Wanting to Eat

In the end, Auntie Tian bought a lot of brown rice from Widow Wang. Although Widow Wang liked to take advantage of others, she had some standards. In her opinion, the An family was worse off compared to her own family. Their medical bills were a burden all year round.

Therefore, she did not raise the price and simply sold it to Auntie Tian at the normal market price.

Shen Yijia kept her word. While using the cart to help deliver the food, she also brought the remaining wood with her.

As soon as she entered the An family's courtyard, she saw An Xiu'er, whom she had not seen for a long time, passing by the corridor wearing a brand new jacket and carrying a birdcage.

When An Xiu'er saw Shen Yijia, she paused for a moment before returning to the house with the birdcage.

"I don't know what's wrong with this girl recently. She treats that bird like a treasure every day. Ignore her." Auntie Tian tried to smooth things over for her daughter awkwardly.