Deposed Queen Song Li

Shangguan Yu and Lianshan turned around and saw the Eldest Prince, Shangguan Pu, and the Fourth Prince, Shangguan Yao, walking towards them.

"Eldest Prince, Fourth Prince." Lianshan cupped his hands.

"Fourth Brother, how can you speak to Second Brother like that? Aren't you going to apologize?" Shangguan Pu reprimanded him in a low voice.

Without waiting for Shangguan Yao to speak, Shangguan Yu waved his hand indifferently and said gently, "It's fine."

"First Brother, did you see that? Second Brother isn't that petty. You're the one who's making a mountain out of a molehill." Shangguan Yao mocked.

Shangguan Pu frowned and said in a neutral tone, "That's because Second Brother has a good temper and doesn't stoop to your level. You have to know your limits."

He then explained to Shangguan Yu, "Yao'er has been spoiled by Mother and I. Second Brother, please don't take offense."