Fan Mingyuan's Realization

In the living room, the man who called himself the Chicken King was wearing a mask and sitting on an armchair with his legs crossed. When he saw Fan Mingyuan enter, he stood up casually and cupped his hands at him. "County Magistrate."

Fan Mingyuan hated such unruly people the most. He frowned slightly. His trust in this person's words was greatly reduced.

However, because he was a gentleman, he did not chase the person away immediately. He nodded and asked, "Chicken King?"

He should have known. Someone with such a name could not possibly be a well-behaved person.

"That's me." The Chicken King sat back in his chair and took a sip from his teacup.

Fan Mingyuan frowned and walked to the main seat. "I heard that you have something to tell me. What is it?"

"Well…" The Chicken King glanced at Teacher Ma, who had followed Fan Mingyuan in, and hesitated.