Jiajia's Trick

"Achoo." Shen Yijia rubbed her nose and tightened her grip on her jacket. The weather in Xunyang City was much colder than in Xiagou Village. Shen Yijia had been wearing her jacket for a few days.

It had to be said that Mo Yuan was really omnipotent. It was unknown how her mysterious young lady taught her.

Not only was she the one preparing their daily meals, but she was also the one who sewed their winter clothes.

If not for the fact that she was short of money, Shen Yijia would have raised her monthly salary.

"Sister Jiajia, did you catch a cold? I'll get someone to add another charcoal basin," Liu Piaopiao asked with concern.

The two of them sat on a soft couch. On the table in the middle was a plate of roasted chicken.

Apart from the two of them, Cai Yun and Mo Yuan stood beside their young madams and waited on them.

Shen Yijia stuffed a piece of meat into her mouth and waved her hand. "No need. One is enough."