Jiajia Takes Action, Defeating the Enemy in One Move

Doctor Fang was stunned and looked at Mo Xu in confusion.

This was not the first time he had seen Mr. Mo Xu, but this person had always given off an unfathomable feeling. His words were unhurried, let alone his emotions.

The child, who was originally standing behind Doctor Fang, silently walked to the side and poured a cup of tea. He handed it over and said respectfully, "Sir, have some tea."

Only then did Mo Xu realize that he had lost his composure. He took a sip of the tea and placed it back in the child's hand.

He sat back on the futon and said in a low voice, "Tell me what happened."

Doctor Fang suppressed the strange feeling in his heart and explained Shangguan Han's situation in detail.

When he finished, Mo Xu scolded, "Idiot, he wasn't poisoned with the Daylily Powder at all."