Song Jingchen Is Injured. Jiajia Is Worried

Song Jingchen reached out and stopped him. "Uncle Yang, you're an old man in the residence. There's no need to be like this."

Even though he had guessed it when he heard that Song Jingchen had come personally, Uncle Yang was so excited that tears welled up in his eyes when he saw that Song Jingchen was standing in front of him.

"Eldest Young Master, have your legs really recovered?" He wanted to ask why he hadn't told him about the letter before, but he remembered that he had to hide it. The letter wasn't foolproof, so he didn't ask.

Song Jingchen sat down at the table and gestured for Uncle Yang to sit down before saying, "Let's not talk about this for now. Let's talk about the situation in the city first."

Uncle Yang was no easier to deal with than Shangguan Han. He did not want to expose Shen Yijia's abilities. After all, these things could not withstand scrutiny.