Song Maolin's Death

Shen Yijia was confused, but when she couldn't understand, she chose to listen.

Due to her confidence in Song Jingchen, Shen Yijia stepped on her sled and brought Furball out the next day.

The entire village was covered in a thick layer of snow.

Shen Yijia put on her cloak and went straight to the Song family's old residence.

She wanted to verify if Song Maolin had gotten himself killed. If he hadn't, then she would kill him.

When they were still some distance away from the old residence, they heard heart-wrenching cries coming from the house.

Shen Yijia raised her eyebrows. "Did he actually get himself killed?" she thought.

Before she could think of a way to ask around, she saw the Saber Tyrant walk out of the courtyard cursing.

Behind him were two people carrying bags.