the first upgrade.

Shen Yijia was living a leisurely life here, completely unaware that someone in town had turned the town upside down to catch her.

When she gathered enough medicinal herbs, there was less than a month left until the new year. Snow began to fall from the sky.