Discovering Something Strange

In the dim light of the oil lamp, their heads were close together. Neither of them made a sound.

Song Jingchen looked at it for a while before putting the box aside.

He picked up the jewelry one by one. There were four pieces in total. Two silver hairpins, a jade bracelet, and a pair of earrings.

Seeing that he was looking at the jewelry carefully and seriously, Shen Yijia held her breath and asked softly, "Did you discover anything?"

Song Jingchen said, "No."

Shen Yijia was speechless.

She must be thinking too much. Her husband was smart. "If he didn't discover any problems, then there was definitely no problem."

Shen Yijia thought firmly. Just as this thought flashed through her mind, she saw Song Jingchen pick up the two silver hairpins and shake them.

He must have noticed something because he placed one of the sticks on the oil lamp to heat it up.