
Song Jingchen received South Wind's resentful gaze and coughed lightly. "There's no harm in sparring. It's helpful in improving your skills."

"No, I don't want to." South Wind thought.

It no longer mattered whether he wanted to or not, because Shen Yijia's small fist was already swinging at his face, bringing with it a strong wind.

South Wind was shocked. He had only seen Shen Yijia attack before. This was the first time he had faced it himself. If her fist hit his face, his teeth would break, right? He quickly dodged.

Shen Yijia raised her eyebrows. "You'll get beaten up if you continue to daydream."

She would let him dodge the first punch on account of her beautiful husband, but she still had to get her share back.

There was a moment of silence.

In Shangguan Han's room in the main courtyard, Yan Tai sat by the bed and dozed off bit by bit.