Something Happened to the Disinherited Crown Prince

It wasn't just Shen Yijia, even Madam Li was speechless. No one expected An Xiu'er to be so bold. However, now that the government had already registered her name, there was no point in thinking about it. Madam Li could only comfort Auntie Tian. "Don't be anxious. There are so many beautiful women. She might not be chosen. She might be eliminated."

Actually, Madam Li also knew that with An Xiu'er's looks, the possibility of this happening was very low unless she made a mistake. However, which woman could make a mistake and come out alive? She understood, but she did not dare to say it out loud.

Auntie Tian did not understand the complexity of the situation. She seemed to think that it made sense. How could a country girl compare to those noble ladies? Auntie Tian made up her mind to marry An Xiu'er off as soon as she came back, regardless of whether Xiu'er had someone in her heart.

Otherwise, she was really afraid that An Xiu'er would cause trouble.