Bringing You Back to the Capital

She casually adjusted her hair and said, "Back then, you got married in a hurry and so much has happened. Father and Mother wanted to bring you back."

"However, a thief broke into the house. By the time the family recovered, you had already left the capital," she continued.

Looking up, Shen Ruyun said, "You don't know how worried father and mother have been these days…"

At this point, Su Ruyun revealed a worried expression.

Shen Yijia blinked.

"A thief? You must be talking about me." she thought.


Shen Ruyun choked. Since she had already explained the situation, shouldn't this wretched girl complain about how miserable her life was? She should also ask if the thief had injured anyone and if her parents were well.

She took a deep breath, her expression almost twisting before she continued. "This time, Big Brother and I are here to bring you back so that you don't have to suffer here."